Trans professor is placed on leave after interview defending pedophiles.

The paranoid hard right denies the fact that more kids are molested and sexually abused by striaght members of the community than by gay members of the community.
Well we wouldn't know the numbers for sure given how the gay community has REWROTE the definations of heterosexual and other sexual categories. For instance, Men who rape little boys aren't counted as being GAY when they clearly are Gay Pedophiles in most people's minds.
Yes, we've all had thoughts of wanting to do harm to someone whom we perceived has harmed us. Human nature. People do shit that pisses someone off. That someone responds.

So tell me what heinous act any child ever did that might make it remotely normal to have thoughts of raping them.
The provocation is not the point. Whether those thoughts are normal is not the point. The point is that we all have thoughts or even desires which would be immoral or even illegal for us to act upon. Being the "Thought Police" is a very dangerous road to go down. However, having been raised "civilized" most of us are able to not act on those immoral thoughts and desires out of animal instinct.
Well we wouldn't know the numbers for sure given how the gay community has REWROTE the definations of heterosexual and other sexual categories. For instance, Men who rape little boys aren't counted as being GAY when they clearly are Gay Pedophiles in most people's minds.

Sexual identities and sexual behaviours don’t always match because sexuality is multidimensional. Many people recognize sexual fluidity, and some even identify as “mostly straight.”

Fewer people know that some men and women have same-sex encounters, yet nonetheless perceive themselves as exclusively straight. And these people are not necessarily “closeted” gays, lesbians or bisexuals.

If it was possible for "scientists" to mitigate or prevent ANY mental illness, why are we still surrounded by a crazy kaleidoscope of drug addiction, alcoholism, gender dysphoria, schizophrenia, anorexia, bulimia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Nobody wants to cure anything. They want to throw drug$ at as many new and dreadful diseases as they can. If curing people was the goal, why is nobody ever cured? How long will we tolerate this shit before we say NO MORE?

Cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, autoimmune diseases -- the medical industrial complex can't cure these things, because cured people stop being good little revenue streams, sucking up the promises and commercials for research charities and believing that anybody is doing anything.

When the "scientists" actually start making sense, maybe I'll listen. Until then, science is just a business and physically and mentally sick people are a good business model.
Scientists have actually come a very long way in treating many different types of illnesses, mental and otherwise. Our methods are far from perfect for sure. Relatively speaking a lot of these methods are still in their infancy. What you've suggested is kind of insulting to a lot of people who have made a lot of progress in these endeavors. It's just not true to say that we haven't come a long way. We're going to go a lot further too.
Um, how many years ago would you think we as a society would never accept a grown ass man walking around with his junk exposed to young girls in a women's locker room?
You're legitimately afraid that one day pedophilia might be legal and socially accepted?
You're legitimately afraid that one day pedophilia might be legal and socially accepted?
You honestly can't see that it doesn't have to go as far as being legal and socially acceptable, to make it easier to grom children and very easily could lead to removing protections for children in favor of appeasing the feelings of pedophiles?
You honestly can't see that it doesn't have to go as far as being legal and socially acceptable, to make it easier to grom children and very easily could lead to removing protections for children in favor of appeasing the feelings of pedophiles?
If legal protection from pedophilia is undermined I will be right there with whoever would protest such a thing, which would be almost everybody.
If legal protection from pedophilia is undermined I will be right there with whoever would protest such a thing, which would be almost everybody.
We have already seen this happen with drag queen story time where libraries were more concerned with getting woke points than protecting children.
“From my perspective, there is no morality or immorality attached to attraction to anyone because no one can control who they’re attracted to at all,”

It's called weasel-wording. Also known as spin.

They're coming for your children


If a person is born with an attraction there can be no morality attached to that.

Someone may be and never touch a kid but they can't come forward to get any kind of therapy or anything because they are labelled as evil or such by people like you.

You know that people who were left handed were deemed evil in the past.
If a person is born with an attraction there can be no morality attached to that.

Someone may be and never touch a kid but they can't come forward to get any kind of therapy or anything because they are labelled as evil or such by people like you.

You know that people who were left handed were deemed evil in the past.
You're another person who should not be allowed access to your neighbors' children. I hope you don't have any vulnerable nieces/nephews.
BAWWWWWWWHAHAHAHA.This fucker should be strung up, upside down naked, and have its scrotum sliced off by a sword, like that one in Kill Bill

What the fuck is wrong with you wench?
If, you know, he's GOT one. If he does, he's a he. If it doesn't, she's a she. Is there any way to tell what this character is?

It was bound to happen, that the homosexuals would come after little boys as a legal issue that they ought to get to do. The priest thing is no accident, since they COULD go after each other: but they go after Catholic boys. Everyone knows high proportions of homosexuals are attracted to boys: look at the Scoutmaster problem, too.
Priests are no more likely to be pedos than the general population. Pedos do anything they can to get access to minors.

While likely true, the church routinely moved priests around to prey on kids elsewhere.
U had to give you a dislike for being so damn naive about these people and their intentions

No. . . I had always known what their intentions were, I was exposed to it at Uni.. .. .

What I did not expect, was that there would ever come a day, when it would be socially acceptable to come right out and say, "O.K., now we are going to push it."

And, given some of the reactions to this thread?


. . . I can tell who has had children, and who has not.
No. . . I had always known what their intentions were, I was exposed to it at Uni.. .. .

What I did not expect, was that there would ever come a day, when it would be socially acceptable to come right out and say, "O.K., now we are going to push it."

And, given some of the reactions to this thread?


. . . I can tell who has had children, and who has not.

Nobody in this thread or in the article stated what you said. But being truthful isn't the strong suit of many.
While likely true, the church routinely moved priests around to prey on kids elsewhere.
I find it somewhat revealing that you don't want to address that topic of the thread?

I have already said, yes, that is a problem, why not go start a thread on that? What the hell is your problem?

Nobody in this thread or in the article stated what you said. But being truthful isn't the strong suit of many.

Society published a book, that normalizes pedophilia.

Stop being an asshole.

This whole thread you have been trolling. You are exhibit "A."

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