Tragedy At Virginia Tech Campus


Feb 15, 2007
What the hell is happening to this country?..It seems like in the last 10 years...a suicider wants to take as many out with him as possible now days.

My prayers to the family..and victims.

How can one even talk reason...looking at such tragedy.

First thing the Executive has to say about the subject?

"The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed," spokeswoman Dana Perino said
The worst tragedy in campus violence in history and we have people who want to immediately making it a political problem.
The worst tragedy in campus violence in history and we have people who want to immediately making it a political problem.

I was simply relaying the President's thoughts as stated by his spokeswoman. His first thought was political... how's that my fault?
I was simply relaying the President's thoughts as stated by his spokeswoman. His first thought was political... how's that my fault?

I think he was addressing the attempted politicization more than you. Don't feel shot just because you're the messenger.:badgrin:

The politicization IS BS, doesn't matter where it's coming from. And it's already started. The camp that thinks outlawing gun ownership on one side and the campt that thinks you shoudl be able to own a howitzer if you like on the other.

It's not being able to get past the "I Me" aspect to the part where because of the acts of one screwed up idiot, there are 20+ people who will never be older than today.
Well, there's only two possible outcomes to today's events: 1) "who cares"; or, 2) "what are we going to do about it." If you're of the #2 mindset, then this is will become a poltical issue, like it or not.

But, does that mean it has to be the first thought in someone's head... I think not.
Its a political issue, its a security issue. Anything that has to do with funding for something is a political issue. This campus was underfunded in terms of network communication, let me explain.

After the first shooting at 715 am. E-mails where sent out on the school network indicating that the shooting had taken place and to proceed with caution. Not only did this email arrive 1 hour and 45 minutes after the first shooting (late), it arrived saying "proceed with caution"!!!

Not only should this email had been sent within minutes of the finding out of one fatality in the first shooting. It also should have said "classes cancelled today!!" These students proceeded to attend class for 2 hours after a shooting ON campus occured and after one KNOWN fatality. Since classes resumed as usuall, the gunman was able to chain the doors of the engineering building shut. Trapping all students inside who "proceeded with caution" to class. This gunman then began going class to class shooting random students. Some of whom did not even get the email untill after 10am.

There has been a history at virginia tech for lack of network security and comminucation. This school was underfunded in the department of technological comminucation, which means that (in my opinion) the emails where sent after the first shooting, but did not reach all students within the network until 2 hours later. I dont think it was an administration failure, I believe it was a failure of communication. If the students had known that classes where not going to resume after the first shooting, the engineering building, would have been CLOSED. My heart goes out to these students and It saddens me that classes where not cancelled after the first shooting, I believe many people would still be alive. But thats my opinion.
Pretty fucked up. One of the worst mass shootings in history. What is it about mid-April???? Columbine happened around mid-April too.
An update

apparently, one classroom in the building was literally the next target of the gunman. A student accounts "a girl got up after we heard shots, she was going to shut the door but she looked out and saw the gunman coming down the hall. She then shut the door and we all tried to put desks and chairs to barricade the door along with at least 5 people holding the door shut. The gunman then tried to open the door, after he could not open it he shot two bullets through the door at chest level. He then reloaded and shot 4 more bullets in the same area, some bullets hit the podeum, most went through the door and one nearly struck a girl. He then gave up and went to the next classroom because we could hear more shots and screaming."

Wow, can you believe that this classroom was going to be attacked and most likely several more people would have died, if not for that barracade and that girl looking out the door?

Here is post from one of the students on the school website

"I am a student at Virginia Tech and was in my dormitory at 10:30 when I FINALLY got word about the shootings. I was on my way out to class when I was stopped by a hallmate telling me about what was going on. Students are now coming back to the dorms. I have a friend who is in the building behind Norris and is surrounded by students and faculty who were in Norris. One girl expressed how she saw many bloody bodies. We are being advised to stay in the dorm, but information from the University is slow, although the news coverage has been the best source of information. Why weren't we warned after the FIRST shooting?
Bethany Zimmerman, Blacksburg Virginia"

That speaks for itself
How many people would have died if the gunman would have encountered a well trained gunhandler in the first classroom!

A) 0

B) 0

c) 0

D) 1, the gunman
How many people would have died if the gunman would have encountered a well trained gunhandler in the first classroom!

A) 0

B) 0

c) 0

D) 1, the gunman

Well I'm not sure about that, but do know it would have been less than the 30 he managed to kill and 20 injured.
I bet you 10 to 1 Hillary and LIEberman will skip the gun issue and use this to go after the video games industry.
How many people would have died if the gunman would have encountered a well trained gunhandler in the first classroom!

A) 0

B) 0

c) 0

D) 1, the gunman

How many people would have died if the gunman had limited or no access to hand guns...

A) 0

B) 0

c) 0

D) 1, the gunman
so Kathianne.... you are OK with students carrying concealed weapons in school?

I made my 'qualms' clear, also the exceptions that I noted. Problem with that is, that laws aren't specific like that. So it's a quandry.
How many people would have died if the gunman had limited or no access to hand guns...

A) 0

B) 0

c) 0

D) 1, the gunman

The exact same number that died today, because, unless you intend to destroy every single gun in the U.S., if he wanted a gun bad enough, he would have found a way to get one.
The exact same number that died today, because, unless you intend to destroy every single gun in the U.S., if he wanted a gun bad enough, he would have found a way to get one.

And therein lies the problem. I'm glad I live in a society where guns are a privilege, not a right...

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