Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Actually, all you've done is prove my point. You non-bingos are in a perpetual state of imaginary victimization and here you ----- moaning and playing the victim. :auiqs.jpg:
You cosplayers are always trying to act like tough guys. Figures that you can't tell the difference between someone you victimized and someone shitting on you and your argument. All your interactions with people happen online don't they, Bingo? 😄
You cosplayers are always trying to act like tough guys.
I'm not playing tough guy. I am a tough guy .... when the chips are down and my "toughness" is needed.
Figures that you can't tell the difference between someone you victimized
I haven't victimized you. No one here on this forum has. But here you are still churning up your "Wo is me! Look, look! I am being victimized!" That is the point. You are a victim of your own imagination for the purpose of attention. That's what you non-bingos thrive on - drama. You have proved it in several of your posts, this one is a good example of it. You poor boy ... or is that not your pronoun of choice? :itsok:

You cannot really believe that.

But since you brought up the brain thing, let me ask you this: Since "transgenderism" is a result of "brain wiring," should everyone who claims to be transgender be given a brain scan to find this anomoly and be denied hormones and surgery if it is not there?

I really believe that. I don't think anyone goes through the abuse bigots put them through unless they truly believe they are their identified sex.

As far as treatment, the vast majority of trans people aren't getting treatment now. We only perform 11,000 gender confirmation surgeries a year, when there are well over a million trans-gender folks.

The real question is, why is this last bit of acceptable bigotry so important to you. Please don't tell me because you are panicking that someone might see a dick in a locker room.
First of all, I'm not a college kid, so you can drop the "cisgendered" nonsense. A male is a male and a man is a man. Who said anything about cutting off junk and hormones? Lia Thomas did not cut off her junk, did she?

Oooh, I missed this little gem on the first go around. So this really is about your insecurities, not theirs.

I'll bet you are one of those people who got upset when they wanted to say "African-American" instead of "Black".
All this is about creating an enabled, manufactured alternate reality where political enemies and parties can be called "racist" and "bigot" for the explicit purpose of weakening them. It's not even about trans at all. It's about creating victims so the same people who enable the victims come to their rescue, saving them from the evil "other side" that never had that much of a problem with the trans community so much as with the political party that uses them in this way. It's really nothing more than a type of highly sophisticated sociopolitical racketeering.

It's like leaving a bottle of booze out when you know there's an "alcy" around. Then when the alcy gets shitfaced, you show how wonderful you are by helping them clean up. Entirely self-serving.

This is an interesting metaphor.... So are you saying that your bigotry is like an addiction and you just can't help yourself?

Your side never had a problem with the LGBTQ community as long as it was in the closet. Same way you had no problem with black people as long as they rode on the back of the bus, or women as long as they stayed in the kitchen.

Giving minorities equal rights takes nothing away from me as a white person.
Giving women equal rights takes nothing away from me as a man.
Giving gay people equal rights takes nothing away from me as a straight person.
Giving trans people takes nothing away from me as a cis-gendered person.

It's just common decency and fairness.
..... A male is a male and a man is a man. ...... women sports should be women's sports, not a way for men with no shame to pretend they are top women athletes. If we did have neighborhood baseball and football for adults, it still would be wrong for men to join women's teams.
I agree whole heatedly. :yes_text12:
The problem is, no one is doing that. No one is pretending to be a girl because the competition is weaker, they actually really believe they are female because that's how their brains are wired.
What?! Oh, bull crappy! Look! I have silly-cone titties! I am a woman! :boobies:
It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?
No….you are not necessarily a bigot and your claim that this is the left wing mantra is also false. How about trying an honest argument if you want an honest discussion.

No one ”demands” you personally respect what they believe. Just like you can’t demand people respect your belief in sky fairies, which is also kind of silly if you want to be technical about it.

On the other hand there is such a thing as agreeing to disagree, and treating the person courteously.
This is an interesting metaphor.... So are you saying that your bigotry is like an addiction and you just can't help yourself?

Your side never had a problem with the LGBTQ community as long as it was in the closet. Same way you had no problem with black people as long as they rode on the back of the bus, or women as long as they stayed in the kitchen.

Giving minorities equal rights takes nothing away from me as a white person.
Giving women equal rights takes nothing away from me as a man.
Giving gay people equal rights takes nothing away from me as a straight person.
Giving trans people takes nothing away from me as a cis-gendered person.

It's just common decency and fairness.
There is no decency or fairness in the predatory nature of ''your side'' grooming children. Giving your side special rights to abuse children in some ludicrous notion of equal rights is a laughable joke.
There is no decency or fairness in the predatory nature of ''your side'' grooming children.

Nobody is doing that...

Again, I watched Bugs Bunny dress as a woman when I was a kid and had no desire to have my junk sliced off.
That definition of "gender" is ad hoc, and was not used until very recently. "Gender" has always been used interchangeably with "sex" as in the "male sex" and the "female sex." Originally, it applied to languages like Spanish and German that gender their nouns.

People said "gender" instead of "sex" because children and childish adults would giggle if they said "sex."

The argument that a person can be a biological male, but claim female as their gender is made specifically for the purpose of forcing people to accept males into female spaces, and very rarely, vice-versa. As so often, the left manipulates the language in order to slow down debate.

It works, because here I am talking about "gender" vs. "sex," instead of how obviously wrong it is to subject young girls to males in their locker rooms, bathrooms, and playing fields. It's wrong for people of the male sex, and just as wrong for people of the masculine gender. Gender and sex are one and the same. You cannot be male sex and feminine gender, that is not possible in reality.

The idea that a person is male sex, but sees himself as a girl or woman is about delusions, not about definitions.
Gender is simply another word for category. Up until about 5 minutes ago, gendered words such as man and woman were words that categorized people by biological sex. All this hype about gender being a social construct is simply an attempt to blur the meaning of words to accomplish an agenda. Unfortunately this attempt has been largely successful.
The problem is that now they're in the fountain on the town square.

And so? So once a year, they have a little parade and dress in silly costumes.

Just like straight people do at Mardis Gras

I'm not playing tough guy. I am a tough guy .... when the chips are down and my "toughness" is needed.
I haven't victimized you.
No shit.
No one here on this forum has.
Of course not. You Bingos aren't on my level.
But here you are still churning up your "Wo is me! Look, look! I am being victimized!"
Where cosplayer? Can you produce that quote? Arguing from your little imagination is what cosplayers do I guess.
That is the point. You are a victim of your own imagination for the purpose of attention. That's what you non-bingos thrive on - drama. You have proved it in several of your posts, this one is a good example of it. You poor boy ... or is that not your pronoun of choice? :itsok:
I thrive in all aspects cosplayer. Objective argument or trash talking I can do both better than you can pretend to not be a coward.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to remind you that this thread is in the Clean Debate Zone. Please drive carefully.
This is an interesting metaphor.... So are you saying that your bigotry is like an addiction and you just can't help yourself?

Your side never had a problem with the LGBTQ community as long as it was in the closet. Same way you had no problem with black people as long as they rode on the back of the bus, or women as long as they stayed in the kitchen.

Giving minorities equal rights takes nothing away from me as a white person.
Giving women equal rights takes nothing away from me as a man.
Giving gay people equal rights takes nothing away from me as a straight person.
Giving trans people takes nothing away from me as a cis-gendered person.

It's just common decency and fairness.

Interesting Joe, and revealing. Especially the part about the indecency of keeping women in the kitchen. Which, in fact is what transgenders are doing to them today with the full support of the cult left.

After centuries of righting the wrongs, Joe and his cult think it just fine to replace them with female wannabes.

Nothing to see here, right Joe?
Interesting Joe, and revealing. Especially the part about the indecency of keeping women in the kitchen. Which, in fact is what transgenders are doing to them today with the full support of the cult left.

After centuries of righting the wrongs, Joe and his cult think it just fine to replace them with female wannabes.

Nothing to see here, right Joe?
They are are like 2% of the population. How are they replacing women? Your math is shit.

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