"Trans-People", An OP/ED

I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.
Geez DF! Did the sun god craze you with trans obsession when you looked into his gaze at dawn?
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
It was the liberal democrat party in FACT that mandated this. You remember Obama right?
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.
Geez DF! Did the sun god craze you with trans obsession when you looked into his gaze at dawn?
Same question. Are trans women EQUAL to real women?
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population. We need to be honest with ourselves about that topic and those people.

In truth they are seeking to empower one of the most demented and deluded portions of our population. Can I prove deluded? Yes I can. Walk up to a mirror and drop your pants and see if you have a tab or a slot. If you see a tab but swear its a slot you ARE deluded.

If there was truly honesty in policy and practice for a nation and its people those folks would not be empowered but rather they would be placed quite rightly so in mental hospitals. People who are so openly deluded/deranged and demented are simply not given power.

Democrats are simply using that group of mentally deranged people as a proxy to attack the sanity and security of the larger population. If they truly cared about those people they would be putting them in mental hospitals where they could get treatment for their illness.

If the truth was truly told about democrats there is no greater cruelty than using the mentally ill as fodder for an attack on the sane civilized populace. They ARE sending about three percent of the population that is mentally ill into battle with the majority.

Are far as my argument democrats are using them as fodder? Easy to prove, how many of them hold national office? How many of them hold cabinet positions? So its just another case of what's good for you is not good for them.
As far as war on women? What group LOST privacy and safety and what party did that?

This thread’s premise is yet another repugnant example of the ignorance, fear, hatred, and bigotry common to far too many on the right.
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.
Geez DF! Did the sun god craze you with trans obsession when you looked into his gaze at dawn?
Same question. Are trans women EQUAL to real women?
You’re a bigot and racist – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population. We need to be honest with ourselves about that topic and those people.

In truth they are seeking to empower one of the most demented and deluded portions of our population. Can I prove deluded? Yes I can. Walk up to a mirror and drop your pants and see if you have a tab or a slot. If you see a tab but swear its a slot you ARE deluded.

If there was truly honesty in policy and practice for a nation and its people those folks would not be empowered but rather they would be placed quite rightly so in mental hospitals. People who are so openly deluded/deranged and demented are simply not given power.

Democrats are simply using that group of mentally deranged people as a proxy to attack the sanity and security of the larger population. If they truly cared about those people they would be putting them in mental hospitals where they could get treatment for their illness.

If the truth was truly told about democrats there is no greater cruelty than using the mentally ill as fodder for an attack on the sane civilized populace. They ARE sending about three percent of the population that is mentally ill into battle with the majority.

Are far as my argument democrats are using them as fodder? Easy to prove, how many of them hold national office? How many of them hold cabinet positions? So its just another case of what's good for you is not good for them.
As far as war on women? What group LOST privacy and safety and what party did that?

This thread’s premise is yet another repugnant example of the ignorance, fear, hatred, and bigotry common to far too many on the right.
Same question idiot. Are trans women EQUAL to real women?
Yes or no?
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
It was the liberal democrat party in FACT that mandated this. You remember Obama right?

You're talking about the bathroom again? Sheesh, so if they use a women's bathroom dems are saying they are equal to women. If they use the Men's room would you say dems think they are EQUAL to Men?

This is a stupid jump to conclusions convo
Who's rights are being reduced?

No ones.

I don't know what you guys think goes on in bathroom stalls.
Are we going to need MANDATED co-ed showers and locker rooms before you see the problem? What happen to all those rights of women to have a womens only bathroom?

As far as I'm concerned a trans woman is a woman.
So what's that make a REAL woman? Are you suggesting they are equal?
Why are you so threatened?
I don't feel threatened on the personal level but the idea government can by mandate remove my privacy pisses me off.

If you have a right to be pissed off at anyone, it would be the idiots that filled your head with such dumb rhetoric, and then convinced you it would be a good idea to expose your ignorance to the constant ridicule it deserves. Do you enjoy being laughed at so much?
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
It was the liberal democrat party in FACT that mandated this. You remember Obama right?

You're talking about the bathroom again? Sheesh, so if they use a women's bathroom dems are saying they are equal to women. If they use the Men's room would you say dems think they are EQUAL to Men?

This is a stupid jump to conclusions convo
If a room is reserved to women only and you force them to accept faggots in dresses you have made faggots in dresses equal to women.
If anyone listens to Fresh Air there was a very interesting show on genes today. About 35 minutes in it was discussed how you could have a set of genitals that didn't match your perceived gender because of the way your genes expressed themselves. As long as that possibility exists it will be unAmerican to discriminate against trans people and/or force them to conform.

No matter how much it outrages the right.

Science, as usual, is the enemy of the right.
I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
It was the liberal democrat party in FACT that mandated this. You remember Obama right?

You're talking about the bathroom again? Sheesh, so if they use a women's bathroom dems are saying they are equal to women. If they use the Men's room would you say dems think they are EQUAL to Men?

This is a stupid jump to conclusions convo
If a room is reserved to women only and you force them to accept faggots in dresses you have made faggots in dresses equal to women.
They are equal to women, though I doubt they are "faggots" as you so quaintly put it.

They are also equal to men.
I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.

Remember how you accused me of the same thing only to find out it was all in your head?

Thats what you're doing again. Simply saying "liberals believe" doesn't make what you tack on reality.
It was the liberal democrat party in FACT that mandated this. You remember Obama right?

You're talking about the bathroom again? Sheesh, so if they use a women's bathroom dems are saying they are equal to women. If they use the Men's room would you say dems think they are EQUAL to Men?

This is a stupid jump to conclusions convo
If a room is reserved to women only and you force them to accept faggots in dresses you have made faggots in dresses equal to women.

This is the problem. You are saying if you agree with this 5hing then that means...and adding in your own bullshit.

This is like the lazy Susan of logic. You believe that someone using a bathroom makes them equal. You then say that others believe it. They say they don't and as a response you go right the fuck back to saying others believe it.

I mean, how do you have a discussion like this? Instead of you setting the narrative why not ask people if they think trannies using any bathroom makes them that gender instead of this bullshit?
I didn't defend anything other than my post dumbass. Your accusations aren't real.
Yes or no? Are trans women EQUAL to real women? Simple question.

I've already said no! Will you accept it this time?
So why are democrats demeaning real women suggesting they are equal to faggots in a dress? Because as you have already agreed they are not.
Geez DF! Did the sun god craze you with trans obsession when you looked into his gaze at dawn?
Same question. Are trans women EQUAL to real women?
I believe transwomen should have equal rights to real women.

Every transwoman hasa y chromosome, even if they have extra x's. Like xxy or xxxy etc. So yes there is difference. Howver if a man loves a transwoman, or if the transwoman loves sewing or feminine clothes or if she is raped or bashed or at a dinner party, she should be treated as any other woman.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population. We need to be honest with ourselves about that topic and those people.

In truth they are seeking to empower one of the most demented and deluded portions of our population. Can I prove deluded? Yes I can. Walk up to a mirror and drop your pants and see if you have a tab or a slot. If you see a tab but swear its a slot you ARE deluded.

If there was truly honesty in policy and practice for a nation and its people those folks would not be empowered but rather they would be placed quite rightly so in mental hospitals. People who are so openly deluded/deranged and demented are simply not given power.

Democrats are simply using that group of mentally deranged people as a proxy to attack the sanity and security of the larger population. If they truly cared about those people they would be putting them in mental hospitals where they could get treatment for their illness.

If the truth was truly told about democrats there is no greater cruelty than using the mentally ill as fodder for an attack on the sane civilized populace. They ARE sending about three percent of the population that is mentally ill into battle with the majority.

Are far as my argument democrats are using them as fodder? Easy to prove, how many of them hold national office? How many of them hold cabinet positions? So its just another case of what's good for you is not good for them.
As far as war on women? What group LOST privacy and safety and what party did that?


Fury, don't call your vile homophobic diarrhea of the mouth "Op-ed."

Your post is neither an opinion nor editorial, just vile hateful shit pouring from your mouth.

Like you wouldn't say that a dog barking or mouth foaming is editorializing or expressing an opinion. It's an animal reaction to a trigger.

LGBT rights are a dog whistle to people like you. Blow it and you bark and mouth foam uncontrollably.
If ya got a tab and are in the slot room....yer in the wrong room.
If ya got a slot and are in the tab room....yer in the wrong room.

Simple as that.
Listen everyone, DarkFury is an internet friend of mine. He's not hateful and just has strong opinions. I really doubt he would be cruel to a lady, whether biological or trans.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population. We need to be honest with ourselves about that topic and those people.

In truth they are seeking to empower one of the most demented and deluded portions of our population. Can I prove deluded? Yes I can. Walk up to a mirror and drop your pants and see if you have a tab or a slot. If you see a tab but swear its a slot you ARE deluded.

If there was truly honesty in policy and practice for a nation and its people those folks would not be empowered but rather they would be placed quite rightly so in mental hospitals. People who are so openly deluded/deranged and demented are simply not given power.

Democrats are simply using that group of mentally deranged people as a proxy to attack the sanity and security of the larger population. If they truly cared about those people they would be putting them in mental hospitals where they could get treatment for their illness.

If the truth was truly told about democrats there is no greater cruelty than using the mentally ill as fodder for an attack on the sane civilized populace. They ARE sending about three percent of the population that is mentally ill into battle with the majority.

Are far as my argument democrats are using them as fodder? Easy to prove, how many of them hold national office? How many of them hold cabinet positions? So its just another case of what's good for you is not good for them.
As far as war on women? What group LOST privacy and safety and what party did that?


Who's rights are being reduced?

No ones.

I don't know what you guys think goes on in bathroom stalls.
Are we going to need MANDATED co-ed showers and locker rooms before you see the problem? What happen to all those rights of women to have a womens only bathroom?

As far as I'm concerned a trans woman is a woman.
So what's that make a REAL woman? Are you suggesting they are equal?

Absolutely. All people are equal.
Who's rights are being reduced?

No ones.

I don't know what you guys think goes on in bathroom stalls.
Are we going to need MANDATED co-ed showers and locker rooms before you see the problem? What happen to all those rights of women to have a womens only bathroom?

As far as I'm concerned a trans woman is a woman.
So what's that make a REAL woman? Are you suggesting they are equal?
Why are you so threatened?
I don't feel threatened on the personal level but the idea government can by mandate remove my privacy pisses me off.

How is your privacy threatened?
Are we going to need MANDATED co-ed showers and locker rooms before you see the problem? What happen to all those rights of women to have a womens only bathroom?

As far as I'm concerned a trans woman is a woman.
So what's that make a REAL woman? Are you suggesting they are equal?
Why are you so threatened?
I don't feel threatened on the personal level but the idea government can by mandate remove my privacy pisses me off.

How is your privacy threatened?
I rekon transwomen privacy is threatened by the false flag politics.

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