Trans professor is placed on leave after interview defending pedophiles.

Did the professor really say that? I didn't read that far. That's definitely a no go.
Yes, that is literally they/them's solution for treatment.

I haven't read they/them's book, so I have no idea how they/them proposes to manufacture such illegal content to treat these sickos, without harming innocent kids, as they/them suggests.

Do we call people who are born blind immoral?
No one is born a pedophile. . . that is the point here. That is why this needs to be quashed fool.

No. . . I had always known what their intentions were, I was exposed to it at Uni.. .. .

What I did not expect, was that there would ever come a day, when it would be socially acceptable to come right out and say, "O.K., now we are going to push it."

And, given some of the reactions to this thread?


. . . I can tell who has had children, and who has not.
And probably who was sexually assaulted as a child and who was not.
No one is born a pedophile. . . that is the point here. That is why this needs to be quashed fool.


Prove that. Prove that there is absolutely no chance that whatever causes a person to mature can not be messed up in people?

Is it better to not study this and try to find answers or just continue as we have done forever? After all, it's stopped the practice, right?
You are simply afraid to address what I state.
No, I actually already did. Do you need a refresher?

If they don't start getting honest about the corruption. . . sure.

They haven't been clear about the corruption going on since at least the fifties or sixties. Probably going back even far before. Both in the Vatican bank, and among the Salesians.

There, that's the end of it. You want to get further into THAT issue? ???

Or, start your own, new thread which is more specific, eh?

Prove that. Prove that there is absolutely no chance that whatever causes a person to mature can not be messed up in people?

Is it better to not study this and try to find answers or just continue as we have done forever? After all, it's stopped the practice, right?
I have a better solution.

Whether it is or not?

If it IS genetic, we just execute everyone that does it, thus, reducing prevalence in the gene pool. If it isn't? That will both serve as a deterrent, and reduce recidivism, because everyone that does it, never does it again, because they are dead. Hell, that whole Rittenhouse thing, would have never happened. . . what a genius policy!



I'm not playing your GD socially subversive, Neo-marxist games. Go pound sand.

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I have a better solution.

Whether it is or not?

If it IS genetic, we just execute everyone that does it, thus, reducing prevalence in the gene pool. If it isn't? That will both serve as a deterrent, and reduce recidivism, because everyone that does it, never does it again, because they are dead. Hell, that whole Rittenhouse thing, would have never happened. . . what a genius policy!



I'm not playing your GD socially subversive, Neo-marxist games. Go pound sand.

View attachment 565380

So I side with something that may lead to answers and you side with something that is never going to happen and hence change nothing.
Priests are no more likely to be pedos than the general population. Pedos do anything they can to get access to minors.
Yeah, they are. You haven't been following the news, have you? The world-wide news all over the globe about criminal pedophile priests by the hundreds and thousands?
I remember when social conservatives made these silly ass, slippery slope fallacy arguments, when the left pushed and pushed, on all issues. First it was gay marriage, then it was the trans rights issues moving farther and farther into the mainstream, in all the culture.

The left would push back, saying, it doesn't affect you, what are you worried about? And the other side, would claim, that if some sanity were not restored, they would come after the children.

I had my doubts any Educational Institution or "civil rights" organization would ever condone that.

Well. . . the paranoid hard right, turned out to be correct. :rolleyes:

Virginia prof under fire after saying sexual attraction to children isn’t always immoral​

ODU professor placed on administrative leave after comments on pedophilia​

Dr. Allyn Walker argued for the use of the term “minor-attracted people” to describe people who are attracted to children, instead of “pedophile.”
Of course it just WOULD be someone in Virginia. Seems to be a state that majors in child sexual abuse of every type. So the tweet described him/her as "This non-binary assistant professor at Old Dominion University" ---- I'm not perfectly clear about "non-binary" but I suppose it's sort of a coward's trans-type. Moves and talks like a woman but has a mustache, so if it is a woman, she had hormone treatments. I'd call that transvestite, but calling herself non-binary is fine with me as long as I know what pronoun to use, that is, what it sex it was originally.

ANYWAY, a huge radical left policy is to say we are not allowed to define people by their ---- disability. That is, he's not "a homosexual," he's John Doe, who is homosexual. She was not a slave in the Roman Empire, she was an "enslaved person." First a person, then enslaved. This verbal practice totally crippled a feminist study of the Roman Empire lately ---- but she deserved it, so I don't care that she ruined her book by buying into this nonsense. So not a pedophile, just a "minor-attracted person."

I've decided this is stupid and I certainly can describe people by their disability if I want, just watch me.
I remember when social conservatives made these silly ass, slippery slope fallacy arguments, when the left pushed and pushed, on all issues. First it was gay marriage, then it was the trans rights issues moving farther and farther into the mainstream, in all the culture.

The left would push back, saying, it doesn't affect you, what are you worried about? And the other side, would claim, that if some sanity were not restored, they would come after the children.

I had my doubts any Educational Institution or "civil rights" organization would ever condone that.

Well. . . the paranoid hard right, turned out to be correct. :rolleyes:

Virginia prof under fire after saying sexual attraction to children isn’t always immoral​

ODU professor placed on administrative leave after comments on pedophilia​

Dr. Allyn Walker argued for the use of the term “minor-attracted people” to describe people who are attracted to children, instead of “pedophile.”
What “silly ass slippery slope argument” do social conservatives make regarding the crime of child sexual abuse?

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