Tourists Hide Their Faces In Shame For What They're About To Do

thanks Danny , good post but the wackos are probably still sniveling into their cheeios or BACON and eggs !!:afro:
Rich people usually don't engage in fair-chase hunting. They use their money to stack the deck in their favor. It's not hunting - it's just killing.
hey Lakhota , go check out Buffalo Jump , think its in SDakota . Indians would stampede buffalo herds off cliffs and cut up the carcasses after the herd was DEAD !! Pretty efficient method of killing that is centuries old , probably older .

Yeah, but consider the era in which that happened and the weapons available and why they needed that meat and hide.
They needed the meat and the hides for the same reason we need them today.
Rich people usually don't engage in fair-chase hunting. They use their money to stack the deck in their favor. It's not hunting - it's just killing.
hey Lakhota , go check out Buffalo Jump , think its in SDakota . Indians would stampede buffalo herds off cliffs and cut up the carcasses after the herd was DEAD !! Pretty efficient method of killing that is centuries old , probably older .

Yeah, but consider the era in which that happened and the weapons available and why they needed that meat and hide.
They needed the meat and the hides for the same reason we need them today.

Today we have many alternatives to buffalo meat and hides. Native Americans on the plains did not.
Rich people usually don't engage in fair-chase hunting. They use their money to stack the deck in their favor. It's not hunting - it's just killing.
hey Lakhota , go check out Buffalo Jump , think its in SDakota . Indians would stampede buffalo herds off cliffs and cut up the carcasses after the herd was DEAD !! Pretty efficient method of killing that is centuries old , probably older .
Yeah, but consider the era in which that happened and the weapons available and why they needed that meat and hide.
They needed the meat and the hides for the same reason we need them today.
Today we have many alternatives to buffalo meat and hides. Native Americans on the plains did not.
We still need food and clothing. Animals are a legitimate source of both.
Rich people usually don't engage in fair-chase hunting. They use their money to stack the deck in their favor. It's not hunting - it's just killing.
hey Lakhota , go check out Buffalo Jump , think its in SDakota . Indians would stampede buffalo herds off cliffs and cut up the carcasses after the herd was DEAD !! Pretty efficient method of killing that is centuries old , probably older .

Yeah, but consider the era in which that happened and the weapons available and why they needed that meat and hide.
Ya Pocahontas. You know. Primative people having the survive off the land. 'Hunting'!!!!!!!!!!! Actuallu KILLING animals to eat! They didn't have any weapons that were capable of bringing down a buffalo so they ran the fucking buffalo off cliffs. Excellent idea BTW.
You know. Like your fucking anchestors had to do.
Over the years I have spent time visiting some basically Stone Age tribes in Africa.
What the tribe did in this instance was tell the 'hunters' "sure if you want to 'Big White Hunter' and kill a bunch of food for us and pay to do it fill your fucking boots".
The fucking sicko 'hunters' got what they wanted and the local tribe ate well and the number of pests destroying the tribe's gardens was reduced.
Win Win.
Like when 'Big Mike' was put out of everyone else's misery. Win Win.
Rich people usually don't engage in fair-chase hunting. They use their money to stack the deck in their favor. It's not hunting - it's just killing.
hey Lakhota , go check out Buffalo Jump , think its in SDakota . Indians would stampede buffalo herds off cliffs and cut up the carcasses after the herd was DEAD !! Pretty efficient method of killing that is centuries old , probably older .

Yeah, but consider the era in which that happened and the weapons available and why they needed that meat and hide.
They needed the meat and the hides for the same reason we need them today.

Today we have many alternatives to buffalo meat and hides. Native Americans on the plains did not.
That's right fuck-wit. BUT many tribes in Africa are basically living TODAY like your ancestors did. Wake the fuck up!!!
What are you like twelve?
These tribes don't have "alternatives" like driving to the convenience store.
They still rely on the animals around them to eat to fucking live.
I thought redskins were supposed to be 'aware' about the facts of living off what nature provides. Not you.
aw c'mon Lakhota , read some 'm14' and 'Dannyboy' and learn a thing or 2 ehh !!
I like to hunt myself, and have done a lot of it. I love to fish too, and my family has done both for ages. But we consumed whatever we harvested. This killing for "sport" is senseless, and I don't agree with. I know that sometimes culling is also required, which is unfortunate, but in most cases culled animals go to homeless shelters and disadvantaged families for sustenance. Killing just to kill isn't right.
this is a smartness test --- did you ' BUY ' that 'pet rock' or did you pick a FREE rock up off the ground Lakhota ??
I like to hunt myself, and have done a lot of it. I love to fish too, and my family has done both for ages. But we consumed whatever we harvested. This killing for "sport" is senseless, and I don't agree with. I know that sometimes culling is also required, which is unfortunate, but in most cases culled animals go to homeless shelters and disadvantaged families for sustenance. Killing just to kill isn't right.
babboons , warthogs and the other guy , what was it . Anyway not suitable for pets and the silly concept of 'homeless shelters' seems kinda expensive for a poor country '007' .
I like to hunt myself, and have done a lot of it. I love to fish too, and my family has done both for ages. But we consumed whatever we harvested. This killing for "sport" is senseless, and I don't agree with. I know that sometimes culling is also required, which is unfortunate, but in most cases culled animals go to homeless shelters and disadvantaged families for sustenance. Killing just to kill isn't right.
babboons , warthogs and the other guy , what was it . Anyway not suitable for pets and the silly concept of 'homeless shelters' seems kinda expensive for a poor country '007' .

Antelope was the third specie.
it was Baboon, warthog and antelope . BABOON can be dangerous to humans , same for warthogs , antelope are made for human eating and were designed to be ET . Warthogs and baboons can be dangerous to the human and in the wild eat crops meant to feed humans . They are destructive pests and varmints .
I like to hunt myself, and have done a lot of it. I love to fish too, and my family has done both for ages. But we consumed whatever we harvested. This killing for "sport" is senseless, and I don't agree with. I know that sometimes culling is also required, which is unfortunate, but in most cases culled animals go to homeless shelters and disadvantaged families for sustenance. Killing just to kill isn't right.
babboons , warthogs and the other guy , what was it . Anyway not suitable for pets and the silly concept of 'homeless shelters' seems kinda expensive for a poor country '007' .
Then it was killing for the sake of killing. As I said, I don't think it's right.

Kill to eat, kill to defend yourself, but kill for FUN... aaaahh... I'm not on board with that, in any country, and killing any animal.
it was Baboon, warthog and antelope . BABOON can be dangerous to humans , same for warthogs , antelope are made for human eating and were designed to be ET . Warthogs and baboons can be dangerous to the human and in the wild eat crops meant to feed humans . They are destructive pests and varmints .
So if there's an over population of baboons and warthogs and they're actually damaging crops or they're a danger, that would be a case of justified need to cull them, but just about anything is edible. They should be used for food. But if that were the case, then why were the bubble heads in the picture hiding their face? I wouldn't, if I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong.
I have no problem with killing animals for the purpose of controlling them or eating them , culling them or getting their fur , ivory , BACON or anything else .

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