Totalitarian White House: Armed agents seize records of reporter; Washington Times

When the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security were being formed under Bush, nobody on the far right questioned it - despite the obvious question: why would you leave such concentrated, unchecked power in place for all future administrations? The mere existence of these large levers of power increases the chances for abuse. (This is why Libertarians don't like the existence of concentrated power, because humans lack the competence, ethics and information to wield it)

Two right leaning sources questioned the Bush Surveillance State - the CATO Institute and Ron Paul.

Study history. Once these government agencies are in place, they become entrenched bureaucracies that last forever...

Here is what worries a libertarian most. Take the case of Eliot Spitzer, the most vocal critic of Bush's role in the Wall Street Meltdown. Shortly after Spitzer wrote a scathing critique of the Bush Administration, the Bush Feds used the Patriot Act to track his finances. They erected a surveillance web over his life and waited. Like the Soviets, they used a national security provision to hunt their domestic political enemies. Study history. National security has been used to grow Federal power more than anything else by an unimaginable factor. (This is why the Right, in my lifetime, has grown Washington's power more than the Dems. Study Reagan and the Cold War. He wanted Washington to be big enough not only to control the 50 states but the entire globe. He believed in the projection of American power and influence across the planet. He put military bases all over the globe and intervened in the political destinies of countries on several continents. That is, he built the biggest, most expensive, most powerful Washington of all)

And now these organizations have grown beyond control. (I remember talked about repealing the Patriot Act in 2009. The very next day Dick Chaney went on FOX News and accused him of being weak on terror.)

Voters on the right have no credibility when it comes to the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security. When their party created these things we didn't hear a peep. Put simply, the Bush administration left things in place that made it much easier for Washington to destroy the privacy and freedom of free American citizens.

It took one rogue presidency to destroy American freedom. And now the rightwing is finally waking up? Where were you people ten years ago when we needed you? Stop cheerleading for the Republican Party and help us keep both party's accountable.

Define far right so I can rub your nose in the fact that, however you define it, I can find somebody that fits your definition that questioned it.

You think this came from the White House?

If the IRS can suddenly audit Ben Carson for verbally excoriating the president, and if the White House can harangue Bob Beckel over the phone for disagreeing with Obamacare, you can bet your ass the White House might be capable of something like this.

And they can fire ObamaCare Call Center workers for talking to people they don't approve of....:eusa_whistle:


The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed it seized and reviewed Ms. Hudson’s documents but insisted it did nothing wrong.

Capt. Tony Hahn, a spokesman at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, said the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) was involved in the case because Mrs. Hudson’s husband, Mr. Flanagan, is a Coast Guard employee.

During the search of the home, said Capt. Hahn, “the CGIS agent discovered government documents labeled ‘FOUO’ — For Official Use Only and ‘LES’ — Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

Read more: Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action - Washington Times


Those items were not covered by the warrant, it was a clear 4th amendment violation and the perps should be prosecuted for civil rights violations.

No, it wasn't not a violation. Not to an attorney who understands such matters during warrant service: fruit of the investigation.
Obama doesn't have the constitutional power to do something like this.

He isn't king ;)
While that certainly is true you may rest assured a suggestive nod of his head toward an empowered lackey will bring about the same effect as would a royal command.

The same situation attends the increasing frequency of no-knock break-in raids by police taking place all over America. The goons who are conducting these largely unnecessary (and often mistaken) raids would not be doing it if they weren't sure it was in line with the authoritarian trend in American government and quietly approved by their superiors.


The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed it seized and reviewed Ms. Hudson’s documents but insisted it did nothing wrong.

Capt. Tony Hahn, a spokesman at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, said the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) was involved in the case because Mrs. Hudson’s husband, Mr. Flanagan, is a Coast Guard employee.

During the search of the home, said Capt. Hahn, “the CGIS agent discovered government documents labeled ‘FOUO’ — For Official Use Only and ‘LES’ — Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

Read more: Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action - Washington Times

Jake rushes to defend Obama's Nazi tactics


The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed it seized and reviewed Ms. Hudson’s documents but insisted it did nothing wrong.

Capt. Tony Hahn, a spokesman at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, said the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) was involved in the case because Mrs. Hudson’s husband, Mr. Flanagan, is a Coast Guard employee.

During the search of the home, said Capt. Hahn, “the CGIS agent discovered government documents labeled ‘FOUO’ — For Official Use Only and ‘LES’ — Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

Read more: Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action - Washington Times

Jake rushes to defend Obama's Nazi tactics

Nazis used warrants? Who knew?

Frank, are you really equating our federal police with the Nazi LEO and party system?

If that is true, I strongly suggest you stop posting. "They" will find you.

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed it seized and reviewed Ms. Hudson’s documents but insisted it did nothing wrong.

Capt. Tony Hahn, a spokesman at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, said the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) was involved in the case because Mrs. Hudson’s husband, Mr. Flanagan, is a Coast Guard employee.

During the search of the home, said Capt. Hahn, “the CGIS agent discovered government documents labeled ‘FOUO’ — For Official Use Only and ‘LES’ — Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

Read more: Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action - Washington Times

Jake rushes to defend Obama's Nazi tactics

Nazis used warrants? Who knew?

Frank, are you really equating our federal police with the Nazi LEO and party system?

If that is true, I strongly suggest you stop posting. "They" will find you.

The warrant did NOT authorize the seizure of her private notes. And last I checked private notes in notebooks are not labeled by the Government. You will defend anything this administration does won't you Jake?

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed it seized and reviewed Ms. Hudson’s documents but insisted it did nothing wrong.

Capt. Tony Hahn, a spokesman at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, said the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) was involved in the case because Mrs. Hudson’s husband, Mr. Flanagan, is a Coast Guard employee.

During the search of the home, said Capt. Hahn, “the CGIS agent discovered government documents labeled ‘FOUO’ — For Official Use Only and ‘LES’ — Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

Read more: Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action - Washington Times


Those items were not covered by the warrant, it was a clear 4th amendment violation and the perps should be prosecuted for civil rights violations.

No, it wasn't not a violation. Not to an attorney who understands such matters during warrant service: fruit of the investigation.

That is not even close to being true Jake.

In fact, it is so far from being true it crossed the border of fantasy and ended up in limbo.

I can back my position up with citations, want to try and prove how smart you are and end up proving, again, that you are an ignorant hack who can't win an argument about whether Muhammad Ali or Tiny Tim is the better boxer if I gave you Ali and every book on boxing ever written?
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Jake rushes to defend Obama's Nazi tactics

Nazis used warrants? Who knew?

Frank, are you really equating our federal police with the Nazi LEO and party system?

If that is true, I strongly suggest you stop posting. "They" will find you.

The warrant did NOT authorize the seizure of her private notes. And last I checked private notes in notebooks are not labeled by the Government. You will defend anything this administration does won't you Jake?

RGS, the notebooks were the fruit of the investigation of a lawful warrant.

I will always defend the lawful pursuit of authorities.

Exactly as you did in the military, troop.
RGS, the notebooks were the fruit of the investigation of a lawful warrant.

What part of the Fourth Amendment (in bold) do you find so difficult to understand?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Nazis used warrants? Who knew?

Frank, are you really equating our federal police with the Nazi LEO and party system?

If that is true, I strongly suggest you stop posting. "They" will find you.

The warrant did NOT authorize the seizure of her private notes. And last I checked private notes in notebooks are not labeled by the Government. You will defend anything this administration does won't you Jake?

RGS, the notebooks were the fruit of the investigation of a lawful warrant.

I will always defend the lawful pursuit of authorities.

Exactly as you did in the military, troop.

Jake, stop posting, you are wrong.

HEre is proof.

The government had a warrant to search a computer for evidence of identity theft. In the process of that warrant they discovered child pornography, and the court said that the warrant does not cover it.

Federal court holds police exceed scope of warrant by intentionally searching for child porn during ID theft case | Cybercrime Review

If they can't use evidence discovered on a computer they had a warrant to search, they cannot pick up notebooks that are not guns, and cannot possibly hide guns.

Those items were not covered by the warrant, it was a clear 4th amendment violation and the perps should be prosecuted for civil rights violations.

No, it wasn't not a violation. Not to an attorney who understands such matters during warrant service: fruit of the investigation.

That is not even close to being true Jake.

In fact, it is so far from being true it crossed the border of fantasy and ended up in limbo.

I can back my position up with citations, want to try and prove how smart you are and end up proving, again, that you are an ignorant hack who can't win an argument about whether Muhammad Ali or Tiny Tim is the better boxer if I gave you Ali and every book on boxing ever written?

Guess you didn't bother to read the story, they were looking for guns, guns don't hide in a flat folder and there was no indication that the papers seized were in plain view. She could have had the biggest secrets of the US in that folder and the search would be worthless for prosecution.
It would appear there was a serious breach of the law and that means heads must roll.
The agents concerned absolutely must be punished, first by losing their jobs, followed by their liberty.

As for Obama, unless he actually knew of this in advance and/or had anything to do with it such as reading the illegally taken papers, he's nothing to do with it.

If he did set this up or benefit from the event; he should also be punished.

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