Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

If you are NOT willing to stand up for your principles, then what the hell is the point of living anyway?
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.
No, that's not me. I'm the guy who believes the elites should rule, like the Founders, and for good reasons. The pitchforks make terrible decisions, like in the case of using torture for instance.

Or making bakers make cakes for gay couples.
You still do not get that this isn't about them, it;s about us and who we are. So saying what you said is backwards. Turning into them and not maintaining our principles is what really vindicates them. But you just do not get it because you're scared and want safety.

What i want is information out of the bastards, that precludes true torture, because all you get is what you want to hear, not the truth. What I am not against is stressing the bastards, be it sleep deprivation, calorie limitation, and psychological methods if it is determined they have information we need. Some people consider that "torture" I do not, however if the person is an american citizen you can't even do that until you rescind said citizenship.

I have to say the level of torture would be dictated by how valuable the info was.
If you knew the guy had info on something that could save thousands of people and it was time do whats necessary to get that info.

You do what you need to do to get the information. Just hurting someone rarely produces results, unless you do it over a long period of time. You need to BREAK them, and that is more of a pyschological exercise than a physical one.

Torture gets the answer the torture victim thinks you want, breaking gets you the actual answer.

Pain is going to be the only option you have in a time sensitive situation.
And I would bet they'd get it out of him if he had the info. The stories you hear about people withstanding torture rather than talking are highly exaggerated.

Drugs and deception are better. Pain gets you a quick answer, and someone with the right conditioning will have a bullshit plausible story ready to give once the pain gets too great.

Plus you have to remember that you can put a person into shock and unconsciousness with too much pain, which still defeats the purpose.

I guess it still comes down to "time sensitive".
If you have the time to mentally break them? By all means do so.
But about all you could do to screw with him mentally is to tell him he can expect more and worse if he lies,for him and his family....for an extended period of time.
If you are NOT willing to stand up for your principles, then what the hell is the point of living anyway?
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.

Why not stick to debating the issue rather than trying to make a speculative personal attack? Do you have a response to the point?

I get really pissed too, but you are probably the most logical of all the folks on this thread who is taking your position. Don't toss that.

When responding to you and a few others I have no issue staying on point, PaintMyTwat on the other hand, has earned or deserves neither.
I have actual morals, and this is causing you to act out. Those willing to die for their convictions tend to cause such outbursts. It's an ugly mirror that I'm holding up for you, to see yourself as a lower animal, wedded to survival, to life, above all other things. Not to worry little friend, you have plenty of company, about seven billion of them actually.
If you are NOT willing to stand up for your principles, then what the hell is the point of living anyway?
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.
No, that's not me. I'm the guy who believes the elites should rule, like the Founders, and for good reasons. The pitchforks make terrible decisions, like in the case of using torture for instance.

Or making bakers make cakes for gay couples.
That's correct, if you bake wedding cakes that is, since there is no difference between a straight wedding cake and a gay wedding cake. Do your job, bake cakes for those with money to pay. Baking cakes is not serving God, it's business.
If you are NOT willing to stand up for your principles, then what the hell is the point of living anyway?
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.

Why not stick to debating the issue rather than trying to make a speculative personal attack? Do you have a response to the point?

I get really pissed too, but you are probably the most logical of all the folks on this thread who is taking your position. Don't toss that.

When responding to you and a few others I have no issue staying on point, PaintMyTwat on the other hand, has earned or deserves neither.
I have actual morals, and this is causing you to act out. Those willing to die for their convictions tend to cause such outbursts. It's an ugly mirror that I'm holding up for you, to see yourself as a lower animal, wedded to survival, to life, above all other things. Not to worry little friend, you have plenty of company, about seven billion of them actually.

Lol, willing to post on a message board about it is really all you can prove. Nice use of the standard "I'm a higher lifeform than you" trolling method.

You can still go suck government dick.
If you are NOT willing to stand up for your principles, then what the hell is the point of living anyway?
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.
No, that's not me. I'm the guy who believes the elites should rule, like the Founders, and for good reasons. The pitchforks make terrible decisions, like in the case of using torture for instance.

Or making bakers make cakes for gay couples.
That's correct, if you bake wedding cakes that is, since there is no difference between a straight wedding cake and a gay wedding cake. Do your job, bake cakes for those with money to pay. Baking cakes is not serving God, it's business.

So much for freedom and morals. You fucking liar I caught your ass. Nice try.
What i want is information out of the bastards, that precludes true torture, because all you get is what you want to hear, not the truth. What I am not against is stressing the bastards, be it sleep deprivation, calorie limitation, and psychological methods if it is determined they have information we need. Some people consider that "torture" I do not, however if the person is an american citizen you can't even do that until you rescind said citizenship.

I have to say the level of torture would be dictated by how valuable the info was.
If you knew the guy had info on something that could save thousands of people and it was time do whats necessary to get that info.

You do what you need to do to get the information. Just hurting someone rarely produces results, unless you do it over a long period of time. You need to BREAK them, and that is more of a pyschological exercise than a physical one.

Torture gets the answer the torture victim thinks you want, breaking gets you the actual answer.

Pain is going to be the only option you have in a time sensitive situation.
And I would bet they'd get it out of him if he had the info. The stories you hear about people withstanding torture rather than talking are highly exaggerated.

Drugs and deception are better. Pain gets you a quick answer, and someone with the right conditioning will have a bullshit plausible story ready to give once the pain gets too great.

Plus you have to remember that you can put a person into shock and unconsciousness with too much pain, which still defeats the purpose.

I guess it still comes down to "time sensitive".
If you have the time to mentally break them? By all means do so.
But about all you could do to screw with him mentally is to tell him he can expect more and worse if he lies,for him and his family....for an extended period of time.

keep someone awake for 72 hours and see how well they can resist questioning. Drug them to the point of stupor and see how well they resist. Some people consider this torture, because again, "the comfy pillow is torture".
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
In the binary world of the right wing, that's how things work.
Black or white.
Up or down.
Left or right.
Hot or cold.
Either or.

No nuance.

Nothing in between.

No thought.

No plan.
Ramsey Clark should have saved Osama from his fate so that he could have had a fair trial.....
To please progressives....and the French delicate sensibilities. Lol
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
In the binary world of the right wing, that's how things work.
Black or white.
Up or down.
Left or right.
Hot or cold.
Either or.

No nuance.

Nothing in between.

No thought.

No plan.

There is plenty of nuance in my posts below the one you quoted. I suggest you read further before opening your pie-hole.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies....

And the Jammie-clad idiot above would be loudest to whine should one dear to him/her/it be kidnapped...demanding all means be used to save that person. Let us hope that if ever happens this thread will be tossed back in his/her/its face. Then..his/her/its words be inscribed on the victim's gravestone - if there is enough to bury.
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.
No, that's not me. I'm the guy who believes the elites should rule, like the Founders, and for good reasons. The pitchforks make terrible decisions, like in the case of using torture for instance.

Or making bakers make cakes for gay couples.
That's correct, if you bake wedding cakes that is, since there is no difference between a straight wedding cake and a gay wedding cake. Do your job, bake cakes for those with money to pay. Baking cakes is not serving God, it's business.

So much for freedom and morals. You fucking liar I caught your ass. Nice try.
Again, you resort to foul personal attacks. Have you no substance, sir?
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
In the binary world of the right wing, that's how things work.
Black or white.
Up or down.
Left or right.
Hot or cold.
Either or.

No nuance.

Nothing in between.

No thought.

No plan.

There is plenty of nuance in my posts below the one you quoted. I suggest you read further before opening your pie-hole.
At least you admit that one was "binary".
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
Because that's the ONLY other option besides torture.

Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?
Here's the bottom line boys: If you approve of torture, for any reason at all, then you are not moral. If your country dose the same, then your country is worthy of nothing and cannot call itself a moral nation. In the end, if you cannot stand by when you might have been able to save lives by ignoring your morality, your core principles, then the only thing that really matters to you is survival, and that places you at the bottom of the chart. As long as you can live with that, do so, but stop pretending to be moral, when you aren't.
Depends on what your definition of 'Torture' is is. Everyone has a different version of torture. There is no consensus on the definition of torture.
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
Because that's the ONLY other option besides torture.

Yes, we can give them a talking to and maybe write a stern letter to back it up.

Here's the thing, since you classify anything they don't like as "torture," you've already removed anything more than the soft pillow and comfy chair as options.

BTW, how long do we have before you lose our bet the Republicans will impeach Obama? Not hearing a peep about that happening. Was it six months?
They have until November 2016, do they not?

You said within six months. That would be July 2015.
They don't see it that way. To them living is all that matters, not how. They would rather live as slaves than die as free men but since they don't know themselves they will never admit to such a thing. If the choice were renounce Jesus and live, or keep him and die, out goes Jesus, he'll forgive them they think. The same with rape your daughter and you both live or don't and you both die. Off will come those cute cotton panties 99 out of a 100 times. Living to them is all that really matters, obviously.

This coming from someone who wants the government to tell us how to live down to levels of minutiae is comical.

Why not stick to debating the issue rather than trying to make a speculative personal attack? Do you have a response to the point?

I get really pissed too, but you are probably the most logical of all the folks on this thread who is taking your position. Don't toss that.

When responding to you and a few others I have no issue staying on point, PaintMyTwat on the other hand, has earned or deserves neither.
I have actual morals, and this is causing you to act out. Those willing to die for their convictions tend to cause such outbursts. It's an ugly mirror that I'm holding up for you, to see yourself as a lower animal, wedded to survival, to life, above all other things. Not to worry little friend, you have plenty of company, about seven billion of them actually.

Lol, willing to post on a message board about it is really all you can prove. Nice use of the standard "I'm a higher lifeform than you" trolling method.

You can still go suck government dick.
Ever the partisan, and missing the truths completely. So be it.

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