TP: Hispanic Evangelicals Threaten To Abandon Republicans Over Immigration

And the way the Right howls on threads like this one, also on this one:

House Republicans still want to rip out the 14th amendment.... Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

can sure explain why they are permanently losing the Latino vote.

Why do you assume that Latinos put shared skin color ahead of shared Americanness?

Are you a racist?

Rhetorical question. Since denial is proof by the act of asking the question I have proved that you are a racist.

See, I'm learning.

Maybe I should make a dumb ass looking clown avatar?

No, Latinos very likely do not do that.
No, I am not a racist. I am not as you are.

Now, go play with your tonka toys.

YOu stated that Republicans wanting to deal with the anchor baby issue would explain why the GOP is losing the Latino vote.

You are clearly implying that American Hispanics are more concerned with the desire of illegals to get citizenship for their children than the desires of their fellow citizens to protect American from unwanted immigrants.

I didn't say that, you did.

And you denied being a racist.


Thus, it has been proved. You are a racist.
If Republicans must betray their basic principles in order to win elections, they might as well be Democrats.

Democrats have no fixed principles, ethics or values. They employ situational ethics, situational values, situational principles; all subject to change depending upon the situation. That's why when Democrat candidates talk to southern audiences, the adopt a southern accent. It's all "situational". Just win baby!
And Jeb Bush (R-FL) has spoken to those Latino Evangelicals:

Jeb Bush courts Hispanic evangelicals in Texas -

With his parents sitting in the front row, Jeb Bush addressed an audience of Hispanic evangelicals on Wednesday, calling for policies that would let undocumented immigrants "come out from the shadows."

The values-heavy address at the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference in Houston focused on the importance of the family unit and pushed for an America that's more engaged in the world. The former Florida governor also used his speech to criticize President Barack Obama for not fighting hard enough to protect Christians who are facing attacks overseas.

In his likely presidential campaign, Bush is poised to compete heavily for Hispanic voters, thanks in part to his fluency in Spanish and his assimilation into the Hispanic community. His wife is from Mexico and he frequently talks about his bicultural family...

...An advocate for legal status for undocumented immigrants, Bush has come under fire from conservatives for appearing too lenient on the issue. The former governor has also been an advocate for more legal immigration, while his closest rival in the race, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, has started calling for tighter restrictions on legal immigration.

Bush said the immigration system needs to be fixed by controlling the borders, but he also called for dealing with the estimated 11 million undocumented workers already in the country.

"Eleven million people that should come out from the shadows and receive earned legal status -- where they pay a fine, where they work, where they do what they want to do, which is come out from the shadows, work, provide for their families, not receive government assistance, and over a period of time be able to receive earned legal status," he said.

So, Jeb Bush is advocating for exactly the same kind of immigration reform that President Obama has been proposing. EXACTLY.

Which is why he won't be the nominee. Did you learn nothing from Rubio?
The problem republicans have with Hispanics is not immigration. It's the contempt and disrespect they regularly display against Hispanic culture.

If US Hispanic leaders are taking the side of illegals over that of their supposedly fellow citizens, then they deserve some disrespect.
Even if those fellow citizens are demonizing them and have no interest in discriminating between legal citizen and illegal citizens?

The republican party does not like outside cultures. This is often mistaken as racism, but it's really just a case of mass xenophobia. If you're surprised that turns people with links to those cultures off then that's your problem.
Yep, all one has to do is look at the last two Presidential election results for:
There one can see that the large majority of the above groups voted for President Obama and the Democrats. The funniest part of the above election results is the Jewish vote, even after the republican fellatio mantra of "we stand by Israel!".

Now if the participants of that meeting read the whole of this thread, how many of their votes would GOP Conservatives get?

I guess we should let Mexicans cross the border; just so long as they're not allowed to have forks at any Hillary Clinton fundraisers. I mean, isn't that why tacos were invented in the first place?

Again, I have no idea what you're talking about. But don't let that stop you.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, dude. And how come I don't get the 2012 election results that is your patented rebuttal to everything?
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I guess we should let Mexicans cross the border; just so long as they're not allowed to have forks at any Hillary Clinton fundraisers. I mean, isn't that why tacos were invented in the first place?

Again, I have no idea what you're talking about. But don't let that stop you.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, dude. And how come I don't get the 2012 election results that is your patented rebuttal to everything? idea whatsoever...but don't let that stop you.
The problem republicans have with Hispanics is not immigration. It's the contempt and disrespect they regularly display against Hispanic culture.
And they exhibit their contempt and disrespect for Hispanic culture by opposing immigration reform, perceived by many on the right as turning American 'more brown,' and 'more Spanish,' where there will be more 'foreigners' refusing to 'assimilate.'
The problem republicans have with Hispanics is not immigration. It's the contempt and disrespect they regularly display against Hispanic culture.
And they exhibit their contempt and disrespect for Hispanic culture by opposing immigration reform, perceived by many on the right as turning American 'more brown,' and 'more Spanish,' where there will be more 'foreigners' refusing to 'assimilate.'
Hillary Will Fix It!

I guess we should let Mexicans cross the border; just so long as they're not allowed to have forks at any Hillary Clinton fundraisers. I mean, isn't that why tacos were invented in the first place?

Again, I have no idea what you're talking about. But don't let that stop you.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, dude. And how come I don't get the 2012 election results that is your patented rebuttal to everything? idea whatsoever...but don't let that stop you.

I don't believe you're a psycopath...which means you're doing your best to put on a nice little act. But it helps to not discuss something two or three dozen times or so when claiming to not know. I guess you figure it's your only defense any more. You never could figure a good defense for profiling Mexicans and taking their damn forks at a formal dinner! :lmao:
So, the OP's conclusion is that if Republicans aren't Democrats then they won't get the votes of Hispanic Evangelicals, whom are apparently told whom to vote for by their religious leaders?
You think non-hispanic evangelicals don't tell their flocks how to vote?
So, the OP's conclusion is that if Republicans aren't Democrats then they won't get the votes of Hispanic Evangelicals, whom are apparently told whom to vote for by their religious leaders?
You think non-hispanic evangelicals don't tell their flocks how to vote?

Not really, that is a far left myth! Unless you actually just check out the mentor pastor for Obama, Jeremiah wright!
So, the OP's conclusion is that if Republicans aren't Democrats then they won't get the votes of Hispanic Evangelicals, whom are apparently told whom to vote for by their religious leaders?
You think non-hispanic evangelicals don't tell their flocks how to vote?

I think it's a trumped up issue first and foremost. The states where this may be happening are gonna be red at the end of the day. I also think that people like you believe whatever is most convenient for you.
So, the OP's conclusion is that if Republicans aren't Democrats then they won't get the votes of Hispanic Evangelicals, whom are apparently told whom to vote for by their religious leaders?
You think non-hispanic evangelicals don't tell their flocks how to vote?

I think it's a trumped up issue first and foremost. The states where this may be happening are gonna be red at the end of the day. I also think that people like you believe whatever is most convenient for you.

The funny thing is that many of the left are also Christians, yet the far left bashes Christians as one large group..
So, the OP's conclusion is that if Republicans aren't Democrats then they won't get the votes of Hispanic Evangelicals, whom are apparently told whom to vote for by their religious leaders?
You think non-hispanic evangelicals don't tell their flocks how to vote?

I think it's a trumped up issue first and foremost. The states where this may be happening are gonna be red at the end of the day. I also think that people like you believe whatever is most convenient for you.

The funny thing is that many of the left are also Christians, yet the far left bashes Christians as one large group..

This is very true. The term Religious Right is designed to make it sound like it's a group think scenario; when frankly there are a diversity of opinions within the religious communities; and most the opinions are based upon good morals as well. Yet, leave it to the left to demonize whomever.

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