Tracking the el nino

That is your imagination, Skull. Jc, Weatherman, and Silly Billy all said it cannot be happening, so it must be your imagination.

All right Rocks in the Head please find a quote where I denied the earth was warming slightly or that people didn't have an effect on the planet.

I'll wait
Read it again, Skull. I didn't say that you said any of those things. I said, according to jc, Weatherman, and Silly Billy, that it could not possibly be warming at your place. Because the non-existant El Nino is having no affect at all according to them. Try to read with a little more comprehension.
That is your imagination, Skull. Jc, Weatherman, and Silly Billy all said it cannot be happening, so it must be your imagination.

All right Rocks in the Head please find a quote where I denied the earth was warming slightly or that people didn't have an effect on the planet.

I'll wait
Read it again, Skull. I didn't say that you said any of those things. I said, according to jc, Weatherman, and Silly Billy, that it could not possibly be warming at your place. Because the non-existant El Nino is having no affect at all according to them. Try to read with a little more comprehension.
Minus one in Chicago this morning
Socks, when Chicago's climate is included in the globe fantasy, perhaps you'll convince me. But Mother Nature keeps proving your fantasy wrong.
Once again Old Socks and Drip couldn't beat their way out of a wet paper bag.


If you watch the above animation the blob is now totally gone and the cold water is now taking over the warmer areas of regions 1-2, 3, 3-4 while region 4 is bordering on negative grounds.

We have a La Niña pattern becasue the waters driving the NH are now cold and the polar low is now dominating the US region. Both the Atlantic and Pacific are now cold or going cold with the solar cycle cooling..

Even NOAA/Boulder Co is now commenting and admitting the fact there is no latent heat to drive a step up increase as the previous El Niño's have done. They are fearing the next La Niña, already forming, could have the opposite effect and drive a step DOWN.. (Where have I heard that before?)

The next prediction coming out in about 2 weeks is going to be a huge hit to alarmists egos... The trends are now collapsing and most of the nation is BELOW AVERAGE (not above) and that is making some at NOAA crazy!
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Click the link in Old Rocks' post, embedded in the red text, reading "What happened to the Polar Vortex?" Then read the article to which your browser will take you. They call this the World Wide Web. It's pretty cool.
Click the link in Old Rocks' post, embedded in the red text, reading "What happened to the Polar Vortex?" Then read the article to which your browser will take you. They call this the World Wide Web. It's pretty cool.
I did that and it took me back to December 2015. I could have sworn when I woke up it was January 18, 2016, and actually winter. so crickster where is the 2016 news on polar vortex? what a joy to see such failure from you all so consistently.
The latest weekly SST departures are:
Niño 4 1.3ºC
Niño 3.4 2.6ºC
Niño 3 2.8ºC
Niño 1+2 1.4ºC

2.6, slowly coming down, just as the scientists at NASA predicted. 2.6 is still in the super El Nino range.
so, why do we continue to have the Polar Vortex dropping down in the US? How can there be an el nino when the Pacific keeps driving that behavior? You still haven't answered that question.
Two weeks, eh, Silly Billy? OK, you get to drop the pants twice on that Monday.

It didn't even take two weeks... region 1-2 is now at threshold...

01-19-2016 Region 1-2.JPG

Note the three day averages indicated by hash marks..


Now... I dont want to see your ugly ass.. Mann up and go play with yourself..
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Let's get this straight Billy Boy. What are you predicting for two weeks from your post 864, Sunday, 17 Jan (31 Jan)? From your text you seem to be claiming that we will be in a La Nina. Is that right? Or are you claiming that the El Nino will be declared done? You're the expert here, you tell us. What's your incredibly informed opinion on this?
Let's get this straight Billy Boy. What are you predicting for two weeks from your post 864, Sunday, 17 Jan (31 Jan)? From your text you seem to be claiming that we will be in a La Nina. Is that right? Or are you claiming that the El Nino will be declared done? You're the expert here, you tell us. What's your incredibly informed opinion on this?
crick you never answered,

so, why do we continue to have the Polar Vortex dropping down in the US? How can there be an el nino when the Pacific keeps driving that behavior? You still haven't answered that question.
jc, you are a silly ass. Why should an El Nino in the Pacific prevent the jet stream from doing it's thing? Have you the faintest idea of what makes a polar vortex? And how it moves south.
jc, you are a silly ass. Why should an El Nino in the Pacific prevent the jet stream from doing it's thing? Have you the faintest idea of what makes a polar vortex? And how it moves south.
yes I do, It is from conditions from a La Nina.
LOL Ever dependable to show the depths of your ignorance.

What is a Polar Vortex?

"The polar vortex is not a recently discovered phenomenon; in fact, it has been talked about in the meteorological world for decades," Senior Meteorologist Bernie Rayno said.
A polar vortex is a large pocket of very cold air, typically the coldest air in the Northern Hemisphere, which sits over the polar region during the winter season.
The frigid air can find its way into the United States when the polar vortex is pushed farther south, occasionally reaching southern Canada and the northern Plains, Midwest and northeastern portions of the United States.
A large, powerful high pressure system originating in the Eastern or Western Pacific and stretching to the North Pole is required to displace the pocket of cold air.
"These high pressure systems can reach Alaska, but it is not typical to stretch all the way to the North Pole," according to Senior Meteorologist Brett Anderson.
The vortex is capable of delivering subzero temperatures to the United States and Canada for several days at a time.
When the strong air from the Eastern or Western Pacific weakens and falls apart, the polar vortex will retreat into place near the North Pole.
LOL Ever dependable to show the depths of your ignorance.

What is a Polar Vortex?

"The polar vortex is not a recently discovered phenomenon; in fact, it has been talked about in the meteorological world for decades," Senior Meteorologist Bernie Rayno said.
A polar vortex is a large pocket of very cold air, typically the coldest air in the Northern Hemisphere, which sits over the polar region during the winter season.
The frigid air can find its way into the United States when the polar vortex is pushed farther south, occasionally reaching southern Canada and the northern Plains, Midwest and northeastern portions of the United States.

A large, powerful high pressure system originating in the Eastern or Western Pacific and stretching to the North Pole is required to displace the pocket of cold air.
"These high pressure systems can reach Alaska, but it is not typical to stretch all the way to the North Pole," according to Senior Meteorologist Brett Anderson.
The vortex is capable of delivering subzero temperatures to the United States and Canada for several days at a time.
When the strong air from the Eastern or Western Pacific weakens and falls apart, the polar vortex will retreat into place near the North Pole.

Pacific Ocean smackdown: El Niño vs. Polar Vortex?

"The warming, called an El Niño, is expected to lead to fewer Atlantic hurricanes and more rain next winter for drought-stricken California and southern states, and even a milder winter for the nation's frigid northern tier next year, meteorologists say."
jc, you are a silly ass. Why should an El Nino in the Pacific prevent the jet stream from doing it's thing? Have you the faintest idea of what makes a polar vortex? And how it moves south.

yes I do, It is from conditions from a La Nina.

Is your name Billy Bob?

But, do tell. How does a La Nina cause the polar vortex?
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