Top U.S. Marine Orders All Confederate Symbols Be Removed From Corps Bases

Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
They should be ordered to piss on them first

Go fuck yourself.

You are a frontrunning twat.

Anything to make yourself look noble and all righteous in the eyes of the are for it.

You could not be more transparent.
25 years of active duty and the reserves...a total of 12 different Navy and Marine corps. duty stations and I can't ever remember seeing a "Confederate symbol" of any kind...

You are confused Moon Bat.

The traitors to the Constitution were the filthy ass Yankees that used the Federal government to steal from the South. Just like the filthy Democrats are doing nowadays.

The South was right to stand up to the oppression of the Liberal Northeast assholes. God bless the Confederacy. The last real hope for freedom in North America. God damn the Union that sent thugs to kill Southerners for standing up for their rights.

The Marine Combatant is a piece of shit and should be ashamed of himself. He must only have a Jr High School knowledge of Civil War history (like you). Of course that is probably common for the queer crayon eating Marines.

No one had a "right" to own other human beings.

The biggest problem was after the Civil War, we were more interested in restoring civil peace than holding people accountable. we are STILL paying for it with revisionist history and unapologetic racists.

FINALLY, we are saying what we should have said in 1865. The Confederates were evil traitors. No one should be proud of anything they did.
The winners as you know get to promote the history the way they wish. Since everyone is guilty to you and your agendas, you are the modern day lynchers. Just in a different fashion. But bringing down the system means to bring it all down. For complete revolution. Evolution is not going to do it. Perhaps you will use this virus for it.
Moon Bats hate everything, including our troops


So they take some statues out....99.9 percent of people could care less....doesn't affect a thing.
The winners as you know get to promote the history the way they wish. Since everyone is guilty to you and your agendas, you are the modern day lynchers. Just in a different fashion. But bringing down the system means to bring it all down. For complete revolution. Evolution is not going to do it. Perhaps you will use this virus for it.

Again, buddy, does your doctor know you are off your medication. The problem with the Civil War is that the South was rewriting history since it ended. It wasn't about "Slavery" it was a bout "Northern Aggression", "States Rights" or "Economic Oppression" (all of which were over slavery, but never mind, it was the principle of the thing.

Moon Bats hate everything, including our troops

You know what I'm not seeing in those group pictures? Black people. I wonder why that is.
The winners as you know get to promote the history the way they wish. Since everyone is guilty to you and your agendas, you are the modern day lynchers. Just in a different fashion. But bringing down the system means to bring it all down. For complete revolution. Evolution is not going to do it. Perhaps you will use this virus for it.

Again, buddy, does your doctor know you are off your medication. The problem with the Civil War is that the South was rewriting history since it ended. It wasn't about "Slavery" it was a bout "Northern Aggression", "States Rights" or "Economic Oppression" (all of which were over slavery, but never mind, it was the principle of the thing.

Moon Bats hate everything, including our troops

You know what I'm not seeing in those group pictures? Black people. I wonder why that is.
There are alternate histories and slavery was admonished. It was most likely going to end within a decade or so. I am not backing up what people believe or are like as in those photos. The South was not as rich as the North. The globalists of the time wanted to get their hooks into the new powerful nation of the Western Hemisphere. It wanted to weaken it enough to bring in its financial and economic ways. It failed. But it also caused the nation to have a much stronger central government which you and many other people adore. The outside global interests got its way in 1913. The Federal Reserve Act, The Federal Income Tax and the election of Federal Senators directly by the people instead of by state legislatures put us in the globalist camp. They quickly got us into WW 1, set up the Great Depression, Got us into WW 2 and then all of these mindless wars as we use our resources for others. The citizen lives with it because there is a chance he/she is benefiting from the strong central government that keeps promoting democracy over being a Republic. Along the way social justice arose to correct wrongs while unalienable rights have been removed. And most people do not care. Most of the laws are in place to tighten the screws on us all when needed. We might want it. The surveillance abuses alone are tediously an evil upon itself. you will see what government can do in glorious bloodshed at some point. The same one that derived from the civil war and matured.
What the hell is white southern culture?

Dukes of Hazzard, White Lightening, NASCAR, and Kissing Cousins with the Banjo playing in the background while eating Hot Dogs in your Spaghetti that has ketchup as the sauce...

Never ask again!
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant
Why, because the only flag he allows to be flown is the US Flag.
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant
Why, because the only flag he allows to be flown is the US Flag.
Because we need warriors in charge not politically correct suck asses who want more women in combat

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