"Trade War"? Nope.

As I just told will, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking twice about it.
I'm not making a claim. Show us some evidence of these businesses you say YOU have and I can easily put up photos here of my two corporate certificates of registration received when my businesses were created. I'm not just talk, I'm ready to back up my words with proof.

Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.

They're running around screaming with their hair on fire as if Trump was the one that created this massive trade deficit. The trade imbalance with China is 35 years old or better. It's been built on the back of corporate greed using cheap Chinese labor as the ultimate fish bait. I've read some of the articles by the anti tariff crowd who are all totally concerned with the next 36 months of trade and transaction. Wall Street never thinks more than a week ahead in fact.
In the meantime the great red dragon who always takes the Long view sacrifices millions of its own people as futuristic investments towards the purchase of our of manufacturing rights. Once they complete that purchase they will effectively be our masters. It doesn't matter to them if it takes 50 years they actually have that kind of patience. It doesn't matter to them if it cost them half their population for them it's the ultimate martyrdom. Tariffs are really the only way to battle this trend....you have to change the buying habits of the public and since they won't do it for unselfish reasons the only thing you can do is make it a money matter so that they do it for selfish reasons.

What is it with you leftards...all you want is more and more government intervention in our lives!
Why shouldn't I be able to buy my plastic shit from the cheapest seller?!

Not a lefty buddy....but I hear you loud and clear and feel much the same way myself.
There's no easy answer to this; But doing nothing is also not an answer because it's an insidious creeping forward of the poverty levels maintained on the Chinese mainland.
You see for now it's convenient for us to purchase their goods made with cheap labor.
What most consumers don't see coming is that with the goods we're also importing the poverty. The Chinese are not about choices big guy they're about conquest.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
China has been bending over for everybody else. But not for free. When you go to Walmart and buy that Waring blender you're not paying for it with your money you're paying for it with your job. When Trump says the Chinese are paying billions in to the system to sell goods here he doesn't mean they're cutting a check and sending it to the department of commerce....the tariffs are remitted via sales tax and yes it is fresh Fiat that ultimately sources from the original transaction on the Chinese mainland.

Trump is absolutely right about being pro active...the real question is not about the Chinese...the real question is just how badly addicted are we to cheap Chinese labor? Own a smart phone? Well then you are also an American Imperialist buyer of financial opium.


Bingo. This is all about companies using Chinese virtual slave labor.

The question is, should we keep using it, and keep rewarding China for human rights abuses and environmental abuses? Dems seem pretty keen on doing so. So do old GOPers for that matter,

So do current GOP'ers

View attachment 260597 View attachment 260598 View attachment 260599

Funny, on one hand you claim Trump is a xenophobe, racist and White Nationalist, yet when he hires the Chinese to make a fine product at a lower labor cost to make a product more affordable, you call him a hypocrite, yet had he made the stuff here in the USA at a far higher labor cost (and poor business decision) you would have bitched about that as well citing proof of his xenophobia and rampant white nationalism! And being a bad businessman! Seems there is no way Trump can win with you.
Wow, you went from slightly bent facts to outright fantasy in less than a paragraph!

That may be some kinda record!
Used to winning ? 6 bankrupt companies loses a billion or so of OPM and writes it off and now no more meetings in sight Art of the deal ?? lol

Your 'forgot' to mention its 6 bankrupt companies out of over 200 and that asshole Dem's and their taxes caused the bankruptcies.
Out of all the bankruptcies how many CEO's were repub ?Does that mean we should have no more repubs as CEO's

Admit it, Dem's have taxed untold hundreds of companies into bankruptcies Trump's is just a small fraction of the damage. I think we should just imprison the top 5% of Dem's, lock them away so they can't wreck the country.
LOL republicans are doing all they can to f us up

LOL right, and how are the doing that exactly? Did you take notes during the liberal group therapy session last week?
by making a joke of our constitution
I do not believe you. Every single conservitard claims to be a successful business/real estate mogul job creater who is an amateur gunsmith/sniper and has multiple homes, the biggest trucks, and a trophy wife.

I gotta call bullshit.

I was CEO of two S-Corps and still have the certificates of registration for filing incorporation with the government right here, smart ass. We're sick of always being tested to prove everything to your crackers yet none of you clowns have one bit of evidence to ever back up a single thing you claim. And if you do, it is from some wack-job website that would swear to Trump being red and having horns.
As I just told will, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking twice about it.
I'm not making a claim. Show us some evidence of these businesses you say YOU have and I can easily put up photos here of my two corporate certificates of registration received when my businesses were created. I'm not just talk, I'm ready to back up my words with proof.

Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.
<snip>You're not making a claim? As for posting any sort of personal information here? I don't actually give a flying fuck whether or not some lying conservitard believes me or not.

And there is it. The Creep craps out just as I figured he would. As these twaddles always do. Another Leftard with shit in his mouth. No, I'm not making a claim, fuckhead, I made a PROMISE. I have my corporate certificates RIGHT HERE behind me about 10 feet forgotten about sitting in some dust on top a seldom used oscilloscope. I can copy them and post them here with minimal redactions to protect my privacy and include some common object of identity of YOUR CHOICE to include in the photo to show the photo isn't random. All we need is for you to SHOW SOMETHING to back up your claim that you are this big businessman as well.

I'm going to make dinner and watch TV now. I'll check back later to see if you've posted your business ID to show you're not just talking out your ass AGAIN. Anyone owning a business (self-proprietorship, LLC, S-Corp, etc.) shouldn't have any trouble showing documentation. I can put anything you want in my photo: a watch showing the date, pair of glasses, nail-clipper, dollar bill, flashlight, YOU NAME IT.

I was CEO of two S-Corps and still have the certificates of registration for filing incorporation with the government right here, smart ass. We're sick of always being tested to prove everything to your crackers yet none of you clowns have one bit of evidence to ever back up a single thing you claim. And if you do, it is from some wack-job website that would swear to Trump being red and having horns.
As I just told will, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking twice about it.
I'm not making a claim. Show us some evidence of these businesses you say YOU have and I can easily put up photos here of my two corporate certificates of registration received when my businesses were created. I'm not just talk, I'm ready to back up my words with proof.

Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.

Well, well, well, here it is three hours later, I'm back just as I said, and just as I expected, the Creep has run like the coward I knew him to be. The old excuse: "I don't care what anyone thinks." Well, I don't care what anyone thinks either, but I also know people of true integrity don't say things without being willing and able to back them up. So lets take a brief review:

Post 55: After the Creep says we can't win [Trump's] way, Will replies: You've never owned a business, have you?

Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 1.26.36 AM.png

Enter post 58. Will replies: I've owned several successful businesses.
Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 1.27.12 AM.png

To which the Creep says: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. Then, (paraphrasing): EVERY SINGLE CONSERVATIVE CLAIMS (big claims, unsubstantiated claims, business owner, etc.). I GOTTA CALL BULLSHIT.
Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 1.27.47 AM.png

The point being that Creep doesn't believe no one because they never substantiate their claim! So all I do is ask Creep TO SUBSTANTIATE HIS. If he has owned MORE THAN A FEW and still has a consulting business, this should be PRETTY DAMN EASY.

The rest is in the thread to see.

And just as I expected, CREEP is a NO SHOW. Anyone who calls others bullshit for lack of proof has to be willing and prepared to back up his own claims then. All I asked Creep was to show some documentation to prove HE isn't a bullshiter, too. Instead, we got the usual leftard EXCUSES. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. Blah Blah Blah. Well, here I am Creep, I don't have to do this, but just to blow apart your claim that everyone (conservative) here lies, I'm going to post my business tax licenses as promised. They just happen to be readily available. They don't show the businesses were S-Corps or that I was CEO/President, but its enough, its something. And just as I said, I added in some common household items (a penny and a mechanical pencil) to show they aren't just off the web or something. I DID offer to let you pick the items. If you'd like to specify different items, etc., Just name them if you still want to claim every conservative here blows smoke.

I haven't seen ONE conservative here claim to be a real estate mogul, have multiple homes or a trophy wife, but I HAVE SEEN endless Leftards here like you claim to be business owners, scientists, etc., but NEVER with any proof, and when you put them to the test, neither their business knowledge or science knowledge ever holds up. INCLUDING YOU. Every single time they run with shit running down their leg. LIKE YOU. So if you want to talk shit about Trump's trade policies and call bullshit to others who say they have business experience, the least you could do is back up YOUR claim you have any! But I'd bet a million dollars you never will, because, IF YOU COULD, YOU WOULD.

Here are the certificates of registration I promised even though you never produced a thing on your end Creep. Now if you want to save any shred of credibility you might still have left, you'll produce SOMETHING or forever be known as a LYING SCHMUCK.


You simply DON'T have such licenses without owning a business, and since I have them, you can trust I was president or CEO of both, and you can see the one was incorporated, ie., NOT just a sole proprietorship.


What they call in the vernacular: a JIVE TURKEY.
Last edited:
DOW Futures down 331 points.

Yeah...Donald 'I have-no-idea-what-a-tariff-actually-is' Trump knows EXACTLY what he is doing.

Used to winning ? 6 bankrupt companies loses a billion or so of OPM and writes it off and now no more meetings in sight Art of the deal ?? lol

Got to have a billion to lose a billion, right? That was 25 years ago, ya old goat....he's got $7B, (a little over $4B according to Forbes if he cashed out) and he's President and Hillary ain't. He's a winner whether you dingbats like him or not...why not be a good American and back him on this?

You don't have to have a Billion to lose a Billion, You just need to have a bad business acumen and someone stupid enough to lend you it...
<snip>You're not making a claim? As for posting any sort of personal information here? I don't actually give a flying fuck whether or not some lying conservitard believes me or not.

And there is it. The Creep craps out just as I figured he would. As these twaddles always do. Another Leftard with shit in his mouth. No, I'm not making a claim, fuckhead, I made a PROMISE. I have my corporate certificates RIGHT HERE behind me about 10 feet forgotten about sitting in some dust on top a seldom used oscilloscope. I can copy them and post them here with minimal redactions to protect my privacy and include some common object of identity of YOUR CHOICE to include in the photo to show the photo isn't random. All we need is for you to SHOW SOMETHING to back up your claim that you are this big businessman as well.

I'm going to make dinner and watch TV now. I'll check back later to see if you've posted your business ID to show you're not just talking out your ass AGAIN. Anyone owning a business (self-proprietorship, LLC, S-Corp, etc.) shouldn't have any trouble showing documentation. I can put anything you want in my photo: a watch showing the date, pair of glasses, nail-clipper, dollar bill, flashlight, YOU NAME IT.

Which part of "I don't care" did you have a hard time with?
As I just told will, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking twice about it.
I'm not making a claim. Show us some evidence of these businesses you say YOU have and I can easily put up photos here of my two corporate certificates of registration received when my businesses were created. I'm not just talk, I'm ready to back up my words with proof.

Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.
Still not getting the "I don't care" thing?

I'm not posting any personal documents on this forum.

Well, well, well, here it is three hours later, I'm back just as I said, and just as I expected, the Creep has run like the coward I knew him to be. The old excuse: "I don't care what anyone thinks." Well, I don't care what anyone thinks either, but I also know people of true integrity don't say things without being willing and able to back them up. So lets take a brief review:

Post 55: After the Creep says we can't win [Trump's] way, Will replies: You've never owned a business, have you?

View attachment 260641
Enter post 58. Will replies: I've owned several successful businesses.
View attachment 260642

To which the Creep says: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. Then, (paraphrasing): EVERY SINGLE CONSERVATIVE CLAIMS (big claims, unsubstantiated claims, business owner, etc.). I GOTTA CALL BULLSHIT.
View attachment 260643

The point being that Creep doesn't believe no one because they never substantiate their claim! So all I do is ask Creep TO SUBSTANTIATE HIS. If he has owned MORE THAN A FEW and still has a consulting business, this should be PRETTY DAMN EASY.

The rest is in the thread to see.

And just as I expected, CREEP is a NO SHOW. Anyone who calls others bullshit for lack of proof has to be willing and prepared to back up his own claims then. All I asked Creep was to show some documentation to prove HE isn't a bullshiter, too. Instead, we got the usual leftard EXCUSES. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. Blah Blah Blah. Well, here I am Creep, I don't have to do this, but just to blow apart your claim that everyone (conservative) here lies, I'm going to post my business tax licenses as promised. They just happen to be readily available. They don't show the businesses were S-Corps or that I was CEO/President, but its enough, its something. And just as I said, I added in some common household items (a penny and a mechanical pencil) to show they aren't just off the web or something. I DID offer to let you pick the items. If you'd like to specify different items, etc., Just name them if you still want to claim every conservative here blows smoke.

I haven't seen ONE conservative here claim to be a real estate mogul, have multiple homes or a trophy wife, but I HAVE SEEN endless Leftards here like you claim to be business owners, scientists, etc., but NEVER with any proof, and when you put them to the test, neither their business knowledge or science knowledge ever holds up. INCLUDING YOU. Every single time they run with shit running down their leg. LIKE YOU. So if you want to talk shit about Trump's trade policies and call bullshit to others who say they have business experience, the least you could do is back up YOUR claim you have any! But I'd bet a million dollars you never will, because, IF YOU COULD, YOU WOULD.

Here are the certificates of registration I promised even though you never produced a thing on your end Creep. Now if you want to save any shred of credibility you might still have left, you'll produce SOMETHING or forever be known as a LYING SCHMUCK.

View attachment 260645

You simply DON'T have such licenses without owning a business, and since I have them, you can trust I was president or CEO of both, and you can see the one was incorporated, ie., NOT just a sole proprietorship.


What they call in the vernacular: a JIVE TURKEY.
Lol, that was a stupid thing to do.
I'm not making a claim. Show us some evidence of these businesses you say YOU have and I can easily put up photos here of my two corporate certificates of registration received when my businesses were created. I'm not just talk, I'm ready to back up my words with proof.

Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.
Still not getting the "I don't care" thing?

I'm not posting any personal documents on this forum.
Neither would I.

Besides, they would mean nothing. You would have to post your name with photo ID PLUS proof that that person is the one who types on here (which would be an INCREDIBLY stupid thing to do).

Or the 'personal documents' could be anyone's and mean little/nothing.
<snip>You're not making a claim? As for posting any sort of personal information here? I don't actually give a flying fuck whether or not some lying conservitard believes me or not.

And there is it. The Creep craps out just as I figured he would. As these twaddles always do. Another Leftard with shit in his mouth. No, I'm not making a claim, fuckhead, I made a PROMISE. I have my corporate certificates RIGHT HERE behind me about 10 feet forgotten about sitting in some dust on top a seldom used oscilloscope. I can copy them and post them here with minimal redactions to protect my privacy and include some common object of identity of YOUR CHOICE to include in the photo to show the photo isn't random. All we need is for you to SHOW SOMETHING to back up your claim that you are this big businessman as well.

I'm going to make dinner and watch TV now. I'll check back later to see if you've posted your business ID to show you're not just talking out your ass AGAIN. Anyone owning a business (self-proprietorship, LLC, S-Corp, etc.) shouldn't have any trouble showing documentation. I can put anything you want in my photo: a watch showing the date, pair of glasses, nail-clipper, dollar bill, flashlight, YOU NAME IT.

Which part of "I don't care" did you have a hard time with?
You could always say ""if I had a fuk I wouldn't give it""
Proof is like pouring acid on the left, they writhe in agony.

We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.
Still not getting the "I don't care" thing?

I'm not posting any personal documents on this forum.
Neither would I.

Besides, they would mean nothing. You would have to post your name with photo ID PLUS proof that that person is the one who types on here (which would be an INCREDIBLY stupid thing to do).

Or the 'personal documents' could be anyone's and mean little/nothing.
This isn't personal to him. The only reason I doubt him is they all claim the same thing. It doesn't work that way.
Just wish we didn't have an AH in our WH now they might dump treasuries reduce boeing orders stop buying agricultural products Trump reverts to form He'll fight to the last drop of your blood
We shall see. It's up to the Creep now (again) to put his money where his mouth is, or whether he will just run away and disappear, drop the subject or deny it, as so many other leftards have. I've lost track of how many of these shitstains talk shit up and down about what you don't know or don't have until you offer to prove otherwise or challenge THEM to prove they do! I've yet to have ONE of them come through.
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.
Still not getting the "I don't care" thing?

I'm not posting any personal documents on this forum.
Neither would I.

Besides, they would mean nothing. You would have to post your name with photo ID PLUS proof that that person is the one who types on here (which would be an INCREDIBLY stupid thing to do).

Or the 'personal documents' could be anyone's and mean little/nothing.
This isn't personal to him. The only reason I doubt him is they all claim the same thing. It doesn't work that way.

There are a lot of things that work out that way...it is amazing how many people on here claim to be making money hand over fist in a stagnant market.

I will give toobfreak credit for backing up his claims. While they could be fake, at least he offered some evidence to support his claims. That should not be discounted.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Lol, do you guys have to jerk each other off right out here in the open like that?

It's disturbing.

The only disturbing jerk off here is you. You've posted FOUR times in the last 15 minutes yet still haven't produced any business ID to document this business you say you have, then have the NERVE to tell BluesLengend that no one here ever proves anything? I've proven stuff here before and am ready to do so again. I'll be back in a couple of hours after I eat and relax to look for your proof. Please don't tell us you don't own a camera or don't know how to redact personal info sufficient to protect your identity. I just want to see legal evidence of YOUR CLAIM of owning a business, and BELIEVE ME, I'm familiar with every business document. I'm also a document expert and can tell a forgery, tampering or other fraud.

So, LET's SEE IT, BIG GUY. Put your dick on the table, in your hand or in your mouth. Choice is up to you now. Back out and you are forever labeled a LIAR.
Still not getting the "I don't care" thing?

I'm not posting any personal documents on this forum.
Neither would I.

Besides, they would mean nothing. You would have to post your name with photo ID PLUS proof that that person is the one who types on here (which would be an INCREDIBLY stupid thing to do).

Or the 'personal documents' could be anyone's and mean little/nothing.
This isn't personal to him. The only reason I doubt him is they all claim the same thing. It doesn't work that way.

There are a lot of things that work out that way...it is amazing how many people on here claim to be making money hand over fist in a stagnant market.

I will give toobfreak credit for backing up his claims. While they could be fake, at least he offered some evidence to support his claims. That should not be discounted.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The simple fact is I don't care. It's the internet. Anybody can claim to be anything and many people do. I could tell you I work for the CIA at the secret lunar base and commute via wormhole to my apartment on Mars every day. You wouldn't believe me (I hope) but I could tell you anything. And damn near every conservative you talk to on the internet is a successful business man or real estate mogul, has many employees that love him/her, multiple homes, the best gun collection, is a world class rifleman, builds his own guns, and has a beautiful young wife who obediently votes conservative because he tells her to...... And so on.

It's not that I don't believe him, it's that I've heard it so much I don't believe any of them.

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