Trans "Woman" Kicked Out of Gym

This is a woman, Leftists.

That must be why she walks like a truck driver with her legs three feet apart, has a voice an octave deeper than mine, and ripped the gym door off its hinges when 'she' got the bad news.

She is so damaged now that she'll have to work out at the coed facility! All those men will be ogling her! :omg:

My heart bleeds for her suffering!

It's one thing to THINK you are something you are not. Most people don't give a rats ass what you THINK you are.

But...........when you start SHOVING IT DOWN OTHER PEOPLES THROATS.........THEN you're gonna have a problem!!

These pervs and pedophiles are given free reign to "identify" as anything they want now, so they don't have any restrictions on the heinous atrocities they have in mind for raping women and little kids..........or WORSE!!!

Somebody who ACTUALLY thinks they are female in a male body is NOT going to be shoving it in peoples faces, or down peoples throats! They are going to LIVE as they believe, and if somebody doesn't accept it, fine, thats THEIR perogative.
THAT is how you tell the difference between the psychopatic LIARS and DEGENERATES and the REAL, TRUE people that actually ARE who they believe they are!!

Now I agree.
I would not want to have him/her in the ladies locker room with my teen daughter, or with me.
You SEXIST you!

If he/she were someone who had gone through the physical surgery to change his sex
You can't change a person's chromosome structure, hip bone structure, bone mass ratio, or give them a complete female reproductive system with any surgery on the planet.

this person seems depressed and vulnerable, which is very sad. If we were a better society, we would tell him that pretending he is a woman is not going to help.

Better not let her hear you say that or she might beat you with a baseball bat and snow-tire chain to within an inch of your life! :smoke:
That must be why she walks like a truck driver with her legs three feet apart, has a voice an octave deeper than mine, and ripped the gym door off its hinges when 'she' got the bad news.

She is so damaged now that she'll have to work out at the coed facility! All those men will be ogling her! :omg:

My heart bleeds for her suffering!

I doubt any man has ever ogled him. Well wait.. maybe leftist men
Good. I hope to see a lot more of this.

If they want to be tranny then I don't care. But it isn't societies responsibility to play into their fantasy. We as a society shouldn't have to lie just for the sake of someone else's cosplay.

I will never forget when one of our daughters saw her first tranny. She was about five... she looked at him like he had worms coming out his ears

What a conversation thet was
Good. I hope to see a lot more of this.

If they want to be tranny then I don't care. But it isn't societies responsibility to play into their fantasy. We as a society shouldn't have to lie just for the sake of someone else's cosplay.
exactly my point Res

worms coming out his ears

Trans people are evil...all they want to do is rape kids....

It's time to make them illegal......if you see one, you should be able to perform a citizens arrest and use deadly force if need be.....that is the only way you can stop child rape...

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