Toxic meth waste formula


Feb 21, 2013
For every two boxes of psuedoeffedrine used to manufacture Methamphetamine there is approximately One quart of spent coleman fuel that most likely gets flushed into our local sewer systems., Or disposed of into our fields an streams,,. I could safely say that 50% of our nations psuedoeffedrine cosumption Is used for cooking Meth This is a major environmental grievance,,. The only way to stop the domestic manufacturing of meth is to ban psuedoeffedrine Products From sale in our states<,.. An If a person has a tru medical need for Psuedoeffedrine products They should have to obtain a doctors perscription Wth a registry system That moniters such individuals,,. An a clause of if a person is convicted of a meth related offense They are Banned From such products for Life!!!!
For every two boxes of psuedoeffedrine used to manufacture Methamphetamine there is approximately One quart of spent coleman fuel that most likely gets flushed into our local sewer systems., Or disposed of into our fields an streams,,. I could safely say that 50% of our nations psuedoeffedrine cosumption Is used for cooking Meth This is a major environmental grievance,,. The only way to stop the domestic manufacturing of meth is to ban psuedoeffedrine Products From sale in our states<,.. An If a person has a tru medical need for Psuedoeffedrine products They should have to obtain a doctors perscription Wth a registry system That moniters such individuals,,. An a clause of if a person is convicted of a meth related offense They are Banned From such products for Life!!!!

Talk about throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

When i get a serious sinus headache Sudafed (the real stuff) is the only thing that helps me.

Just because other people use the crap to make meth I have to go through hoops to be able to function?
IM sure yer sinus cold is more importaint than the environment or drug addiction NOT to mention our over crowded court systems an prison systems the thousands of persons whom become ward of the social security system Not to mention that there are hundreds of cold an sinus medications that are not used to manufacture toxic waist an drugs that ruin households HOW would you like to be an child whom wakes to an methed up parent every morning.., Or an sexually abused teen girl whoms uncle beats an molestes her daily ( I think the damages far outweigh any good) Not to mention that only 1 out of 10 boxes are used by persons wth a cold) for every box used for legitimate uses 20 grams of methamphetamine gets manufactured an keeps a dozen persons high for weeks While opperating motor vehicals on our roadways an monitering our children.., While high as a KIT
IM sure yer sinus cold is more importaint than the environment or drug addiction NOT to mention our over crowded court systems an prison systems the thousands of persons whom become ward of the social security system Not to mention that there are hundreds of cold an sinus medications that are not used to manufacture toxic waist an drugs that ruin households HOW would you like to be an child whom wakes to an methed up parent every morning.., Or an sexually abused teen girl whoms uncle beats an molestes her daily ( I think the damages far outweigh any good) Not to mention that only 1 out of 10 boxes are used by persons wth a cold) for every box used for legitimate uses 20 grams of methamphetamine gets manufactured an keeps a dozen persons high for weeks While opperating motor vehicals on our roadways an monitering our children.., While high as a KIT

So again, I get punished for someone else doing something illegal. And yes, my sinusitis (chronic) is important to me as I can't function when it flares up.

Why not throw away the constitutional protections for searches, jury trial and others because someone who makes meth can be protected by things like that?

Argumentum ad absurdum at its finest.
If yer not part of the solution your part of the problem an have any of you heard Two wrong don't make a right ,,.And as an american its not our right nor privalage to legalize meth!! anyone whom believes they should is totally OFF BUBBLE,../ Im wandering if you believe its ok to huff roach poison or teach yer children ITS OK TO USE METH,,. AN PERHAPS if you believe its ok you should be stationed on the farms that are contaminated so you can drink the poisoned water and bath in it daily.., That crap poisoned an killed my family beagle on a farm we rented THANKS TWEAKERS
If yer not part of the solution your part of the problem an have any of you heard Two wrong don't make a right ,,.And as an american its not our right nor privalage to legalize meth!! anyone whom believes they should is totally OFF BUBBLE,../ Im wandering if you believe its ok to huff roach poison or teach yer children ITS OK TO USE METH,,. AN PERHAPS if you believe its ok you should be stationed on the farms that are contaminated so you can drink the poisoned water and bath in it daily.., That crap poisoned an killed my family beagle on a farm we rented THANKS TWEAKERS


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