Trans Porn

I was perusing some Asian porn on PH just a couple nights ago. Smack in the middle of all sorts of delicious Asian carnal delights, I ran across an Asian chick with a dick video. Frankly, it pissed me off. They need to keep that shit segregated.
There has been a big increase in this over the past two years. Our society is really sick.

Don't follow it .. don't agree with .. don't understand this -- if a "trans female" is having sex with a male .. isn't that just homosexuality, and you're being penetrated by a mental ill individual?

How about a "trans male" ... if they are penetrated by a male .. isn't that ... normal sex with a mental ill individual?
They should be given circumcisions Durant style.

Word has it lawsuits by children who had their bodies mutilated in sex change operations are on the way. Sue the hell out of the doctors, hospitals and schools that encouraged such operations.

The next time you go to a bar to pickup a woman be very careful that you get the real deal and not some freak with a big tool.

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