Top U.S. Marine Orders All Confederate Symbols Be Removed From Corps Bases

Because we need warriors in charge not politically correct suck asses who want more women in combat

A question, have you ever served?
You have asked me many times and my answer is always the same

its none of your business

Just wanted to see if you were going to be truthful. Any military unit must be ONE cohesive unit and that unit is less effective when there is turmoil such as racist symbols being allowed to be displayed by some members of that unit. So the Commandant is wise to ban that racist gargage from the Corp.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak
A question, have you ever served?
You have asked me many times and my answer is always the same

its none of your business

Just wanted to see if you were going to be truthful. Any military unit must be ONE cohesive unit and that unit is less effective when there is turmoil such as racist symbols being allowed to be displayed by some members of that unit. So the Commandant is wise to ban that racist gargage from the Corp.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting

Sorry, no pandering. So do you think it is ok for service members to just display any flag they would like to. So if a Hispanic wanted to display a Mexican Flag that is ok.
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.



Racist serving in the military don't leave their racist beliefs behind.
Being proud of our history does not make them racists
You're proud the south started a war with fellow Americans so they could keep their slaves?

What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals
You have asked me many times and my answer is always the same

its none of your business

Just wanted to see if you were going to be truthful. Any military unit must be ONE cohesive unit and that unit is less effective when there is turmoil such as racist symbols being allowed to be displayed by some members of that unit. So the Commandant is wise to ban that racist gargage from the Corp.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting

Sorry, no pandering. So do you think it is ok for service members to just display any flag they would like to. So if a Hispanic wanted to display a Mexican Flag that is ok.
The drive to rewrite history and pander to weak minded radicalized black people goes far beyond just a flag
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.
Confederate soldiers were not traitors

its hate-filled rhetoric like that which seeks to divide Americans all over again
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.

You are really confused. You must only have a Jr High School knowledge of the Civil War. Typical for an uneducated low Information Moon Bat.

Succession was legal but that asshole Lincoln decided to kill Americans to solve a political issue. He invaded parts of America with a thug army to kill Americans. Lincoln raised his filthy army to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to protect Americans. Lincoln was the traitor to the Constitution.

Take you filthy hate of America and you ignorant knowledge of history and shove it up your ass.
A question, have you ever served?
You have asked me many times and my answer is always the same

its none of your business

Just wanted to see if you were going to be truthful. Any military unit must be ONE cohesive unit and that unit is less effective when there is turmoil such as racist symbols being allowed to be displayed by some members of that unit. So the Commandant is wise to ban that racist gargage from the Corp.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting

The Liberals thrive on racial hate and division. There is nothing wrong with American military personnel showing the Confederate flag. We have several major military bases names after Confederate Generals for goodness sake. Americans honor the brave Confederate soldiers all over America. It is part of American heritage.

I fly the Confederate flag on my property. I do it to honor the brave men that stood up to tyranny. My great great great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier that served in the 9th Florida regiment and fought against the filthy Yankee invaders. By the way, both the major battles that he fought in were major Confederate victories.

That shithead Obama purged the military of the real leaders and replaced them with weak minded yes men and this asshole Marine is a great example of Obama's legacy of destroying our military. There was no need for that shithead Commandant to be an asshole. He is a despicable human being.
Succession was legal but that asshole Lincoln decided to kill Americans to solve a political issue.
Is that like South Carolina firing on Fort Sumter to solve a political issue? Many reference works style it as the opening battle of the Civil War.
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.

You are really confused. You must only have a Jr High School knowledge of the Civil War. Typical for an uneducated low Information Moon Bat.

Succession was legal but that asshole Lincoln decided to kill Americans to solve a political issue. He invaded parts of America with a thug army to kill Americans. Lincoln raised his filthy army to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to protect Americans. Lincoln was the traitor to the Constitution.

Take you filthy hate of America and you ignorant knowledge of history and shove it up your ass.
Great point

Will the Marine Corps refuse to do training on US Army forts named after Confederate generals?

as long as they have a politically biased Commandant its a possibility
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....

Morning Biff!

I see you are having some fun!

good for you!

I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.

You are really confused. You must only have a Jr High School knowledge of the Civil War. Typical for an uneducated low Information Moon Bat.

Succession was legal but that asshole Lincoln decided to kill Americans to solve a political issue. He invaded parts of America with a thug army to kill Americans. Lincoln raised his filthy army to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to protect Americans. Lincoln was the traitor to the Constitution.

Take you filthy hate of America and you ignorant knowledge of history and shove it up your ass.
Great point

Will the Marine Corps refuse to do training on US Army forts named after Confederate generals?

as long as they have a politically biased Commandant its a possibility

Yes, those pussy SJW Marines should stop sending their troops to Ft Bragg to take airborne training.


Racist serving in the military don't leave their racist beliefs behind.
Being proud of our history does not make them racists
You're proud the south started a war with fellow Americans so they could keep their slaves?

What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals

Doesn't matter why they fought, they took up arms against the United States of America which is treason.
Just wanted to see if you were going to be truthful. Any military unit must be ONE cohesive unit and that unit is less effective when there is turmoil such as racist symbols being allowed to be displayed by some members of that unit. So the Commandant is wise to ban that racist gargage from the Corp.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting

Sorry, no pandering. So do you think it is ok for service members to just display any flag they would like to. So if a Hispanic wanted to display a Mexican Flag that is ok.
The drive to rewrite history and pander to weak minded radicalized black people goes far beyond just a flag

So should a service member of Hispanic heritage be able to fly a Mexican flag?
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.

You are really confused. You must only have a Jr High School knowledge of the Civil War. Typical for an uneducated low Information Moon Bat.

Succession was legal but that asshole Lincoln decided to kill Americans to solve a political issue. He invaded parts of America with a thug army to kill Americans. Lincoln raised his filthy army to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to protect Americans. Lincoln was the traitor to the Constitution.

Take you filthy hate of America and you ignorant knowledge of history and shove it up your ass.

I see....

you are still fighting the UNCIVIL WAR!

making you a traitor to the US!
Top U.S. Marine orders all Confederate symbols be removed from Corps bases

First it was the state of Virginia removing Confederate day from the list of state holidays, thus destroying white southern culture -- now our own US military is basically siding with the traitors and haters of white culture instead of being on the side of the Confederacy??

"The commandant of the Marine Corps has ordered that all symbols connected to the Confederacy be removed from Marine installations, according to reports. Commandant General David Berger is said to have instructed that all Marine bases remove any "Confederate-related paraphernalia" worldwide, reported Task and Purpose. The order also arrives after a survey conducted by the Military Times revealed 36 percent of active-duty troops say they have personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or racist ideology from service members within their ranks in the last few months."

This is outrageous -- hopefully Trump will put a stop to this...because let's be honest, this is basically white cultural genocide...if Trump doesn't stop this, if he doesn't maintain Confederate pride within the greatest military in the world, a military that the Confederates fought so valiantly for -- then that would be a total slap in the face to his base, if not white culture in general....
I think we need a new Marine Corps Commandant

This has been the policy in the Army for years. The Marines are bringing up the rear.
Tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers is stupidity at its peak

Confederate soldiers were traitors, why should they be honored with statues.
Confederate soldiers were not traitors

its hate-filled rhetoric like that which seeks to divide Americans all over again

Fool they took up arms against the United Statesvthat is treason.
The Confederate flag is no more a racist symbol than the American flag.

The difference is the United States of America attempted to right the wrong that was being committed and that racist trash the Confederacy tried to continue the wrong.

This Commandant is attacking any symbol of the Confederacy just to appease black lives matter radicals

This Commandant is flying the ONLY symbol that needs to be flown by the US Marines and that is the American flag.
The issues that created secession only partially involved slavery and did not motivate soldiers in the field at all

this is just pandering to the black hate that liberals are promoting

Sorry, no pandering. So do you think it is ok for service members to just display any flag they would like to. So if a Hispanic wanted to display a Mexican Flag that is ok.
The drive to rewrite history and pander to weak minded radicalized black people goes far beyond just a flag

So should a service member of Hispanic heritage be able to fly a Mexican flag?

or members of the Nazi Party of America....can they fly the nazi flag and put up memorials to hitler?

Racist serving in the military don't leave their racist beliefs behind.
Being proud of our history does not make them racists
You're proud the south started a war with fellow Americans so they could keep their slaves?

What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
It was never as simple as that

slave owners were a tiny percentage of the south, and almost as numerous in the north

soldiers who fought the war did not do so to preserve slavery for others or to take it away

this just pandering to black people by guilt-ridden white liberals

Doesn't matter why they fought, they took up arms against the United States of America which is treason.
No it isnt

the southern states exercised their legal right to secede from the union and southern men enlisted in their nations military

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