Trans Pacific Partnership


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Apparently this is something being talked about in the "negotiations".
obama wants his fast track override, and he will get rhis BULLSHIT going.
From what I have read.abiut this abomination, it will help out the drug companies, insurance, wall street bailout banks and the corporatists. probably the ones profiting from fascistcare
screw consumer and labor interests! and this, even gies against environmental interests!
MORE nontransparency from this elitist.
and the right is for corporations :rofl:
that fucker is in the bag for the greedy bastards that wrote fascistcare
eat it up libbies. eat it up
you people are fuckin fools!
the right better not give him this shit!
fuckin pansies
Perhaps a cogent, coherent explanation, with punctuation, about what you are talking about would be helpful.

"I heard somewhere..." doesn't quite cut it.
Im to the left and this agreement is BS. Its a jobkiller and I hope it's stopped. Many dem congressmen are against this as well.
The TPP is a Trojan horse, branded as a “free trade” agreement, but having nothing to do with fair and equitable treatment. In reality, it is precisely “a wish list of the 1% ―a worldwide corporate power.”8 “Only 5 of its 29 chapters cover traditional trade matters, like tariffs or quotas.”9 “The other chapters enshrine new rights and privileges for major corporations while weakening the power of nation states to oppose them.”10 As the Japanese people have increasingly become concerned about its potential implications on their lives, some groups have voiced their objections to the TPP.

NAFTA on steroids running amok in the Pacific.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Its Critics: An introduction and a petition ???????????? :: JapanFocus
Im to the left and this agreement is BS. Its a jobkiller and I hope it's stopped. Many dem congressmen are against this as well.

They freakin better be.

They could care less what you think but:

Over two-thirds of Democratic freshmen in the U.S. House of Representatives have expressed serious reservations about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP FTA) negotiations and the prospect of delegating Fast Track “trade promotion authority” to the President. They voiced their concerns in a letter sent to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Ranking Ways and Means Member Sander Levin on June 11, 2013, that was spearheaded by Wisconsin Congressman Mark Pocan and signed by 35 other House freshmen.

Democratic Revolt Against TPP and Fast Track
and to think, so MANY presidents have been given this authority..
hope that doesnt stop them!
of course, this has never been brought up..
we just started negotiating in 08
what? nobody is going to pledge allegiance to the corporate in chief?

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