Tough road ahead for GOP'ers in congress facing the 2018 mid-terms

Every election since 2010 the dem lose more ground... yet every election the predict gains.

Delusional bunch these folks.

All of you Trump supporters stopped believing the polls when they stopped favoring Trump.

that's not surprising.
No, I can give you an exact time. The morning of November 9th.

You didn't notice because you were contemplating suicide.

The DNC failed the people because they don't give a fuck about you.

No more than the GOP does.

Difference being that the grown ups on the right don't expect (or even want) the GOP to care about them. The GOP is to provide for the national defense, including border security, and to ensure that the judicial is staffed with judges loyal the United States Constitution. Beyond that, I don't give a shit about them and don't expect them to give a shit about me.
So far, right wingers in congress are enjoying the "glow" of being in the majority.....and will defend Trump's erratic (and somewhat insane) child-like behavior........

But, as the weeks pile up with moronic tweets and when false promises are exposed, these partisan hacks will have to face the reality that voters who backed Trump may take revenge on THEM for the disappointing and unfulfilled results of the demagogue inc chief's false promises.

I expect that Trump's own (new-found, really) party will begin turning on him.

More prognostications.

Good grief.

Don't you ever get tired of looking stupid ?
Trump's current approval rating is 50%..and climbing...higher than Barry's AVERAGE approval rate (which is the 3rd lowest among Presidents).

Queasy, beside the right wing sham pollsters at Rasmussen, who the fuck has Trump at 50%????
RCP has the average at 45%....and were it not for Rasmussen, he'd be further in the dumps.....LOL


The dems will lose Senate seats in 18. How many is the only question. And they won't take the House in the near future because the Dems lost ground in the states from 08-16. The dems have another chance to catch a wave in 2020 ... assuming they don't have another primary with Hillary v. a geriatric socialist.

The future is in the hands of Donal Trump.

If he delivers on his promises, then the Soros Army (democrats) are done, probably forever. The party might reform with the same name, but the international socialist party that serves Soros which exists today will be done.

If Trump fails, then the Soros Army has a chance in 18 and 20.

Score so far:

Trump 6

democrats 0

Gorsuch is assured to be confirmed, which is one of the biggest wins for Trump, technically putting the score at 7-0, but realistically putting it at 700-0; since the majority of those polled named the SCOTUS as the primary reason for voting for Trump.
The dems will lose senate seats in red states as long as Trump keeps doing what he ran on. Its what we call a "no-brainer".

Stupidity personified.......

Who ran on repeal and replace the ACA on day one???
Who ran on health care coverage for EVERYONE, cheaper and better?
Who just stated that the ACA cannot be replaced for at least one year?
Who ran on bringing back coal miners' jobs?
Who ran on defeating ISIS as soon as he stepped into the oval office because he knew more than the generals?
So far, right wingers in congress are enjoying the "glow" of being in the majority.....and will defend Trump's erratic (and somewhat insane) child-like behavior........

But, as the weeks pile up with moronic tweets and when false promises are exposed, these partisan hacks will have to face the reality that voters who backed Trump may take revenge on THEM for the disappointing and unfulfilled results of the demagogue inc chief's false promises.

I expect that Trump's own (new-found, really) party will begin turning on him.
The dems will lose senate seats in red states as long as Trump keeps doing what he ran on. Its what we call a "no-brainer".

Stupidity personified.......

Who ran on repeal and replace the ACA on day one???
Who ran on health care coverage for EVERYONE, cheaper and better?
Who just stated that the ACA cannot be replaced for at least one year?
Who ran on bringing back coal miners' jobs?
Who ran on defeating ISIS as soon as he stepped into the oval office because he knew more than the generals?

The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote, and she did. That's all they polled.

Ah lying, that is what you're best at. The fake news polls predicted over 300 EC wins for Hillary.

{Even though, as ABC News reports, Donald Trump is now up by one point in the polls, Hillary is killing it in the electoral college. The Hill reports that the Moody Analytics model is predicting that Hillary Clinton will win with 332 electoral votes. That’s well ahead of the 270 electoral votes she needs to clinch the presidency.}

Hillary Clinton Will Win Election By A Landslide, According To Moody’s Highly Reliable Election Model

With the final round of public opinion polls Monday indicating Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton within a few points one day before the election, Emerson College Polling predicted an Electoral College landslide for the former secretary of state.

A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to capture the presidency. Emerson pollsters predicted Clinton will garner 323 electoral votes compared to 215 for Trump.}
Electoral College Map Update: Pollster Predicts Hillary Clinton Landslide, Winning All Swing States Except Iowa, Ohio

You of the Soros Army sure lie a lot....
So far, right wingers in congress are enjoying the "glow" of being in the majority.....and will defend Trump's erratic (and somewhat insane) child-like behavior........

But, as the weeks pile up with moronic tweets and when false promises are exposed, these partisan hacks will have to face the reality that voters who backed Trump may take revenge on THEM for the disappointing and unfulfilled results of the demagogue inc chief's false promises.

I expect that Trump's own (new-found, really) party will begin turning on him.

you are dreaming, gnat. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the dem party. The party of Kennedy and Truman is dead. Idiots like Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Franken, and Warren just keeping digging the grave deeper.

I enjoy watching them self destruct.

The far right cabinet will show Redfish that he is a fish out of water soon enough..

LOL, Trump and his cabinet have done more positive things for this country in 3 weeks than Obama and Bush did in 16 years.

We finally have a president who knows what needs to be done and how to do it.
he opened the screen/ curtain and the establishment doesn't like it. that's all.
Pure fiction.
As long as the GOP doesn't derail the global economy again like bush delay and hastert did. Even then it took America 6 years to realize it because the media is corporate not liberal
Ha, Democrats gloating over wins that haven't even happened. Sound familiar? Personally, i think their awful behavior since Trump took office, is gonna backfire on em bigtime.

The 'Silent Majority' decides these things. And they're not too happy about the daily Democrat hissy-fits. They've turned the US Congress into the Jerry Springer Show. So i wouldn't celebrate just yet Democrats.
Stupidity personified.......

Who ran on repeal and replace the ACA on day one???

Who signed an EO to repeal fascistcare day one?

Trump 1
Soros Army 0

Who ran on health care coverage for EVERYONE, cheaper and better?

Obama, who instead gave us fascistcare.

Soros Army -1

Who just stated that the ACA cannot be replaced for at least one year?

The grown up, who is working with congress to craft an actually workable system.

Who ran on bringing back coal miners' jobs?
Who ran on defeating ISIS as soon as he stepped into the oval office because he knew more than the generals?

And you doubt that he'll do both? :rofl:

You live in a fantasy world (called KOS)
Breaking: OP predicts Trump, Pence to resign in 2018, Hillary appointed POTUS, Dem's retake the House and Senate. My God its the end of the GOP oh the humanity. :lmao:
Breaking: OP predicts Trump, Pence to resign in 2018, Hillary appointed POTUS, Dem's retake the House and Senate. My God its the end of the GOP oh the humanity. :lmao:

Yeah, i'm waiting for the usual suspect wingnuts to join this OP in declaring the Republican Party 'Dead'... Again.

We know who they are. Stay tuned. :)
So far, right wingers in congress are enjoying the "glow" of being in the majority.....and will defend Trump's erratic (and somewhat insane) child-like behavior........

But, as the weeks pile up with moronic tweets and when false promises are exposed, these partisan hacks will have to face the reality that voters who backed Trump may take revenge on THEM for the disappointing and unfulfilled results of the demagogue inc chief's false promises.

I expect that Trump's own (new-found, really) party will begin turning on him.

"These are" the funniest stupid OPs you "write." The ones where "you provide no" insight beyond the crap you "claimed before he" kicked your ass the "first time." Read Einstein's "definition of" insanity, LOL

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