Train Derailment in Seattle Area

Wtf? Did they not give this thing a couple of trial dry runs?

Things like this are inexcusable.

The NTSA should be all over this.
Shows why we need more investment in our infrastructure

Our rail infrastructure is among the worst in the free world
We just had 8 years of liberal taking care of it. How many billions did Obama set aside for taking care of infrustructore?
Congress controls spending and dems have only had control 4 out of the past 20 years. Repugs are too busy handing money out to the rich, corporations, and military contractors than to worry about mundane things like infrastructure.

So why didn't the Dems fix it when they had the chance?
I’ve done 90 thru Camp Pendleton. Never an issue.

View attachment 166589

Is the train suppose to go 82/mph around tight turn?

It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.
30mph limit is what I hear.

This is a high speed train. Why would it have a 30 mph curve in it?

I found it on Google earth. The curve is little to nothing! I had heard earlier today that it was an 80 mph limit.
It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.

Yes it was a very tight turn. Almost 90 degrees. You take that at 80mph and you're going to end up in the woods.

I’ve done 90 thru Camp Pendleton. Never an issue.

View attachment 166589

Is the train suppose to go 82/mph around tight turn?

It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.
30mph limit is what I hear.

This is a high speed train. Why would it have a 30 mph curve in it?

I found it on Google earth. The curve is little to nothing!
Jerry Browns high speed train to nowhere has a lot of low speed sections designed into it. Geography or right of way makes the radius too short.
As in we need to upgrade out infrastructure to the 21st Century? That is an agenda to be feared? LOL

The bottom line is you don’t give two shits about those that lost their lives today, all you care about is your damn agenda. Politics before lives right fear monger.
I’ve done 90 thru Camp Pendleton. Never an issue.

View attachment 166589

Is the train suppose to go 82/mph around tight turn?

It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.
30mph limit is what I hear.
Yup! GPS showed train going 82/mph & passengers said train did not slow down before derailing. There was no positive train control installed to slow train when engineer gets distracted.
I’ve done 90 thru Camp Pendleton. Never an issue.

View attachment 166589

Is the train suppose to go 82/mph around tight turn?

It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.
30mph limit is what I hear.

This is a high speed train. Why would it have a 30 mph curve in it?

I found it on Google earth. The curve is little to nothing!
Jerry Browns high speed train to nowhere has a lot of low speed sections designed into it. Geography or right of way makes the radius too short.

You are not reading my posts. Look at Dupont WA on Google earth. Find I-5 and you can see the tracks paralleling I-5 from Tacoma and then crosses over by taking a left hand curve over the Interstate.
Shows why we need more investment in our infrastructure

Our rail infrastructure is among the worst in the free world
We just had 8 years of liberal taking care of it. How many billions did Obama set aside for taking care of infrustructore?
Congress controls spending and dems have only had control 4 out of the past 20 years. Repugs are too busy handing money out to the rich, corporations, and military contractors than to worry about mundane things like infrastructure.

So why didn't the Dems fix it when they had the chance?
The government lovers insist the government intentionally let people get killed.

Not sure if they should be slapped silly for their stupidness or left to run with that position.
It was not a tight turn. It was about a 35-40 degree left hand turn and then crossed I-5.

Yes it was a very tight turn. Almost 90 degrees. You take that at 80mph and you're going to end up in the woods.

Plus it was going backwards. Always hated that decision to allow that.

The train wasn't going backwards. It had an engine in the rear of the train that was not under power. The Engine that was powering the locomotive was in the front.
Seriously though, these guys aren't in contact with a dispatcher?

This was a totally avoidable incident.

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