Tranny 10 year old fights to remove gender from birth cert

If the kid was born with outdoor plumbing then the BC needs to reflect that scientific and medical fact.

There is no basis at-law for removing the gender reference, insofar as my own amateur eyes can discern.

Especially if he-she-it has not yet undergone transformational surgery.
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Bigots! If the parents think the boy is a girl then
Don't force your cisgendered world view on them!

Liberal deviants are such fucking faggots
Continues to amaze me that the rw nutters are so threatened by the private lives of others.
Continues to amaze me that the rw nutters are so threatened by the private lives of others.
It continues to amaze me that lw nutters are so threatened by mainstream insistence upon public documents dealing in scientific and medical fact rather than accommodating touchy-feely personal perceptions.
Bigots! If the parents think the boy is a girl then
Don't force your cisgendered world view on them!

Liberal deviants are such fucking faggots

Sometimes it is hard to understand exactly what is meant by the term "gender", and how it differs from the closely related term "sex".

"Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

"Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.To put it another way:

"Male" and "female" are sex categories, while "masculine" and "feminine" are gender categories.

Aspects of sex will not vary substantially between different human societies, while aspects of gender may vary greatly.

According to the World Health Organization :cool:

WHO | What do we mean by "sex" and "gender"?
IMAP why do trannies have to 'play the role'? Why don't. 'Female' trannies wear jeans and tshirts. It's not like all real women wear dresses all the time. Trannies are caricatures of gender stereotypes libs claim to abhor
IMAP why do trannies have to 'play the role'? Why don't. 'Female' trannies wear jeans and tshirts. It's not like all real women wear dresses all the time. Trannies are caricatures of gender stereotypes libs claim to abhor

Sure, and within some feminist groups mtf (male to female) transwomen have been rejected because it has been argued that prior to transitioning the transwoman experienced gender privilege in a patriarchal male dominated culture. Transwomen argue that they understand issues feminist women are dealing with such as the right to make decisions with their own body as in abortion for example, because transwomen have been stigmatized for cross-dressing or for having reconstructive surgery.

It's really complex.

Once someone has had sex reassignment surgery they want the option to change the birth certificate to reflect that.

I am not sure why someone would change a birth certificate based on how they gender identify since gender is a social construction.

It always confuses me. Maybe someone who is trans can explain it better. :dunno:
The argument has been made that the difference between transgender and transsexual lies in making a distinction between gender (culture/performance) and sex (bodies/biology).* On the contrary, Transgender rights activist and lawyer Dylan Vade claims there is no "meaningful difference" between sex and gender and any definition "that pit biology against psychology or the body against the mind...denigrates transgender peoples self-identified genders."

What is the difference between transgender and transsexual? - Trans* Awareness Project

Transgender and Transsexual are individuals who do not identify with the sex they are born into. "Transgender" individuals feel a lack of fit between their own internal gender and the gender roles made by their society. Some transgender people's sense of difference is so strong that they identify as "transsexual," someone who believes their assigned sex at birth is wrong and their correct sex is one that aligns with their internal feelings.

Transgender vs Transsexual - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Sexuality is based on the gender identity of the people involved. So you need to know what gender one identifies as before you can accurately apply sexuality labels. It does not matter if a person has had gender reassignment surgery, gender is in the brain. Surgery is used to make the body match the brain.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to males is straight.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to females is straight.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to females is a lesbian.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to males is gay.

Many people have a hard time grasping this concept because they get caught up in what the physical body of a person is or was.
I am a lesbian transwoman. That means that I am a woman who was born male bodied that is attracted to other women .

What does heterosexual/transgender mean? - Yahoo! Answers
If he, or she i mean i don't know, should live up in a place that could become a hostile territory, we can at least give he/her the peace of mind in the simple things such as a birth certificate overwrite. I mean, obviously our government files won't change, but we could sure scare the shit out of his/her teachers
If he, or she i mean i don't know, should live up in a place that could become a hostile territory, we can at least give he/her the peace of mind in the simple things such as a birth certificate overwrite. I mean, obviously our government files won't change, but we could sure scare the shit out of his/her teachers

Germany made a law for a 3rd gender option parents could choose.
Do away with birth certificates completely. That will solve the problem and the problem of illegal immigration too.
Sexuality is based on the gender identity of the people involved. So you need to know what gender one identifies as before you can accurately apply sexuality labels. It does not matter if a person has had gender reassignment surgery, gender is in the brain. Surgery is used to make the body match the brain.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to males is straight.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to females is straight.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to females is a lesbian.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to males is gay.

Many people have a hard time grasping this concept because they get caught up in what the physical body of a person is or was.
I am a lesbian transwoman. That means that I am a woman who was born male bodied that is attracted to other women .

What does heterosexual/transgender mean? - Yahoo! Answers

which actually means that he is straight :D
If he, or she i mean i don't know, should live up in a place that could become a hostile territory, we can at least give he/her the peace of mind in the simple things such as a birth certificate overwrite. I mean, obviously our government files won't change, but we could sure scare the shit out of his/her teachers

he-she-it is 10 for Pete's sake!

he was born a boy and should stay that way until 18 and only then decide does he want to undergo all the very difficult treatments - and only after that the gender in the documents can be changed.

for now it looks like the crazy parents are brainwashing the child and imposing their agenda.
Sexuality is based on the gender identity of the people involved. So you need to know what gender one identifies as before you can accurately apply sexuality labels. It does not matter if a person has had gender reassignment surgery, gender is in the brain. Surgery is used to make the body match the brain.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to males is straight.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to females is straight.

A trans person who identifies as female who is attracted to females is a lesbian.

A trans person who identifies as male who is attracted to males is gay.

Many people have a hard time grasping this concept because they get caught up in what the physical body of a person is or was.
I am a lesbian transwoman. That means that I am a woman who was born male bodied that is attracted to other women .

What does heterosexual/transgender mean? - Yahoo! Answers

which actually means that he is straight :D

That's what I thought but a close friend corrected me and said no She's a lesbian.


If you are heterosexual male with a bromance or heterosexual female with a girl crush,

I think in trans language you are heterosexual and homoromantic:eusa_whistle:

That's what I thought but a close friend corrected me and said no She's a lesbian.


If you are heterosexual male with a bromance or heterosexual female with a girl crush,

I think in trans language you are heterosexual and homoromantic:eusa_whistle:

If he underwent all hormonal and physical changes h might look like a female but mentally is still a male. well, and chromosomal, obviously.
not everybody undergoes the full treatment, though - some simply can not finish for medical reasons. then they are males mentally and physically. so, either way, it is heterosexual attraction, as it is in the mind, not in the boobs ;)

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