Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Because that's the ONLY other option besides torture.

Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
Wrong. Water boarding is mental anguish not torture. We train our own SOGs with that method.
We were wrong to engage in many of the interrogation tactics that we used in the months and years following 9-11.

This is borne out by the lackluster results obtained and their relative insignificance in comparison to the PR (image) hit that we are taking (again).

We need to do a better job of culling the herd to determine those most likely to succumb to more conventional interrogation techniques.

And shoot the rest.

Line em up against a wall and ask "Who's going to talk?"
No one answers ya shoot the first one. Pretty sure you'd have more conversationalist than you knew what to do with in short order.
As long as you don't mind them doing just that to US soldiers? Well, do you?
Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
Wrong. Water boarding is mental anguish not torture. We train our own SOGs with that method.
I don't believe that we hung Japanese soldiers after WWII for "mental anguish", do you?
Mmmm.... Jihadists vow retaliation after "Torture" report.
What are they going to do now, cut off a few heads, set off some car bombs, and fly hijacked planes into skyscrapers ?
They wouldnt !!!!!
Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
Wrong. Water boarding is mental anguish not torture. We train our own SOGs with that method.

You are 100% wrong. The United States has prosecuted war criminals for waterboarding.
Kinda hard to argue it isn't torture when we executed people for doing it, huh?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
Wrong. Water boarding is mental anguish not torture. We train our own SOGs with that method.

You are 100% wrong. The United States has prosecuted war criminals for waterboarding.
Really? Who?
Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.

Your position is one of a coward. It relies on aristotilian logic and ignoring the need for some forms of violence when called for. That you support government using threat of force on its OWN citizens for something as trivial as a wedding cake is proof of your cowardice.
As usual, you have it backwards. The man willing to die for what he believes in isn't a coward, and what you believe in doesn't matter, when push comes to shove, as long as you survive. This has already been shown.

Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Try applying what you just posted to your thoughts about americans that have fallen on tough times.
That is too difficult for you, I am sure.
As you type from your ivory tower.

You got that folks? So what do we do with people who BEHEAD others? We should offer them a million dollars ask "pretty pretty please" don't do it and on top of that would consider giving us some information?

for crying loud you people who think you're so HIGH and MIGHTY as you type from your ivory towers
Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.

Your position is one of a coward. It relies on aristotilian logic and ignoring the need for some forms of violence when called for. That you support government using threat of force on its OWN citizens for something as trivial as a wedding cake is proof of your cowardice.
As usual, you have it backwards. The man willing to die for what he believes in isn't a coward, and what you believe in doesn't matter, when push comes to shove, as long as you survive. This has already been shown.

Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war by America because others will die fighting for what you believe in, America?

I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.
Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.

Your position is one of a coward. It relies on aristotilian logic and ignoring the need for some forms of violence when called for. That you support government using threat of force on its OWN citizens for something as trivial as a wedding cake is proof of your cowardice.
As usual, you have it backwards. The man willing to die for what he believes in isn't a coward, and what you believe in doesn't matter, when push comes to shove, as long as you survive. This has already been shown.

Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war because others will die fighting for what you believe? I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.

Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.

Who did we hang for waterboarding?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.

Who did we hang for waterboarding?

Japanese soldiers. It's not a secret, did you really not know about that?
Leftists wringing their hands over terrorists proves yet again what I've said all along. They serve the same devil, the god of this world who is the author of both Islam and Leftism. Democrats are spiritual siblings to Muslim terrorists.
Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.

Your position is one of a coward. It relies on aristotilian logic and ignoring the need for some forms of violence when called for. That you support government using threat of force on its OWN citizens for something as trivial as a wedding cake is proof of your cowardice.
As usual, you have it backwards. The man willing to die for what he believes in isn't a coward, and what you believe in doesn't matter, when push comes to shove, as long as you survive. This has already been shown.

Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war because others will die fighting for what you believe? I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.

Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
I want the government to enforce our mutual morality, and you inability to deal with reality I cannot help. I'm lying about nothing at all. The government cannot protect you, they can only try. Shit will still happen, count on it.

And you don't "know" anything, which is what makes you so useless and immoral.
Leftists wringing their hands over terrorists proves yet again what I've said all along. They serve the same devil, the god of this world who is the author of both Islam and Leftism. Democrats are spiritual siblings to Muslim terrorists.
Those serving the God of This World are those willing to do whatever it tales to survive, regardless of what they say they believe in, and that's your kind Chief Sellout.
Just like the right wing (tea party) advocates jump right to the front and grab their combat boots.
You need to deal with it too. Twat!!

Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.

Your position is one of a coward. It relies on aristotilian logic and ignoring the need for some forms of violence when called for. That you support government using threat of force on its OWN citizens for something as trivial as a wedding cake is proof of your cowardice.
As usual, you have it backwards. The man willing to die for what he believes in isn't a coward, and what you believe in doesn't matter, when push comes to shove, as long as you survive. This has already been shown.

Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war because others will die fighting for what you believe? I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.

Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
I don't give a rat's ass about being nice to terrorists. I care about America and what some are trying to turn us into. America has always been a nation that has a been a beacon to the world because we stand for certain ideals and principals. Thank the Lord we've had so many Americans who have the courage to stand up and make sacrifices for these ideals.

I pity the quivering cowards who will trade anything for the illusion of personal safety. Thank God our nation was founded and has been defended by people who don't soil their panties and try to trade our principals for a cleaner diaper.
They have until November 2016, do they not?

Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.

No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
Wrong. Water boarding is mental anguish not torture. We train our own SOGs with that method.

You are 100% wrong. The United States has prosecuted war criminals for waterboarding.
Kinda hard to argue it isn't torture when we executed people for doing it, huh?

That is of course incorrect.

Here's the sort of thing Japanese WERE executed for.

Japanese War Crime Trials
No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.

Who did we hang for waterboarding?

Japanese soldiers. It's not a secret, did you really not know about that?
Waterboarding is one of the more benign things the Japs did. I doubt you can cite a single case of a Jap being hanged just for waterboarding.
The facts are clear - the japanese soldiers were executed for waterboarding.

Twist and spin all you want. But it would just be more honest of you to admit that your own hide is more important to you than American ideals.

It's your right to feel that way if you choose. I just pray you and your ilk NEVER become a majority. Once our enemies learn we will trade away anything out of fear, we will truly have nothing left.

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