"Trade War"? Nope.

China imposes tariffs on 60 billion worth of goods Thanks Donald you schmuck

DJI futures down more than 500 points

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Trump is killing me And no meetings coming up?...1000 down this past week and today is the slob taking a bow??

Sometimes you jump under the rock. If you're swinging that heavily with the market I suggest you divest at least 50 percent into tamer, more long term products.

Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
China has been bending over for everybody else. But not for free. When you go to Walmart and buy that Waring blender you're not paying for it with your money you're paying for it with your job. When Trump says the Chinese are paying billions in to the system to sell goods here he doesn't mean they're cutting a check and sending it to the department of commerce....the tariffs are remitted via sales tax and yes it is fresh Fiat that ultimately sources from the original transaction on the Chinese mainland.

Trump is absolutely right about being pro active...the real question is not about the Chinese...the real question is just how badly addicted are we to cheap Chinese labor? Own a smart phone? Well then you are also an American Imperialist buyer of financial opium.


Bingo. This is all about companies using Chinese virtual slave labor.

The question is, should we keep using it, and keep rewarding China for human rights abuses and environmental abuses? Dems seem pretty keen on doing so. So do old GOPers for that matter,

So do current GOP'ers

View attachment 260597 View attachment 260598 View attachment 260599

Funny, on one hand you claim Trump is a xenophobe, racist and White Nationalist, yet when he hires the Chinese to make a fine product at a lower labor cost to make a product more affordable, you call him a hypocrite, yet had he made the stuff here in the USA at a far higher labor cost (and poor business decision) you would have bitched about that as well citing proof of his xenophobia and rampant white nationalism! And being a bad businessman! Seems there is no way Trump can win with you.

Hiring sweatshop labor isn’t a sign of accepting a race.
I see. So what is it for the other 107,957 companies that all have stuff made in China? And what does that say of China that their people work in sweatshops in the first place? Maybe if you paid 1/100th as much attention to THAT, those people would be earning a better wage.

Urging companies to build stuff here while you’re building your stuff elsewhere is a sign of hypocrisy
I see. So in other words, Trump is a hypocrite for have a few stupid ballcaps made in China (I heard for the first batch so maybe not still now?) while trying to encourage industry and factories and institutions to keep billions and billions of dollars worth of manufacturing HERE.

Yes, I see how that could vaporlock a brain like yours.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
China has been bending over for everybody else. But not for free. When you go to Walmart and buy that Waring blender you're not paying for it with your money you're paying for it with your job. When Trump says the Chinese are paying billions in to the system to sell goods here he doesn't mean they're cutting a check and sending it to the department of commerce....the tariffs are remitted via sales tax and yes it is fresh Fiat that ultimately sources from the original transaction on the Chinese mainland.

Trump is absolutely right about being pro active...the real question is not about the Chinese...the real question is just how badly addicted are we to cheap Chinese labor? Own a smart phone? Well then you are also an American Imperialist buyer of financial opium.


Bingo. This is all about companies using Chinese virtual slave labor.

The question is, should we keep using it, and keep rewarding China for human rights abuses and environmental abuses? Dems seem pretty keen on doing so. So do old GOPers for that matter,

So do current GOP'ers

View attachment 260597 View attachment 260598 View attachment 260599

Funny, on one hand you claim Trump is a xenophobe, racist and White Nationalist, yet when he hires the Chinese to make a fine product at a lower labor cost to make a product more affordable, you call him a hypocrite, yet had he made the stuff here in the USA at a far higher labor cost (and poor business decision) you would have bitched about that as well citing proof of his xenophobia and rampant white nationalism! And being a bad businessman! Seems there is no way Trump can win with you.

Hiring sweatshop labor isn’t a sign of accepting a race.

Urging companies to build stuff here while you’re building your stuff elsewhere is a sign of hypocrisy

Trump has had multiple failures while shafting porn stars, American workers, his own employees, etc.... he’s in no danger of resurrecting a business acumen
Airlines shipping steaks wine etc etc all in the trump dumbster
I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
China has been bending over for everybody else. But not for free. When you go to Walmart and buy that Waring blender you're not paying for it with your money you're paying for it with your job. When Trump says the Chinese are paying billions in to the system to sell goods here he doesn't mean they're cutting a check and sending it to the department of commerce....the tariffs are remitted via sales tax and yes it is fresh Fiat that ultimately sources from the original transaction on the Chinese mainland.

Trump is absolutely right about being pro active...the real question is not about the Chinese...the real question is just how badly addicted are we to cheap Chinese labor? Own a smart phone? Well then you are also an American Imperialist buyer of financial opium.


Bingo. This is all about companies using Chinese virtual slave labor.

The question is, should we keep using it, and keep rewarding China for human rights abuses and environmental abuses? Dems seem pretty keen on doing so. So do old GOPers for that matter,

So do current GOP'ers

View attachment 260597 View attachment 260598 View attachment 260599

Funny, on one hand you claim Trump is a xenophobe, racist and White Nationalist, yet when he hires the Chinese to make a fine product at a lower labor cost to make a product more affordable, you call him a hypocrite, yet had he made the stuff here in the USA at a far higher labor cost (and poor business decision) you would have bitched about that as well citing proof of his xenophobia and rampant white nationalism! And being a bad businessman! Seems there is no way Trump can win with you.

Hiring sweatshop labor isn’t a sign of accepting a race.
I see. So what is it for the other 107,957 companies that all have stuff made in China? And what does that say of China that their people work in sweatshops in the first place? Maybe if you paid 1/100th as much attention to THAT, those people would be earning a better wage.
Not sure what your question is…What is what?

When you have about a billion people in your country, jobs are going to be at a premium…sweatshops are probably a residue of overpopulation as much as anything else.
As for my paying attention…your computer came off the same assembly line; as did your TV, your tablet, your blender, etc…

Urging companies to build stuff here while you’re building your stuff elsewhere is a sign of hypocrisy
I see. So in other words, Trump is a hypocrite for have a few stupid ballcaps made in China (I heard for the first batch so maybe not still now?) while trying to encourage industry and factories and institutions to keep billions and billions of dollars worth of manufacturing HERE.

Yes, I see how that could vaporlock a brain like yours.

The ball caps are just the latest thing he’s making in China. The People wearing them are the stupid ones.

Chastising others for offshoring while he’s doing the same thing makes him a hypocrite.
If this was a war, we'd be eating chop suey, wearing caps with a red star instead of MAGA, and banging a gong at some temple. What's going on now is a negotiation and for the first time, we have a leader who's used to winning those. There is a globalist lobbying outfit called the "Trade Partnership" bandying about wild figures about how America will be "hurt" by tariffing China.....and it's bullshit. Larry Kudlow says the govt. group who knows what it's doing says the cost to American consumers is nowhere near what these clowns are saying and the Fake News rodents are eating with a spoon. Bottom line? Trump is trying to disrupt and move the world supply chain from China into SE Asia and Indonesia...that will break China's back. So try to remember you're an American, stand behind your president, and understand a tiny ouch now will result in orgasmic ecstasy down the road in an even hotter economy all around you.


OMG how wrong you were last year.

Lets see what Trump was saying last year before you posted this bullshit

Donald J. Trump



When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!


6:50 AM - Mar 2, 2018

It's easy he said last year? What is he saying now?

President Donald Trump on Tuesday acknowledged that trade wars may not be so “good” or “easy to win” as he claimed last year when he announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

But the bad economic news is piling up for the president. The financial markets signaled the possibility of a recession last week due to growing investor concerns about the trade war, which has battered U.S. farmers and manufacturers. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported this week that Trump’s trade policies are doing more harm to the economy than it projected in January. It now expects those policies to reduce the real gross domestic product by 0.3% by 2020, or $580 per household on average.

On Tuesday, Trump seemed to acknowledge the turmoil on Wall Street, even as he argued the U.S. has “no choice but to” impose tariffs on goods made in China.

“My trade deals aren’t causing a problem. This is something that had to be done,” he said. “I could be sitting here right now with a stock market that would be up 10,000 points higher if I didn’t want to do it.”

In another tacit admission, Trump said his administration may offer some form of aid to U.S. companies like Apple that are struggling as a result of the trade war.

“If I didn’t help them, they would ― I mean, they would be ― they would have a big problem,” he added, without offering details about the form of assistance.

Trump’s remarks come in the wake of his decision earlier this month to delay another round of tariffs on goods from China from Sept. 1 to Dec. 15 ― an apparent effort to boost the critical consumer spending sector during the holiday shopping season. His administration is also considering other ways to encourage consumer spending and economic growth, like a temporary cut in payroll taxes and further interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve.

All these developments reveal the growing concern about the economy among Trump and his top aides, despite the president’s claims otherwise ― and his efforts to shift blame for any bad economic news. On Wednesday, for example, Trump accused the media of somehow attempting to manufacture a recession.
If this was a war, we'd be eating chop suey, wearing caps with a red star instead of MAGA, and banging a gong at some temple. What's going on now is a negotiation and for the first time, we have a leader who's used to winning those. There is a globalist lobbying outfit called the "Trade Partnership" bandying about wild figures about how America will be "hurt" by tariffing China.....and it's bullshit. Larry Kudlow says the govt. group who knows what it's doing says the cost to American consumers is nowhere near what these clowns are saying and the Fake News rodents are eating with a spoon. Bottom line? Trump is trying to disrupt and move the world supply chain from China into SE Asia and Indonesia...that will break China's back. So try to remember you're an American, stand behind your president, and understand a tiny ouch now will result in orgasmic ecstasy down the road in an even hotter economy all around you.


OMG how wrong you were last year.

Lets see what Trump was saying last year before you posted this bullshit

Donald J. Trump


When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!


6:50 AM - Mar 2, 2018

It's easy he said last year? What is he saying now?

President Donald Trump on Tuesday acknowledged that trade wars may not be so “good” or “easy to win” as he claimed last year when he announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

But the bad economic news is piling up for the president. The financial markets signaled the possibility of a recession last week due to growing investor concerns about the trade war, which has battered U.S. farmers and manufacturers. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported this week that Trump’s trade policies are doing more harm to the economy than it projected in January. It now expects those policies to reduce the real gross domestic product by 0.3% by 2020, or $580 per household on average.

On Tuesday, Trump seemed to acknowledge the turmoil on Wall Street, even as he argued the U.S. has “no choice but to” impose tariffs on goods made in China.

“My trade deals aren’t causing a problem. This is something that had to be done,” he said. “I could be sitting here right now with a stock market that would be up 10,000 points higher if I didn’t want to do it.”

In another tacit admission, Trump said his administration may offer some form of aid to U.S. companies like Apple that are struggling as a result of the trade war.

“If I didn’t help them, they would ― I mean, they would be ― they would have a big problem,” he added, without offering details about the form of assistance.

Trump’s remarks come in the wake of his decision earlier this month to delay another round of tariffs on goods from China from Sept. 1 to Dec. 15 ― an apparent effort to boost the critical consumer spending sector during the holiday shopping season. His administration is also considering other ways to encourage consumer spending and economic growth, like a temporary cut in payroll taxes and further interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve.

All these developments reveal the growing concern about the economy among Trump and his top aides, despite the president’s claims otherwise ― and his efforts to shift blame for any bad economic news. On Wednesday, for example, Trump accused the media of somehow attempting to manufacture a recession.

Another outburst from your archives? I have no idea where you're seeing "bullshit"...my view then is the same as it now. Like Japan lost a large part of their manufacturing-base to S. Korea, China is losing theirs to SE Asia since Trump's tariffs took hold. If he wanted to, he could break China's spine and send them spiraling into chaos simply by tariffing the rest of the $300B they're taking out of the US. Meanwhile, he has to deal with the Swamp who are heavily invested in China and were happy with the way things were. All this is simple..why you're trying to build a case against me is a mystery.
Last edited:
If this was a war, we'd be eating chop suey, wearing caps with a red star instead of MAGA, and banging a gong at some temple. What's going on now is a negotiation and for the first time, we have a leader who's used to winning those. There is a globalist lobbying outfit called the "Trade Partnership" bandying about wild figures about how America will be "hurt" by tariffing China.....and it's bullshit. Larry Kudlow says the govt. group who knows what it's doing says the cost to American consumers is nowhere near what these clowns are saying and the Fake News rodents are eating with a spoon. Bottom line? Trump is trying to disrupt and move the world supply chain from China into SE Asia and Indonesia...that will break China's back. So try to remember you're an American, stand behind your president, and understand a tiny ouch now will result in orgasmic ecstasy down the road in an even hotter economy all around you.


Sorry but that is horseshit...

You are saying Trump wants to do what signing TPP would do...

Trump didn't sign TPP
Sorry but that is horseshit...

You are saying Trump wants to do what signing TPP would do...

Trump didn't sign TPP

Of course he didn't sign the TPP which has nothing to do with this. The TPP was a trade agreement that would have gutted our manufacturing base by letting SE Asia put us in the same jiu jitsu hold China had us in. And the next time you mention "horseshit" to me, look at what you're standing in cowboy.
Sorry but that is horseshit...

You are saying Trump wants to do what signing TPP would do...

Trump didn't sign TPP

Of course he didn't sign the TPP which has nothing to do with this. The TPP was a trade agreement that would have gutted our manufacturing base by letting SE Asia put us in the same jiu jitsu hold China had us in. And the next time you mention "horseshit" to me, look at what you're standing in cowboy.

Sorry but that is horseshit...

TPP was there to control China... Use Vietnam and Indonesia to supply low cost labour force but make them respect workers rights, health and safety.... This would increase there costs on labour (thus making US worker more competitive ) but also within a generation create a large export market in these countries for US goods...
US will be very much still in charge...

Look how Germany does in EEC/EU, they have developed there own market in initially Ireland but now Eastern Europe...

The game is Chess not Snap...
Sorry but that is horseshit...

TPP was there to control China... Use Vietnam and Indonesia to supply low cost labour force but make them respect workers rights, health and safety.... This would increase there costs on labour (thus making US worker more competitive ) but also within a generation create a large export market in these countries for US goods...
US will be very much still in charge...

Look how Germany does in EEC/EU, they have developed there own market in initially Ireland but now Eastern Europe...

The game is Chess not Snap...

More "low cost labour", more junk from the Orient, assemble a group of third-world malcontents to compete with China to undercut and destroy the remaining American manufacturing. That's quite a deal Cowboy, although folks who spell labor as "labour" ain't American or cowboys. Just what "goods" do you suppose they'd import from the US? And how would the US "be very much in charge"? You clearly have disdain for the US and your litle scheme to make TPP seem enticing is the real horseshit and why the President pulled us out of that fiasco.
Sorry but that is horseshit...

TPP was there to control China... Use Vietnam and Indonesia to supply low cost labour force but make them respect workers rights, health and safety.... This would increase there costs on labour (thus making US worker more competitive ) but also within a generation create a large export market in these countries for US goods...
US will be very much still in charge...

Look how Germany does in EEC/EU, they have developed there own market in initially Ireland but now Eastern Europe...

The game is Chess not Snap...

More "low cost labour", more junk from the Orient, assemble a group of third-world malcontents to compete with China to undercut and destroy the remaining American manufacturing. That's quite a deal Cowboy, although folks who spell labor as "labour" ain't American or cowboys. Just what "goods" do you suppose they'd import from the US? And how would the US "be very much in charge"? You clearly have disdain for the US and your litle scheme to make TPP seem enticing is the real horseshit and why the President pulled us out of that fiasco.

You explain how Germany has had 6 of the last 7 years in surplus while having universal healthcare and free third level education....

China is already eating the US economy on there rules... TPP says you play by US rules...

Sorry if you can't see that far ahead but under your synopsis Germany should be an economic waste land since the Eastern Countries joined EU.. But instead there economy just got stronger and stronger...

Germany Debt Clock: Is The Country’s National Debt Still Falling?

That is falling using Social Democratic economic polices... That is something a GOP President hasn't done in 60 years...


So you will spout some theory after some other unfounded theory but the hard reality is your economic principles are bankrupt... Germany is showing you the way and blind ideology is keeping from grasping the opportunity. Lets not forget Democrats used to be the protectionist party but they learnt the hard way that it was wrong...

Well done GOP, take a policy which you were successful at to go for one which you spent decades proving wrong because Democrats agreed with you...
You explain how Germany has had 6 of the last 7 years in surplus while having universal healthcare and free third level education....

China is already eating the US economy on there rules... TPP says you play by US rules...

Sorry if you can't see that far ahead but under your synopsis Germany should be an economic waste land since the Eastern Countries joined EU.. But instead there economy just got stronger and stronger...

Germany Debt Clock: Is The Country’s National Debt Still Falling?

That is falling using Social Democratic economic polices... That is something a GOP President hasn't done in 60 years...


So you will spout some theory after some other unfounded theory but the hard reality is your economic principles are bankrupt... Germany is showing you the way and blind ideology is keeping from grasping the opportunity. Lets not forget Democrats used to be the protectionist party but they learnt the hard way that it was wrong...

Well done GOP, take a policy which you were successful at to go for one which you spent decades proving wrong because Democrats agreed with you...

Germany doesn't pay for their defense....WE DO...in fact they can't even come up with 2% of GDP for their obligation to NATO. They tariff US goods in accordance with the stinking EU and really expect to continue shipping us thousands of luxury automobiles duty-free? not happening much longer. Germany also isn't dealing with a permanent underclass of Africans and over 20M invaders from latin America. Comparing the US to Germany is a real stretch since we had to beat the living crap out of them in two world wars. Let's see how they like US troops being moved to Poland and home in the near future while the Russians lick their chops. It's time you "learnt" something about the US....we always sense mortal danger in the nick of time thanks to Divine Providence and living the right way. We'll stay on the road we're on while whatever morally bankrupt shithole you're from plays the crying game.
You explain how Germany has had 6 of the last 7 years in surplus while having universal healthcare and free third level education....

China is already eating the US economy on there rules... TPP says you play by US rules...

Sorry if you can't see that far ahead but under your synopsis Germany should be an economic waste land since the Eastern Countries joined EU.. But instead there economy just got stronger and stronger...

Germany Debt Clock: Is The Country’s National Debt Still Falling?

That is falling using Social Democratic economic polices... That is something a GOP President hasn't done in 60 years...


So you will spout some theory after some other unfounded theory but the hard reality is your economic principles are bankrupt... Germany is showing you the way and blind ideology is keeping from grasping the opportunity. Lets not forget Democrats used to be the protectionist party but they learnt the hard way that it was wrong...

Well done GOP, take a policy which you were successful at to go for one which you spent decades proving wrong because Democrats agreed with you...

Germany doesn't pay for their defense....WE DO...in fact they can't even come up with 2% of GDP for their obligation to NATO. They tariff US goods in accordance with the stinking EU and really expect to continue shipping us thousands of luxury automobiles duty-free? not happening much longer. Germany also isn't dealing with a permanent underclass of Africans and over 20M invaders from latin America. Comparing the US to Germany is a real stretch since we had to beat the living crap out of them in two world wars. Let's see how they like US troops being moved to Poland and home in the near future while the Russians lick their chops. It's time you "learnt" something about the US....we always sense mortal danger in the nick of time thanks to Divine Providence and living the right way. We'll stay on the road we're on while whatever morally bankrupt shithole you're from plays the crying game.

You know Germans make cars in the US...

For the full year 2018, BMW brand sales increased 1.7 percent on total sales of 311,014 compared to the 305,685 sold in 2017. The BMW X3 was the top-selling BMW model in the USA in 2018.

This plant alone made:
BMW — BMW Manufacturing Co., Spartanburg, SC

277,074 cars

BMW’s plant in South Carolina first built a white 318i sedan in September 1994, and the Z3 roadster went into production at the factory in 1995. The Z3 later gave way to the Z4, which was built at Spartanburg until 2008.The BMW X5 joined the sprawling four-million square-foot facility in 1999, and today the plant is responsible for building all BMW SUVs. The most popular is the X3, of which 122,000 examples were built in 2011, followed by the X5 at 111,054 copies, and the X6 and 44,020 units. BMW says its plant builds 1000 vehicles every day, of which around 80 percent are custom-ordered.

So your premise seems a bit stupid...

Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.
If DNC Chair Tom Perez is correct, y'all will be waiting far longer than 18 months.

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
“These numbers are daunting. We don't have to match Trump and the RNC dollar for dollar in order to beat them, but it's clear that we urgently need to turn up the heat on our fundraising to keep our eventual nominee and Democrats nationwide from being overwhelmed by the GOP's money machine in the general election,” said Perez.

He added: “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine unless we start making strategic, early investments right now.”

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