Trans professor is placed on leave after interview defending pedophiles.

I am judging the pagans who created the idea that humans had any decent qualities.
You know Moon, I can't say, and neither can you make that claim.

It is pure conjecture. Do you honestly believe there was less adherence to those virtues throughout their societies than we have today? There isn't any empirical hard data on that, it is just ancient literature, and supposition.


I think you are just triggered by something, which you know is self-evident, and it conflicts with your lifestyle and the self-medication of your psychic pain.

You are brilliant, and you can make excuses and quibble about whether these are axiologically valid or not.

. . . but, IMO? I think you know what is self-evident.

WE, of course, can't force folks to be in accordance to what is our anthropological nature. OTH? When we have constructed a social structure that creates sickness, and an economic system which is destroying our long term ability to survive, which does not encourage such values; chaos, pain, and an impulse to violate these virtues, and thus an eventual path to civilizational collapse, either from a ruling class loss of confidence, or external pressures, seems to be the norm.

History is replete with examples.
I remember when social conservatives made these silly ass, slippery slope fallacy arguments, when the left pushed and pushed, on all issues. First it was gay marriage, then it was the trans rights issues moving farther and farther into the mainstream, in all the culture.

The left would push back, saying, it doesn't affect you, what are you worried about? And the other side, would claim, that if some sanity were not restored, they would come after the children.

I had my doubts any Educational Institution or "civil rights" organization would ever condone that.

Well. . . the paranoid hard right, turned out to be correct. :rolleyes:

Virginia prof under fire after saying sexual attraction to children isn’t always immoral​

ODU professor placed on administrative leave after comments on pedophilia​

Dr. Allyn Walker argued for the use of the term “minor-attracted people” to describe people who are attracted to children, instead of “pedophile.”
Hmm. What is he saying really? Remember, this is an academic view of morality and ethics. Sounds like he is arguing that the mere attraction itself is not always immoral. And to a degree, that is correct. Thought crimes are not crimes. And this is even more base than a thought crime. If I feel like punching a stranger because he has a punch me that immoral? I didn't have any agency over getting that urge.

The philosophy of morals and ethics can be a quagmire.
So there's an important question to ask here.

"Is it worth studying and trying to humanize/understand pedophiles in attempts to better understand and possibly mitigate the condition in the future?"

Understanding more about pedophiles could help us make sure that less children are victimized. Knowledge is power.

Not all pedophiles act on their impulses and therefore not all pedophiles are criminals. Some believe that there may be something to gain by better understanding this condition. The professor refers specifically to non-practicing pedophiles. It definitely comes off weird from that person, but it's technically true that a pedophile that hasn't acted on their urges has not actually broken a law. Some people really struggle with their attraction to children and hate themselves for it. There's not really anywhere for people like that to seek help, because it's a very disgusting disorder and a lot of people are extremely reactionary to it.

Should a person that's attracted to children but doesn't want to victimize anybody have an option to seek treatment? Should these people have a place they can go to and ask for help before they hurt people?

It's a complicated problem I think.
Counselors still often specialize in behavior modification techniques and very effective for many conditions such as phobias and addictions by modifying associations. Not all outpatient psychologists are highly qualified in this area, but those who are have successful outcomes. Medical intervention requires psychiatrist trained in behavior mod.

The problem is, when convicted perps of child sexual abuse are asked if they’ll go out and repeat the offense they will likely say yes, if they are honest. One perp during his review begged the parole board to not release him from prison because he knew he would do it again. This is when victim rights, and potential victims rights are above the rights of a potential perp. Especially since the victims are children. More effort need to be made to reduce victimization, but it’s not with comforting potential perpetrators. If a potential perp can determine right from wrong, they should exhaust all resources they can to get emergency help.

So, getting back to your statement about trying to find a way to help these potential perpetrators from acting out their twisted desires so we have less victims. We’re all in agreement we want no victims, right? In order to make sure of that outcome, we cannot play nice-nice with this level of severity of mental sickness that we’re talking about. As mentioned above, even the convicted pedo perps will state- do not release me. I will be compelled to go out and do it again.

Relabeling pedos as something else so as to not offend them is a slap in the face to all families who have had a child who has been a victim of sexual abuse.
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Relabeling pedos as something else so as to not offend them is a slap in the face to all families who have had a child who has been a victim of sexual abuse.
I don't think it should be mainstream to make the language more neutral. I think everyday people should keep calling them pedophiles and being openly disgusted by them etc. I really just meant that within an academic context and for the purpose of gaining trust it might be acceptable to pacify the language a little when trying to communicate with them. They will be dealing with actual people and being diplomatic is useful. I didn't mean to say society at large should be more gentle with pedophiles. Fuck that. They're lucky we don't just kill them all. I just want science to do what it can to mitigate this issue.
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I don't think it should be mainstream to make the language more neutral. I think everyday people should keep calling them pedophiles and being openly disgusted by them etc. I really just meant that within the context of a study and for the purpose of gaining trust it might be acceptable to pacify the language a little when trying to communicate with them. They will be dealing with actual people and being diplomatic is useful. I didn't mean to say society at large should be more gentle with pedophiles. Fuck that. They're lucky we don't just kill them all.
I should’ve better clarified my last paragraph by stating that it was the author’s suggestion, not yours, about the relabeling but thanks for clarifying.

Technology should be able to splice out the genetic culprit. I kind of wonder what’s the hold up for public use in these particular areas. No telling what the dollar price is going to be initially with future public gene splicing offers. Buy one preventative RNA alternation kit, get one half-price! Lol The future is almost here:p
The future is almost here
Imagine trying to explain what GPS and the internet are to Christopher Columbus. You can put a device in your pocket that connects you to the entire world and pretty much all human knowledge. You can sit in Haiti where he first landed and facetime some person sitting in Spain with your magic pocket device. The future has been here.
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They're baby rapers and, given the opportunity, will rape YOUR baby. If you give them ANY normalcy or dignity, you deserve to see YOUR baby raped.
OF course all these deviant freaks will defend pedophiles; in fact they're having a very hard time finding any 'Martyrs' who aren't into kiddie raping; it's what deviants and faggot do far out of proportion to their numbers in the population. How this sicko into extreme sexual mutilation was able to get near kids in the first place is of course criminal in itself.
the vile evil act of pedophilia cross all spectrums.

gender, race, AND political leanings.
A single professor who lost their job and you people make it out like the entire left wing of the country thinks this way.
This was covered days ago. Keep up.

He clearly got his talking points email late.

Or maybe they are instructed to do this, make the same thread days apart so that the topic stays on top.
Check out what the left are pissed about in this story.

I think they are in agreement and I am betting a few of them are looking to see how they can get that flag of theirs.

Is any mod going to explain to any of these hypocrites about changing the subject? Don't know what Matt Gaetz has to do with a group (left wing of course) trying to change the terminology of pedophile cause it is too offensive and stigmatizing.

We already know they cry over the pedophile being killed while he was attempting to kill the hero.

What unreal scumbags
Check out what the left are pissed about in this story.

I think they are in agreement and I am betting a few of them are looking to see how they can get that flag of theirs.

Is any mod going to explain to any of these hypocrites about changing the subject? Don't know what Matt Gaetz has to do with a group (left wing of course) trying to change the terminology of pedophile cause it is too offensive and stigmatizing.

We already know they cry over the pedophile being killed while he was attempting to kill the hero.

What unreal scumbags

what was my first reply?

that vile act is not solely a 'left' thing, or 'male' for that matter. & you trying to peddle it is wrong & hypocritical.

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