Tough Guy Chris Christie Quits, Hides From Press, Public

i'm wondering if the RNC is getting all these guys n gals to quit so to garner more concentrated votes, for non-Trump candidates?
Yes. And it's too bad the mouthpiece for the RNC minimized Chris Christie because he was the best bet running to defeat Trump and assimilate his followers: crazy badass to sane badass.

The RNC thinks they just need to repitch their label and the Trumpsters will come flocking. Not with who is left. That's for sure. They fail to understand WHY people stick to Trump and don't flinch when he does outrageous things. They don't want an empty suit. And BTW, you can't artificially fill an empty suit with a cardboard cutout Christie and get the same results. Which the RNC is going to find out in the very near future..

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