Trans professor is placed on leave after interview defending pedophiles.

It doesn't matter what they "identify" as---they are what they are in reality not what they want to be. Same goes for -"Mostly straight" as it is blaringly not heterosexual either---but bi-sexual despite the gay communities re-defining words when they don't like the truth that they commonly do.
So I side with something that may lead to answers and you side with something that is never going to happen and hence change nothing.
I have faith.

You lack all faith. I also try to have obedience and humility. You obviously have no use for either.

I sense an agenda to assuage your own ego, when my hunch is, you already know the truth.


James 4:17

You would, in your so-called search for "answers," upset the natural ordained balance? You are fool in your hubris.
If a person is born with an attraction there can be no morality attached to that.

Someone may be and never touch a kid but they can't come forward to get any kind of therapy or anything because they are labelled as evil or such by people like you.

You know that people who were left handed were deemed evil in the past.

Always someone else to blame with you leftists.
Then you equate the left handed with pedophiles.
Leftism is indeed a mental disorder.
He does indeed identify as a “trans” person. He also uses the pronouns “they or them.” He was employed at Old Dominion
Well, is it really a male or a female? Originally? Do you happen to KNOW? It's not so easy to tell what this chameleon is.
If, you know, he's GOT one. If he does, he's a he. If it doesn't, she's a she. Is there any way to tell what this character is?

It was bound to happen, that the homosexuals would come after little boys as a legal issue that they ought to get to do. The priest thing is no accident, since they COULD go after each other: but they go after Catholic boys. Everyone knows high proportions of homosexuals are attracted to boys: look at the Scoutmaster problem, too.
Dr. Allyn Walker was born with a womb, ovaries, and more than likely, at one time had breasts. They/them now identifies as a he.

I cannot say whether they have had. . . er. . that other surgery, nor do I care to know.
Dr. Allyn Walker was born with a womb, ovaries, and more than likely, at one time had breasts. They/them now identifies as a he.

I cannot say whether they have had. . . er. . that other surgery, nor do I care to know.
Okay, she's a she. Maybe I should have guessed by the spelling of "Allyn." What they need to do if they are trying for "non-binary," is to totally erase ALLLLLLL secondary sexual characteristics. I read a sci-fi where some people tried that. "Distress" by Greg Egan. Pretty good novel. Thanx, MisterBeale.
The paranoid hard right denies the fact that more kids are molested and sexually abused by striaght members of the community than by gay members of the community.
Per capita?

I doubt this is true, I very much doubt it.

If you are talking about absolute numbers? Sure, that makes sense. There are more folks that were victims of abuse. Abuse usually starts in one of two ways, either person is a victim of a person that had been a victim themselves, or they are a victim of an adult who is completely, staggeringly drunk/high/etc. . .

IMO, this is one of the reasons our nation had experimented with prohibition.

Most folks today ARE NOT even exposed to the four cardinal virtues, so how can we expect to maintain a civilization? :dunno:

. . . in my family, it is axiomatic, and cultural, you don't have more than a drink, maybe a second? around kids, it models poor behavior. Yet, in many families, getting drunk and high around children is totally fine????

None of this would be an issue if the four virtues were adhered to.

What the hell has happened in this nation?

Four cardinal virtues​

  • Prudence (φρόνησις, phrónēsis; Latin: prudentia; also Wisdom, Sophia, sapientia), the ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the appropriate time.
  • Justice (δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosýnē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness;[3] the Greek word also having the meaning righteousness
  • Fortitude (ἀνδρεία, andreía; Latin: fortitudo): also termed courage: forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation
  • Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosýnē; Latin: temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition. Plato considered Sōphrosynē, which may also be translated as sound-mindedness, to be the most important virtue.
Per capita?

I doubt this is true, I very much doubt it.

If you are talking about absolute numbers? Sure, that makes sense. There are more folks that were victims of abuse. Abuse usually starts in one of two ways, either person is a victim of a person that had been a victim themselves, or they are a victim of an adult who is completely, staggeringly drunk/high/etc. . .

IMO, this is one of the reasons our nation had experimented with prohibition.

Most folks today ARE NOT even exposed to the four cardinal virtues, so how can we expect to maintain a civilization? :dunno:

. . . in my family, it is axiomatic, and cultural, you don't have more than a drink, maybe a second? around kids, it models poor behavior. Yet, in many families, getting drunk and high around children is totally fine????

None of this would be an issue if the four virtues were adhered to.

What the hell has happened in this nation?

Four cardinal virtues​

  • Prudence (φρόνησις, phrónēsis; Latin: prudentia; also Wisdom, Sophia, sapientia), the ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the appropriate time.
  • Justice (δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosýnē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness;[3] the Greek word also having the meaning righteousness
  • Fortitude (ἀνδρεία, andreía; Latin: fortitudo): also termed courage: forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation
  • Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosýnē; Latin: temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition. Plato considered Sōphrosynē, which may also be translated as sound-mindedness, to be the most important virtue.
Do you always try to draw moral equivalents from pagans who broke every rule?
The paranoid hard right denies the fact that more kids are molested and sexually abused by striaght members of the community than by gay members of the community.
I don't care if the guy is straight, gay or trans, the fact he is saying sexual attraction to kids okay, that is my concern. His wanting to use sex dolls and child porn is not good.
Should be hung up due to his being a trans, no report says he is a trans?

For their part, Walker said: "I want to be clear: child sexual abuse is morally wrong and an inexcusable crime.
We know you mean that. We realize you didn't comprehend the entire article.

No worries happens to all of us
I don't care if the guy is straight, gay or trans, the fact he is saying sexual attraction to kids okay, that is my concern. His wanting to use sex dolls and child porn is not good.

That was addressed, specifically in post #48.

There is more acrimony between classical liberals, and leftists, than there is between the right and the left on this issue.

The LGB community, is quite frankly, getting a raw deal from the political agenda of the QT radicals.

There is a large contingent of LGB that are either liberal, moderate, or conservative, but THAT, is incompatible with the queer agenda of the QT NEO-MARXIST radicals.

They don't even want this discussed. You can see the reaction in this thread. I am not even suggesting for a moment, nor have I ever been against gay marriage, LGB rights, or any of that. . .
This guy, is, actually, a radical liberal, in his environmental proscriptions. . . He'd make Teddy Roosevelt blush. But the leftists don't care. . .
Of course the other operation is a lopacockoffofme.

I’m here all week. Try the veal and don’t forget to tip your server.
Why is the function of a penis so complicated for libturds. Like a calculus formula....................Conserv mathematical formula for the penis......................Penis + Vagina = YEEEEHA.......LOLOL

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