Topic is On Investigation of What Half of Americans Believe - Illegal Votes Occured

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The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.

Oh I almost forgot. If your proof requires that I believe in some conspiracy theory you read on some flea bitten propaganda site dont bother.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.
The fact no evidence was presented proves it. Throw the stupid pills away, you really don't need them you are extremely stupid already.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.
The fact no evidence was presented proves it. Throw the stupid pills away, you really don't need them you are extremely stupid already.
" The fact no evidence was presented proves it. "

Come on dog. Occam's Razor

No. That only proves there was no evidence to present which supports the judges decision verifying there was no evidence.

" “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, That has not happened.” "
-Judge Brann
TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
View attachment 452549
You moron. The optics look bad. Doesn't mean anything was illegal or unlawful but the optics are the optics. If you can't see that then I cannot help you. Dumb Leftist.

The facts, you mean.
No, asshole. Tom Brady didn’t do anything wrong but was suspended for four games during deflate gate. Why? Optics.

Perception is reality.
What does that have to do with tRump priming his brainwashed base to believe he won?

Absolutely nothing, that's what.

NIce try though.
Whether he won, lost or tied, the optics look bad. Election looks flawed. That being said Biden won IMO but that is irrelevant. What is absolutely nothing is what is between your ears, leftist.
The optics only look bad to those that are idiots and looney birds though. No one cares what they think except other idiots.
I said they look bad to me for BOTH parties. But you took a partisan view and your boyfriend MarcATL liked it. Amazing it is, how ignorant you are.
Looks worse for the repubs. I dont have a partisan view. I'm neither a repub or a dem. See how ignorant you are?
You are a Democrat, little man. Sorry.
How I think it may have been done? Mail in ballots were counted 10x for one submission. Something like that. And how do we verify that wasn't the case.
How many people do you think are brave enough to face: Article 182.2 Election Fraud: Penalty: The applicable penalty range for the criminal offense of election fraud is two to ten years’ imprisonment, just to flip votes, or over count?

The people who do the counting are well aware of the penalty for cheating. Them there cheaters were some brave sumbitches, amirite?
The only brave cheaters were the 5 separate cases of republicans voting multiple times spread out over 2 red states. Not too bright in my estimation.
Cheating is cheating. Optics are bad. Too bad you can't see that.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....

Half of Americans do not believe the Election was stolen. Half of Republicans do, but that's not half of all Americans.
There are millions of people that believe it was stolen but because they don't like Trump they will never admit it....
How I think it may have been done? Mail in ballots were counted 10x for one submission. Something like that. And how do we verify that wasn't the case.
How many people do you think are brave enough to face: Article 182.2 Election Fraud: Penalty: The applicable penalty range for the criminal offense of election fraud is two to ten years’ imprisonment, just to flip votes, or over count?

The people who do the counting are well aware of the penalty for cheating. Them there cheaters were some brave sumbitches, amirite?
Plenty....because you're only guilty if you get caught. Again, I say it for both sides, leftist.
Whether he won, lost or tied, the optics look bad. Election looks flawed.

The system looks flawed because of the one thing we all knew was going to happen if DonJohn lost either in 2016 or 2020.

He said it enough times.

It was 'Rigged'!

Of course it was the system of Kangaroo Courts that stream into our lives daily that made the optic look bad, but the real courts don't evaluate cases based on the optics of the Kangaroo Courts.

Failure of the once Grand Old Party to accept and acknowledge DonJohns defeat led to violence and death during the transfer of power in 2021.

Asshole, it is not about who won or lost. Hence I said BOTH parties garnered way more votes all of the sudden and I find that hard to believe. Especially when the libertarian candidate garnered 3mil fewer votes. That is all. You stupid leftist hack loser.

I don’t find any of that hard to believe at all. People wanted Trump gone so badly that they turned out in record numbers to get rid of him. They knew that low voter turn out on the part of Democrats IN 2016 is the ONLY reason the Trump was elected in the first place. They were not going to make that same mistake twice.

The Trump campaign to their credit recognize the dumb Donald was alienating voters faster than he was recruiting new ones went on an all out voter registration campaign. There was a voter registration table at every one of his rallies over the four years he was in office. And also to their credit he turned out that vote.

But the voters who didn’t know or didn’t care enough about the election and just voted for Trump because he was the Republican candidate were few and far between. They were more who felt his handling of the Covid epidemic was one of the worst disasters in American history and refused to vote him another term.

I get that you you beta losers seem to think that Trump was loved by all, but he wasn’t. Every time he asked the American public to vote for him they voted for someone else. He lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the midterms - the worst midterm loss ever by a sitting President ever. And he lost the 2020 election.

The idea that the election was stolen from him is laughable. Nobody wanted him to be president in the first place. Nothing he has done in the four years he’s been in office would encourage anyone to reelect him.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....

Half of Americans do not believe the Election was stolen. Half of Republicans do, but that's not half of all Americans.
There are millions of people that believe it was stolen but because they don't like Trump they will never admit it....

You people have to stop lying to yourselves. No people do not believe the election was stolen unless they’re crazy for Trump. Everyone knew he was going to lose including Trump.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....

Half of Americans do not believe the Election was stolen. Half of Republicans do, but that's not half of all Americans.
There are millions of people that believe it was stolen but because they don't like Trump they will never admit it....
Can you prove there are millions of people that believe the election was stolen but will never admit it? Yeah I thought so.
How I think it may have been done? Mail in ballots were counted 10x for one submission. Something like that. And how do we verify that wasn't the case.
How many people do you think are brave enough to face: Article 182.2 Election Fraud: Penalty: The applicable penalty range for the criminal offense of election fraud is two to ten years’ imprisonment, just to flip votes, or over count?

The people who do the counting are well aware of the penalty for cheating. Them there cheaters were some brave sumbitches, amirite?
The only brave cheaters were the 5 separate cases of republicans voting multiple times spread out over 2 red states. Not too bright in my estimation.
Cheating is cheating. Optics are bad. Too bad you can't see that.
The only people that were caught cheating were repubs though.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.
The fact no evidence was presented proves it. Throw the stupid pills away, you really don't need them you are extremely stupid already.
" The fact no evidence was presented proves it. "

Come on dog. Occam's Razor

No. That only proves there was no evidence to present which supports the judges decision verifying there was no evidence.

" “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, That has not happened.” "
-Judge Brann
And what was bought to the judge? Were they filing on violations of state laws making votes invalid? Show us the transcript.
How I think it may have been done? Mail in ballots were counted 10x for one submission. Something like that. And how do we verify that wasn't the case.
How many people do you think are brave enough to face: Article 182.2 Election Fraud: Penalty: The applicable penalty range for the criminal offense of election fraud is two to ten years’ imprisonment, just to flip votes, or over count?

The people who do the counting are well aware of the penalty for cheating. Them there cheaters were some brave sumbitches, amirite?
The only brave cheaters were the 5 separate cases of republicans voting multiple times spread out over 2 red states. Not too bright in my estimation.
Cheating is cheating. Optics are bad. Too bad you can't see that.

Lying about cheating is lying. Broadcasting lies makes bad optics

Following the law and abiding by the courts decision is not bad optics. It was one of the things that use to made the USA exceptional. But not anymore, and that is bad optics too.

Lying about corruption in our courts and corruption in both parties on the State level makes bad optics
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.
The fact no evidence was presented proves it. Throw the stupid pills away, you really don't need them you are extremely stupid already.
" The fact no evidence was presented proves it. "

Come on dog. Occam's Razor

No. That only proves there was no evidence to present which supports the judges decision verifying there was no evidence.

" “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, That has not happened.” "
-Judge Brann
And what was bought to the judge? Were they filing on violations of state laws making votes invalid? Show us the transcript.
"And what was bought to the judge? "

Obviously nothing was brought to the judge or he wouldnt have said there was no factual proof.
Whether he won, lost or tied, the optics look bad. Election looks flawed.

The system looks flawed because of the one thing we all knew was going to happen if DonJohn lost either in 2016 or 2020.

He said it enough times.

It was 'Rigged'!

Of course it was the system of Kangaroo Courts that stream into our lives daily that made the optic look bad, but the real courts don't evaluate cases based on the optics of the Kangaroo Courts.

Failure of the once Grand Old Party to accept and acknowledge DonJohns defeat led to violence and death during the transfer of power in 2021.

Asshole, it is not about who won or lost. Hence I said BOTH parties garnered way more votes all of the sudden and I find that hard to believe. Especially when the libertarian candidate garnered 3mil fewer votes. That is all. You stupid leftist hack loser.

I don’t find any of that hard to believe at all. People wanted Trump gone so badly that they turned out in record numbers to get rid of him. They knew that low voter turn out on the part of Democrats IN 2016 is the ONLY reason the Trump was elected in the first place. They were not going to make that same mistake twice.

The Trump campaign to their credit recognize the dumb Donald was alienating voters faster than he was recruiting new ones went on an all out voter registration campaign. There was a voter registration table at every one of his rallies over the four years he was in office. And also to their credit he turned out that vote.

But the voters who didn’t know or didn’t care enough about the election and just voted for Trump because he was the Republican candidate were few and far between. They were more who felt his handling of the Covid epidemic was one of the worst disasters in American history and refused to vote him another term.

I get that you you beta losers seem to think that Trump was loved by all, but he wasn’t. Every time he asked the American public to vote for him they voted for someone else. He lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the midterms - the worst midterm loss ever by a sitting President ever. And he lost the 2020 election.

The idea that the election was stolen from him is laughable. Nobody wanted him to be president in the first place. Nothing he has done in the four years he’s been in office would encourage anyone to reelect him.
OMG....I said BOTH sides. They wanted him gone so badly that he got what 9mil more votes than 2016? And Assfaceias liked your post because like you he cannot read either. COVID is a global disaster. Cannot blame Trump for it.
Plenty....because you're only guilty if you get caught. Again, I say it for both sides
Let's, for a moment, picture you as a vote counting volunteer. Are you willing to risk the 2-10? You might not get caught. It could've been worth it if you personally had swung the election and got Trump in for Four More Years.

Two years is a long time.
How I think it may have been done? Mail in ballots were counted 10x for one submission. Something like that. And how do we verify that wasn't the case.
How many people do you think are brave enough to face: Article 182.2 Election Fraud: Penalty: The applicable penalty range for the criminal offense of election fraud is two to ten years’ imprisonment, just to flip votes, or over count?

The people who do the counting are well aware of the penalty for cheating. Them there cheaters were some brave sumbitches, amirite?
The only brave cheaters were the 5 separate cases of republicans voting multiple times spread out over 2 red states. Not too bright in my estimation.
Cheating is cheating. Optics are bad. Too bad you can't see that.
The only people that were caught cheating were repubs though.
Democrats were caught too. LOL.

Again, I don't believe that 81mil voted for Biden and 74mil voted for Trump. You do. You're a sheep.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Recounts were done. Verification was done.

You just lost.

Get over it.
You are a know the courts didn't allow any evidence to be presented....I know you know this and that makes you a liar....
They begged for evidence but you clowns didnt have any. You just wanted to stall the inauguration so you could fabricate some. Thats not how the system works. You have to present the evidence not beg the court to allow you time to find some.
Now that just isn't true and I think you know its not true....we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance and no one wants to hear from computer experts that have shown how millions of votes were switched over night....Trump won in a massive landslide...and the dems know this and that's why they felt the need to fence themselves in behind razor wire and armed troops....just like a 3rd world despots....
"...we have not had one evidentiary trial over election fraud even though we watched ballot counting without GOP poll watchers in attendance ..."

Prove it with evidence not silly talk. The judge said you didnt know what the fuck you were seeing and imagined someone was cheating.

MO 78th District 2016: EVIDENTIARY HEARING
NY 22nd District 2020: EVIDENTIARY HEARING

The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?


"The Democrats got their evidence heard. Why not Trump?"

Because you cant have an evidentiary hearing without any evidence you retard. :auiqs.jpg:

Dont you think that if they had some evidence they would have submitted it? You cant really be this stupid can you?
They had the evidence. The courts refused to hear it because they knew fraud would be proven. You can laugh all you want. The fact there was massive fraud is going nowhere and will be pursued until proven one way or the other. The obvious admissions of guilt have already be seen.
Well can you at least prove the courts refused to hear it? Where did you hear this from? Not Q I hope? This should be interesting.
The fact no evidence was presented proves it. Throw the stupid pills away, you really don't need them you are extremely stupid already.
" The fact no evidence was presented proves it. "

Come on dog. Occam's Razor

No. That only proves there was no evidence to present which supports the judges decision verifying there was no evidence.

" “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, That has not happened.” "
-Judge Brann
And what was bought to the judge? Were they filing on violations of state laws making votes invalid? Show us the transcript.
"And what was bought to the judge? "

Obviously nothing was brought to the judge or he wouldnt have said there was no factual proof.
So you are not going to back up what you say? Next.
Plenty....because you're only guilty if you get caught. Again, I say it for both sides
Let's, for a moment, picture you as a vote counting volunteer. Are you willing to risk the 2-10? You might not get caught. It could've been worth it if you personally had swung the election and got Trump in for Four More Years.

Two years is a long time.
Criminals never believe they will get caught. They could have claimed the "honest mistake" excuse. COVID and all. Masks and all. Late night counting and all. Again I don't believe Biden got 81mil votes and Trump got 74 mil when the Libertarian candidate got 3 mil fewer votes. Optics to me at least look bad. You disagree. That is your choice.
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