TPP: a blueprint to usurp Congress’ power to regulate commerce!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

Well, the TEXT of the Trans Pacific-Partnership deal is now on line. The deal must be voted on by Congress within 90 days of it being made public. CLICK HERE for its text and links to specific provisions.

Like the NAFTA, the TPP has nothing to do with “free trade”, and everything to do with the creation of a “regulated trade” which is not regulated by Congress as our Constitution commands. Under the TPP the nations involved will have their commerce regulated by a body of panelist created under the TPP who are not elected by the American People nor accountable to the American People. The TPP is the creation of our Global Governance Crowd and international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation, and the deal, which happens to violate our Constitution, would effectively usurp Congress’ power to regulate its commerce with the nation’s involved.

The TPP’s principle advocates in the United States are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth, both of which are propagandists for those who wish to dissolve America’s sovereignty and subject America’s businesses and industries to forces which our Constitution was specifically intended to protect the American People from. These forces detest our Founder’s intentions to have the America People’s representatives adopt free trade regulations of commerce which promote an America First Policy and are designed to further America best interest.

As pointed “If approved by all 12 member countries, including the United States, the agreement would establish international standards for copyright enforcement, labor practices, environmental regulations, and much more.”

To study how Congress is removed from regulating America’s commerce with the nation’s involved I suggest those interested go to and start reading DISPUTE SETTLEMENT This is a pdf file which you will have to open.

Also see Article 28.21: “Private Rights” under which America’s judicial system is neutered and made unavailable to American Citizens.

”No Party may provide for a right of action under its domestic law against any other Party on the ground that a measure of the other Party is inconsistent with its obligations under this Agreement, or that the other Party has otherwise failed to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.”

This of course is exactly what our Founders complained of: He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation ___ Declaration of Independence


Members of Congress who supported the TPP support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, which are also used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Bill O'Reilly softballs Ben Carson on this evening’s show.

On This evening’s show, Bill O’Reilly blathered on and on with Ben Carson about some irrelevant issues and failed to take the opportunity to question Ben Carson on his support for the TPP which opens the back door for more foreigners to flood into our country.

To understand this see: TPP Overrides Immigration Protections For U.S. Professionals, Skilled Workers, Says Critic

”TPP’s forced rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws “comes at the back end of the [TPP] process, not the front end,” Jenks said.

The TPP’s opening-up of the U.S. service sector is critical, she said. It means companies will have an incentive to maximize their use of existing rules that allow them to bring an unlimited number of foreign workers — dubbed ‘guest workers’ — into the United States.

The guest-worker visas are L-1 visas and the B-1 business-tourist visas, she said. Service jobs include law, medical and engineering, architecture, equipment and machine maintenance, telecommunications and much else, she told Breitbart News in a later interview.”

I wonder if Donald Trump will question Carson’s desire to legalize millions of aliens who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central America during tomorrow’s debate, and also question Carson’s thumbs up to Obama’s nefarious trade deal.


To support Ben Carson is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the TPP, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
TPP is on of the most serious pieces of legislation in decades that almost nobody talks about, almost like they're not allowed to. At the republican debates they mostly just trade insults. At the democrat debates it's bill clinton's wife mostly whining about guns and pretending she likes black people. Only Bernie Sanders talks about the TPP, although Trump does believe in putting tariffs on imports like this country used to have ever since the constitution days.
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no wonder Rubio the pig supports this atrocity. Hopefully no one on here wants to lap up rubios vomit.
This is the main reason I left the Republican party.
Years from now the history will be that there wasn't even a democrat involved. Much like when NAFTA is discussed, Clinton's name is always left out.
TPP is on of the most serious pieces of legislation in decades that almost nobody talks about, almost like they're not allowed to. At the republican debates they mostly just trade insults. At the democrat debates it's bill clinton's wife mostly whining about guns and pretending she likes black people. Only Bernie Sanders talks about the TPP, although Trump does believe in putting tariffs on imports like this country used to have ever since the constitution days.

I read where it weighs 10 lbs and has over 10 million words. It is no wonder people don't read it, they can't. I think that is what they do, that make is so damn big that someone can't easily find all the crap they plugged into it. Just like Obamacare.

Could you imagine if the COTUS was written today?
Trans-Pacific Partnership deal appears to be stalled in Congress. GOOD!

See: Prospects dim for 2016 Pacific Rim trade vote in Congress

Nov 17, 2015

"A 12-nation Pacific Rim free-trade deal, facing stiff opposition from many Democrats and unexpected resistance from Republicans, is unlikely to be voted on by the U.S. Congress before President Barack Obama leaves office, according to some Republican lawmakers and aides."

But let us not forget those candidates who support this threat which is designed to deter Congress from adopting regulations of commerce with an America First policy in mind.


To support Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush or Ben Carson is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT,CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal ___all designed to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Globalist bullshit
Don't vote for ANYONE that supports this anti-American BULLSHIT
We need America back!
Globalist bullshit
Don't vote for ANYONE that supports this anti-American BULLSHIT
We need America back!

Unfortunately our globalist media is silent on the devastating consequences for America if Congress adopts the Pacific Rim free-trade deal.


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