Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

The facts are clear - the japanese soldiers were executed for waterboarding.

Twist and spin all you want. But it would just be more honest of you to admit that your own hide is more important to you than American ideals.

It's your right to feel that way if you choose. I just pray you and your ilk NEVER become a majority. Once our enemies learn we will trade away anything out of fear, we will truly have nothing left.
First of all, your heathen prayers are powerless. Second of all you fail to cite a single example of a Jap being tried just for waterboarding. Third of all you have no idea what "values" our military fights for since most of us veterans approve of the CIA's tactics.
I'm a veteran and a Christian - so your attempt to invent someone to argue with fails.

Either debate the issues or masterdebate with yourself - I don't care
I asked you for proof that a single Jap was executed just for waterboarding, not how many times you pray to your heathen god. I'm engaged in this debate, you're not. Put up or shut up.
Gent:, History supports McCain s stance on waterboarding PolitiFact

"R. John Pritchard, a historian and lawyer who is a top scholar on the trials, said the Japanese felt the ends justified the means. "The rapid and effective collection of intelligence then, as now, was seen as vital to a successful struggle, and in addition, those who were engaged in torture often felt that whatever pain and anguish was suffered by the victims of torture was nothing less than the just deserts of the victims or people close to them," he said.

Yep, that's you guys alright, almost without exception.
Gent:, History supports McCain s stance on waterboarding PolitiFact

"R. John Pritchard, a historian and lawyer who is a top scholar on the trials, said the Japanese felt the ends justified the means. "The rapid and effective collection of intelligence then, as now, was seen as vital to a successful struggle, and in addition, those who were engaged in torture often felt that whatever pain and anguish was suffered by the victims of torture was nothing less than the just deserts of the victims or people close to them," he said.

Yep, that's you guys alright, almost without exception.

Does sound pretty familiar doesn't it?
Gent:, History supports McCain s stance on waterboarding PolitiFact

"R. John Pritchard, a historian and lawyer who is a top scholar on the trials, said the Japanese felt the ends justified the means. "The rapid and effective collection of intelligence then, as now, was seen as vital to a successful struggle, and in addition, those who were engaged in torture often felt that whatever pain and anguish was suffered by the victims of torture was nothing less than the just deserts of the victims or people close to them," he said.

Yep, that's you guys alright, almost without exception.

Does sound pretty familiar doesn't it?
Absolutely. And in both cases the morality had been cast aside since all that mattered was survival. That can be justified but it can never be moral.
I asked you for proof that a single Jap was executed just for waterboarding, not how many times you pray to your heathen god. I'm engaged in this debate, you're not. Put up or shut up.

Yes, you are engaged by calling me names, speculating on my religion, and calling me a heathen, and by trying to speculate on what a "majority" of veterans think.

Middle school stuff.
ISIS commanders were contacted today and asked if they planned to retaliate for the horrors described in the Senate CIA report. They said, "Our initial reaction was to strike out as Allah would dictate....but then we heard it was all libtard bullshit...we have learned to ignore Obama and his servants".
Now sit down jake. on your high and mighty rant. or go bow to your alter of the Democrat party and your masters

Former Dem Senator Chastises Ex-Colleagues on CIA Report

BY: Alana Goodman
December 10, 2014 12:12 pm

Former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey, who served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for eight years, blasted the committee’s Democrats for their report on the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program on Tuesday.

According to Kerrey, the Democrats “started out with the premise that the CIA was guilty and then worked to prove it,” and criticized them for failing to interview the CIA operators involved in the program.

When Congress created the intelligence committees in the 1970s, the purpose was for people’s representatives to stand above the fray and render balanced judgments about this most sensitive aspect of national security. This committee departed from that high road and slipped into the same partisan mode that marks most of what happens on Capitol Hill these days. […]

The Senate’s Intelligence Committee staff chose to interview no one. Their rationale – that some officers were under investigation and could not be made available – is not persuasive. Most officers were never under investigation and for those who were, the process ended by 2012.
Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence also released a report on Tuesday rebutting the claim that the CIA’s program was ineffective and arguing that the intelligence gathered through it saved lives.

ALL of it here:
Former Dem Senator Chastises Ex-Colleagues on CIA Report Washington Free Beacon
“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.”- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775
I asked you for proof that a single Jap was executed just for waterboarding, not how many times you pray to your heathen god. I'm engaged in this debate, you're not. Put up or shut up.

Yes, you are engaged by calling me names, speculating on my religion, and calling me a heathen, and by trying to speculate on what a "majority" of veterans think.

Middle school stuff.
Stay focused here, we're talking about torture, not Ra. Are you going to admit you can't back up your claim that people were put on trial for just waterboarding or not?
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War 75 U.N.T.S. 135 entered into force Oct. 21 1950.

Article 3
In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:

1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) Taking of hostages;

(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we're ok with throwing out the Geneva convention's convictions too, right? In the name of safety?

You DO realize that the Geneva Convention only applies between parties that have signed, don't you?

I'm not arguing whether torture is right, I'm simply saying that as a legal matter the US is only obligated to follow the Geneva Convention in regards to other signatories.

Hey... people like "Smarter" obviously follow the agreements they want...i.e. Geneva versus "1991 Cease Fire"...
How do people like "smarter" determine what agreements to follow and not to follow?
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852
so, if Americans used torture, then how is it unAmerican?
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852
so, if Americans used torture, then how is it unAmerican?
Because we say we're better than that, and we aren't, obviously.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852
so, if Americans used torture, then how is it unAmerican?
Because we say we're better than that, and we aren't, obviously.
better than what?

BTW, I never said that, so I'm not in your we.
No, you are wrong. There is a legal definition.
Which our current interrogation techniques don't fit. Mental anguish is not torture or even police detectives would be deemed torturers.

Waterboarding is torture. By definition. We've prosecuted others for it.
We hung others for it actually, but it's okay now it seems, for them and for us. Happy days.

Who did we hang for waterboarding?

Japanese soldiers. It's not a secret, did you really not know about that?

It's the "executed for weatherboarding" that I"m questioning.
Kinda hard to say it's OK when you've prosecuted and executed people for it, huh?
Hyper-partisanship creates such inane sophistry.

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