TransCanada may shorten pipeline screwing over Obama and his power play

American resources? The oil is Canadian.
Don't speak more slowly, just start making sense.
You want to prevent oil companies from exporting their products?
I've heard whining about too many imports, whining about too high a trade deficit, this is the first time I've heard whining about the reverse.
If you want lower energy costs here, push for drilling offshore and in ANWR.
Instead, gas will rise to $5 a gallon, putting the last nail in the coffin of Obama's re-election hopes.

Last time I looked at a map Canadians were Americans, living on the North American continent. The lands that oil companies exploit are public lands. In this case they want to exploit Canadian lands for phracking and then US land for a cheap method of transporting the resources to China. None of these reimburse nor is in the interest of the average Canadian or US citizen

If they're public lands, I'm sure the Canadian government is charging them for it.
Just as American landowners get paid for land taken for a pipeline.
If we can safely transport the oil and create American jobs, how are you injured in any way? Be very specific.

Well I and my fellows are being deprived of what is marketed to be a scarce resource and every time we turn on our furnace or go to work we are gouged for it. Turns out it is not so scarce after all and if they were to keep the product here where it belongs to all citizens they would have to charge a lot less.
We don't benefit from oil production outside the country?

We benefit in the sense that oil is a fuel needed for certain applications. Can we just speed this up and you get to your point?

So we would benefit from this pipeline. Thanks, I agree.
We'd benefit more if we drilled in ANWR.

The oil would be a benefit, but it's questionable if it's a worthwhile trade-off in terms of the environmental impact. ANWR is definitely not worth the trade-off.
We benefit in the sense that oil is a fuel needed for certain applications. Can we just speed this up and you get to your point?

So we would benefit from this pipeline. Thanks, I agree.
We'd benefit more if we drilled in ANWR.

The oil would be a benefit, but it's questionable if it's a worthwhile trade-off in terms of the environmental impact. ANWR is definitely not worth the trade-off.

Actually only a few energy companies would benefit. The whole idea of the pipeline is to get the product to the Gulf for export.
Last time I looked at a map Canadians were Americans, living on the North American continent. The lands that oil companies exploit are public lands. In this case they want to exploit Canadian lands for phracking and then US land for a cheap method of transporting the resources to China. None of these reimburse nor is in the interest of the average Canadian or US citizen

If they're public lands, I'm sure the Canadian government is charging them for it.
Just as American landowners get paid for land taken for a pipeline.
If we can safely transport the oil and create American jobs, how are you injured in any way? Be very specific.

Well I and my fellows are being deprived of what is marketed to be a scarce resource and every time we turn on our furnace or go to work we are gouged for it. Turns out it is not so scarce after all and if they were to keep the product here where it belongs to all citizens they would have to charge a lot less.

It's not your scarce resource unless you buy it.
We benefit in the sense that oil is a fuel needed for certain applications. Can we just speed this up and you get to your point?

So we would benefit from this pipeline. Thanks, I agree.
We'd benefit more if we drilled in ANWR.

The oil would be a benefit, but it's questionable if it's a worthwhile trade-off in terms of the environmental impact. ANWR is definitely not worth the trade-off.

Why not? What would be harmed?
Plenty of caribou. So what's the impact?
If they're public lands, I'm sure the Canadian government is charging them for it.
Just as American landowners get paid for land taken for a pipeline.
If we can safely transport the oil and create American jobs, how are you injured in any way? Be very specific.

Well I and my fellows are being deprived of what is marketed to be a scarce resource and every time we turn on our furnace or go to work we are gouged for it. Turns out it is not so scarce after all and if they were to keep the product here where it belongs to all citizens they would have to charge a lot less.

It's not your scarce resource unless you buy it.

Public lands, citizenry, birthright. It's yours too but you are wiling to sell it for like some dividend of 50 cent a share. Prostitutes have more pride.
So we would benefit from this pipeline. Thanks, I agree.
We'd benefit more if we drilled in ANWR.

The oil would be a benefit, but it's questionable if it's a worthwhile trade-off in terms of the environmental impact. ANWR is definitely not worth the trade-off.

Why not? What would be harmed?
Plenty of caribou. So what's the impact?

Harming the animals in a wildlife refuge is a legitimate concern. Same reason we don't drill in the Grand Canyon or the Everglades.
Well I and my fellows are being deprived of what is marketed to be a scarce resource and every time we turn on our furnace or go to work we are gouged for it. Turns out it is not so scarce after all and if they were to keep the product here where it belongs to all citizens they would have to charge a lot less.

It's not your scarce resource unless you buy it.

Public lands, citizenry, birthright. It's yours too but you are wiling to sell it for like some dividend of 50 cent a share. Prostitutes have more pride.

The oil company doesn't pay to use the public land? Are you sure?
The oil would be a benefit, but it's questionable if it's a worthwhile trade-off in terms of the environmental impact. ANWR is definitely not worth the trade-off.

Why not? What would be harmed?
Plenty of caribou. So what's the impact?

Harming the animals in a wildlife refuge is a legitimate concern. Same reason we don't drill in the Grand Canyon or the Everglades.

How much of the refuge is impacted?
What is the scarce wildlife you want to protect?
It's not your scarce resource unless you buy it.

Public lands, citizenry, birthright. It's yours too but you are wiling to sell it for like some dividend of 50 cent a share. Prostitutes have more pride.

The oil company doesn't pay to use the public land? Are you sure?

Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.
Public lands, citizenry, birthright. It's yours too but you are wiling to sell it for like some dividend of 50 cent a share. Prostitutes have more pride.

The oil company doesn't pay to use the public land? Are you sure?

Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.
The oil company doesn't pay to use the public land? Are you sure?

Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.

They don't give a rat's ass about creating jobs in America. They just want to suck cash from China.
The oil company doesn't pay to use the public land? Are you sure?

Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.

I don't know, after the mess that was left by the "free market, no regulating Wall Street mess" that got us into this it looks like things are turning around.

so you say you want us to go back to idiocy, you want us to go back to bubbles and trusting vultures?
Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.

They don't give a rat's ass about creating jobs in America. They just want to suck cash from China.

Whether they care about creating jobs in America or not, that will be the result.
Or idiots like you can whine and complain, and they'll refine and ship directly to China and we receive no benefit.
Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.

I don't know, after the mess that was left by the "free market, no regulating Wall Street mess" that got us into this it looks like things are turning around.

so you say you want us to go back to idiocy, you want us to go back to bubbles and trusting vultures?

No regulations on Wall Street? That's funny.
We had more regulations on Wall Street and the banks after Bush than before, so what was the real issue?
Now that Obama is in control, why isn't everything fixed, everyone employed?
Government can do it all. And doesn't need oil or jobs to do it, right?
No offense but you are a fool.

Your oil has to get to market. What part of that don't you understand? Phase III was to connect other states to Cushing as well so the oil could get to the Gulf.

Oh and btw, the Unions are seriously pissed.

Did you know because the press has suppressed it that the head of the AFL CIO Trumka is completely distancing the unions from Obama.

Story suppressed. Basically they are tired of the Dems shitting on them after supporting them all these years.

They are forming a mirror left wing organization of the Tea Party. Kudos to them. I guess they are tired of all the bullshit about "jobs jobs jobs" from a limp dick administration that they thought was for real.

Obama killed jobs to appeal to enviro whack jobs. Not nice to mess with the Unions who put him in power.

About Keystone XL:
•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.

Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

It's obvious that the shortest rout from Canada to China goes thru Texas and the Gulf.

Damn, what a bunch of crap.

It's obvious to left wingers that we need to cut thru the heart of America put a quizzillion dollar pipeline to the Gulf to send oil to China. Instead of heading south a few kilometers and heading west.


I swear at this moment every geography teacher in the US should be fired.
Did you see me say that? Isn't the whole argument of this thread that somehow Obama is deficient for not allowing them to get off so cheaply? I am just saying that I am glad that he is defending our land and not just letting it be exploited for the profit of a few.

So if they're paying to use public lands, what is your complaint?
Get off cheaply? They want to spend billions of dollars to create jobs in America.
Obama spend over $700 billion and didn't create much of anything. Except more debt.

They don't give a rat's ass about creating jobs in America. They just want to suck cash from China.

Did you know that Keystone has Phase One and Phase Two going to Illinois and Oklahoma? It's for true.

I have to back track my thread because I've just been dealing with minus 30 degree temps Celcius and my neighbor has had some plumbing issues and we're trying to help him.

But don't ever bullshit me that Canada wants to build Phase 3 with Trans Canada cash to give oil to China.

That's the stupidest shit I have ever witnessed. Grab a map and check it out.
Why is it a full blown America concern?

Because it is American resources being exploited by a few to profit a few. Should I speak more slowly? The resources will be gone and so will the jobs. Better the energy used right here to create whatever. Better to stimulate the economy with lower energy costs. Shit, that is better than a tax cut. Fuels optimism every time everyone passes a gas station and feels like they are getting some relief.

American resources? The oil is Canadian.
Don't speak more slowly, just start making sense.
You want to prevent oil companies from exporting their products?
I've heard whining about too many imports, whining about too high a trade deficit, this is the first time I've heard whining about the reverse.
If you want lower energy costs here, push for drilling offshore and in ANWR.
Instead, gas will rise to $5 a gallon, putting the last nail in the coffin of Obama's re-election hopes.

Last time I looked at a map Canadians were Americans, living on the North American continent. The lands that oil companies exploit are public lands. In this case they want to exploit Canadian lands for phracking and then US land for a cheap method of transporting the resources to China. None of these reimburse nor is in the interest of the average Canadian or US citizen

There is no exploitation. There is no fracking. You don't understand this at all do you?

The tar sands work . We have serious enviromental laws and monitoring devices in place. Our First Nations souls are making a fortune off of this. And they have learned skills they never had before.

Finally First Nations in Alberta are in control of their own destinies. Amen.

Now, Ezra Levant has written a book about Ethical Oil. We are a democratic nation. We protect human rights. We adore and respect our First nations. We don't want to behead you. Our workers are paid over $20 an hour in the field. We treat them with respect.
We have a Human Rights commission that although sometimes they step over their bounds guarantee fairness in our country.

I'm sorry we gave you Justin Bieber and Celine Dion. True apologies. But we also gave you Rush, John Candy and Walter Osternak ( a quizzillion time winner in the Polka category at the Grammys.)

Us or Sudan? Choose wisely.

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