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Toxic Government by Democrats: Detroit

Funny that the republicans did not get what they wanted. Instead, democrats got what they wanted, an auto bailout and then, after Detroit falls and goes bankrupt, it still the republicans fault…..

Fail, even for you.

Republicans are running the state and letting it fall apart so they can seize communities, appoint "emergency managers", undo elections and gerrymander.

It's astonishing really.

Wow. That screams "conspiracy theory".

The rest of the state is doing somewhat fine. It's Detroit that's the problem. If it wasn't for Detroit, the state would probably be in great shape.

Don’t bother. Sallow sees a problem and declares that republicans caused it. I am sure that Swallow would advocate that John Edwards was driven to depravity because of republican influence, anything wrong on Obama’s watch is directly because of Bush and the twin towers fell because republicans stopped democrats from protecting us.

NOTHING about Detroit even whimpers republicans. They are deep blue and followed the core of democrat thinking. I don’t really even care if that had nothing to do with Detroit’s fall at all anyway. I really don’t blame the ‘democrats’ for Detroit anyway but claiming that republicans caused their dire straits is rather inane.
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Detroit should have gone bankrupt. It would have been the best thing to happen to them.
It was Republicans who wanted to let Detroit die.

bwahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhhaahhahhahhhahahahaa!!! so the republicans put in power a 30 year old something kid? so the republicans made all those sweet union deals to destroy that city? what a joke.
Dem-Controlled Detroit Defaults

June 17, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


In Detroit, more than a half-century of Democratic rule has taken the ultimate toll. On Friday, Kevyn Orr, the emergency fiscal manager appointed March 1 by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, announced that the city intends to default on approximately $2.5 billion in unsecured debt. That default is detailed in a 128-page restructuring report aimed at preventing the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history. “We have to strike a balance between the legacy obligations to our creditors and our employees and retirees and the duty as a city to 700,000 residents for lights, police, fire, emergency management, cleaning the streets,” Orr told reporters.

Reality hit home on Friday when the city missed a $39.7 million payment on a debt obligation used to fund pensions. Orr met in a closed-door session with about 180 of the city’s creditors, including bond holders, union representatives, pensions trustees and others, seeking critical concessions that include taking ten cents on the dollar for what those creditors are owed, while underfunded pensions plans may get even less. Even if the deal is acceptable, Detroit’s chances of going bankrupt remain 50-50. “This is not a jaded effort just to get to a bankruptcy filing,” said Orr. “I sincerely want people to behave rationally and take this opportunity to work together.”


Orr wants to avoid bankruptcy. “What the average Detroiter needs to understand is that where we are right now is a culmination of years and years and years of kicking the can down the road,” he said, insisting his proposal should not be seen as a “hostile act,” but a step in the right direction. Maybe so, but it seems like an impossible task, given the reality that the city has spent $100 million more than it takes in every year since 2008. In three words, Orr expressed the reality that Detroit and several other cities mismanaged by years of Democratic control currently face.

“We’re tapped out,” he said.

Dem-Controlled Detroit Defaults | FrontPage Magazine

[ Ditsy looking progressive/liberal ]

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”

July 19, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is a reminder that the judicial activism of generations of judges creates a high level of unprofessionalism in succeeding generations of men and women on the bench until they no longer really understand what they can and can’t do.

But the other factor here is that Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is an elected official in a state where unions have a death grip on local elections. The law she’s following is the law of “You rub my back and I’ll rub yours.”

Finally the judge is a former aide to a Democratic state senator. So if there’s any doubt at all as to her ideological orientation, that should dispel it.


Meanwhile Detroit’s recovery will continue to be crippled as the same Democratic politicians who have destroyed it will go on destroying it.

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it ?Dishonors Obama? | FrontPage Magazine

WHY are they going bankrupt? and was this article about Detroit or auto manufacturers?

funny I thought you liberals hated corporate welfare? unless a Democrat does it......

Why are they going "bankrupt"?

Same reason for every state in the Union with Financial woes.

Conservative policies.

This is what happens when you let manufacturers dictate policy and legislation to government. Blight.


[ Ditsy looking progressive/liberal ]

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”

July 19, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is a reminder that the judicial activism of generations of judges creates a high level of unprofessionalism in succeeding generations of men and women on the bench until they no longer really understand what they can and can’t do.

But the other factor here is that Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is an elected official in a state where unions have a death grip on local elections. The law she’s following is the law of “You rub my back and I’ll rub yours.”

Finally the judge is a former aide to a Democratic state senator. So if there’s any doubt at all as to her ideological orientation, that should dispel it.


Meanwhile Detroit’s recovery will continue to be crippled as the same Democratic politicians who have destroyed it will go on destroying it.

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it ?Dishonors Obama? | FrontPage Magazine

Ken Klee, a bankruptcy lawyer at Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP, said the Judge Aquilina's orders could be coming too late in the Detroit bankruptcy case. "The state judge could not order Detroit to dismiss the case or Kevyn Orr to dismiss it, because once it's filed the automatic stay under the bankruptcy code kicks in, to protect the city and its employees from lawsuits," he said.
Detroit bonds drop, judge seeks to halt bankruptcy filing | Reuters.com

[ Ditsy looking progressive/liberal ]

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”

July 19, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is a reminder that the judicial activism of generations of judges creates a high level of unprofessionalism in succeeding generations of men and women on the bench until they no longer really understand what they can and can’t do.

But the other factor here is that Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is an elected official in a state where unions have a death grip on local elections. The law she’s following is the law of “You rub my back and I’ll rub yours.”

Finally the judge is a former aide to a Democratic state senator. So if there’s any doubt at all as to her ideological orientation, that should dispel it.


Meanwhile Detroit’s recovery will continue to be crippled as the same Democratic politicians who have destroyed it will go on destroying it.

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it ?Dishonors Obama? | FrontPage Magazine

So she's saying "no" for political reasons? Hmmm...that'll get her kicked off the bench.
Detroit Tops 2013 List Of America's Most Miserable Cities

Kurt Badenhausen

Forbes put Detroit Mayor Dave Bing on its cover in 2011 for a story with the optimistic headline: “City of Hope.” The premise was that the city had hit rock bottom and was poised for a turnaround.

“Right now, it’s all about survival,” Bing told Forbes.

Two years later, Detroit’s problems continue to multiply, sadly. It is still dealing with high levels of violent crime and unemployment. Home prices, already at historic lows, plummeted a further 35% during the past three years to a median of $40,000 as net migration out of the city continued.

The latest blow was Tuesday’s announcement that the city is on the verge of being taken over by the state. Detroit is in a financial emergency and cannot pay its bills. The city has been issuing debt to fund day-to-day operations. The continuing problems propelled Detroit to the top spot in our 2013 ranking of America’s Most Miserable Cities.


Detroit Tops 2013 List Of America's Most Miserable Cities - Forbes

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Detroit’s Present, America’s Future

July 22, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Last Thursday in Detroit, 60 consecutive years of progressive Democratic governance, in collaboration with rapacious government employee unions, produced an inevitable conclusion: the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the nation. “This is a difficult step, but the only viable option to address a problem that has been six decades in the making,” said Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who approved the filing after emergency manager Kevyn D. Orr recommended the move. Orr revealed the city’s enormous debt load is somewhere between $18 billion and $20 billion. City employee Terence Tyson succinctly summed up the devastation. “It’s sad, but you could see the writing on the wall,” he said. “This has been coming for ages.”

Indeed it has. The precipitous fall of the so-called “arsenal of democracy” has been stunning in both its scope and duration. In 1960, Detroit had the highest per-capita income in the nation. Now, in 2013, it is the nation’s poorest city, besieged by the inevitable dysfunction that attends such a dubious distinction. The current unemployment rate, which has tripled since 2000, remains double the national average. The murder rate has reached a 40-year high, making it home to the three most dangerous neighborhoods in America. More than 78,000 properties have been abandoned, and there are no buyers for houses on sale literally for a single dollar. The population has declined from 1.8 million in 1950, to 700,000 today–47 percent of whom are functionally illiterate.


That class of so-called community organizers includes Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, whose own brand of fiscal recklessness, aka Quantitative Easing, has largely obscured the reality that America’s finances are every bit as precarious as Detroit’s. Yet as Detroit indicates, the day of reckoning can only be postponed, not eliminated. If Americans don’t wake up soon to the utter destruction wrought by prime-the-pump, tax-and-spend, liberal Democratic ideology, they will no longer have to worry about Detroit. Everywhere else in the nation will be just like it.

Detroit?s Present, America?s Future | FrontPage Magazine

Funny that the republicans did not get what they wanted. Instead, democrats got what they wanted, an auto bailout and then, after Detroit falls and goes bankrupt, it still the republicans fault…..

Fail, even for you.

Republicans are running the state and letting it fall apart so they can seize communities, appoint "emergency managers", undo elections and gerrymander.

It's astonishing really.

yeah Detroit was in great shape....pre 60s.....lots of democrats have been in power since then....so not an excuse. When they became leftwing crazies, then it started falling apart


What do all of these places have in common? High crime, no jobs, and .....all are run by democrats...every single one. You guys really dont even try to understand the issue do you?

Is voting the guy with the D, THAT important that you ignore all facts, reason and logic?
How Taxpayers Will Bail Out Detroit

July 30, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew ostensibly ruled out a federal government bailout of Detroit following its recent declaration of bankruptcy. “You know George, Detroit’s economic problems have been a long time in developing…I think when it comes to the questions between Detroit and its creditors, that’s what Detroit is going to have to work out with the creditors,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. Not quite. Detroit is proposing an effort to offload much of its bloated healthcare costs onto the American taxpayer, using ObamaCare as the vehicle for doing so.

“The Affordable Care Act does change the possibilities here dramatically,” said Neil Bomberg, a program director at the National League of Cities. “It offers a very high-quality, potentially very affordable way to get people into health care without the burden falling back onto the city and town.” In reality, the proposal would do nothing more than shift the so-called “burden” of fiscal irresponsibility produced by decades of “city and town” politicians colluding with labor unions onto other cities and towns that had nothing to do with that irresponsibility. As for “affordability,” such a statement is equally nonsensical. More affordability for Detroit, and other progressive sinkholes, equals less affordability for those expected to make up the difference.

Furthermore, Detroit is hardly an isolated case. A study conducted by the Pew Charitable Trusts revealed that “61 key cities across America … emerged with a gap of more than $217 billion between what they had promised their workers in pensions and retiree health care and what they had saved to pay that bill.”


“We can expect other cities to pick up on this,” said Richard Nathan, the institute’s former director of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government. “I expect it to mushroom.” What is really mushrooming is the thinly veiled attempt to take the Democrat party’s unholy alliance with public service employees — in all its municipal and state budget-busting glory — and “redistribute” such misery nationwide. While it is happening, expect more Obama administration officials to continue denying, exactly as Lew did, that a “federal bailout” of Detroit is on the table. Under the table is more like it.

How Taxpayers Will Bail Out Detroit | FrontPage Magazine

WHY are they going bankrupt? and was this article about Detroit or auto manufacturers?

funny I thought you liberals hated corporate welfare? unless a Democrat does it......

Why are they going "bankrupt"?

Same reason for every state in the Union with Financial woes.

Conservative policies.

This is what happens when you let manufacturers dictate policy and legislation to government. Blight.

"conservatives policies" in Detroit??? are you a total fucking lunatic? The car companies did not dictate anything, the UAW did. Democrats, liberals, unions, and black leadership is why detroit is a bankrupt hellhole.
Funny that the republicans did not get what they wanted. Instead, democrats got what they wanted, an auto bailout and then, after Detroit falls and goes bankrupt, it still the republicans fault…..

Fail, even for you.

Republicans are running the state and letting it fall apart so they can seize communities, appoint "emergency managers", undo elections and gerrymander.

It's astonishing really.

yeah Detroit was in great shape....pre 60s.....lots of democrats have been in power since then....so not an excuse. When they became leftwing crazies, then it started falling apart


What do all of these places have in common? High crime, no jobs, and .....all are run by democrats...every single one. You guys really dont even try to understand the issue do you?

Is voting the guy with the D, THAT important that you ignore all facts, reason and logic?

facts, reason, and logic are not components of liberal thought processes.

they simply feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel things.
The more I see Leftists post the more that saying about, "You have to be insane to be a liberal" rings true.. This thread is proof that libruls are divorced from absolute truth and reality.
The more I see Leftists post the more that saying about, "You have to be insane to be a liberal" rings true.. This thread is proof that libruls are divorced from absolute truth and reality.

I think the reality is that they do not want to admit to themselves that their liberal philosophy is a bunce of lies and bullshit.

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