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This is excellent news. Sydney Powell is going to get Flynn exonerated. What are the odds of this happening the day John Bolton leaves the administration?

Gateway pundit? Really?

I wonder how you’ll feel when Flynn is sentenced in December to 1 to 5.

At least the prisons for the connected are nice.

Why don't you google it you asinine dumb fuck? See post 41.
The Gateway Pundit? Damn, it must be true.
Read the attachments in the link, Injun!

There's never been any doubt in my mind that Flynn was set up. The real criminals are former and current employees of the FBI and DOJ.

Michael Flynn's attorney alleges government cover up, while prosecutors leave open possibility of prison
I smell a sock puppet


I smell rank, unwashed lefty and a touch of lisp.
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This was always about Obama.

Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok.....Papadopoulos, Flynn...ALL of it has been exposed as set-ups, cooperation with foreign counter-Intelligence agencies, illegal spying, FISA Court abuses, violations of rights...all part of the Obama criminal failed coup attempt.

This shit began in 2007-2008 when Barry told Hillary his election as the 1st Black President was going to happen & if she agreed to bow out he would make sure when he was done she would take the WH.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazil's told the world the Democratic Party rigged their 2016 Primary for Hillary, helped her cheat in debates, and Barry and his criminal administration protected her from indictment for THOUSANDS of criminal counts which would have landed the 'average' US citizen in prison for the rest of their lives.

Protecting Hillary from prison to keep her on the ballot proved not enough to guarantee 'her turn'. Barry and his traitors engaged in the worst scandal in US history, attempting to affect a political coup of a newly elected President...

Flynn and Papadapolous...and many others close to Trump and on his team ... were targeted for being taken down as collateral damage to ultimately take down President Trump.

The only evidence of criminal activity - as we continue to see proven over and over - was / is that which Barry, his criminal administration, and their criminal conspirators engaged in.

Everything associated with attempting to take down Trump and those close to him - which has all failed / backfired - has ALWAYS been about and led back to Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, & the criminal organization / domestic enemy of the United States - the Democratic Party!

well, in that case -

Cute meme, snowflake, which changes NOTHING that I wrote.

Obama is no longer in the WH...get up off your knees, and wipe off your chin...you've still got a little 'hope and change' on it....


then why did you bring up obama ?

Russia is in the WH now so STFU

If Democrats believed that they would be well into impeachment already.

Don't let Democrats tell you they believe trump is a Russian spy because if they did believe it, they would be demanding impeachment in the streets. They would remove Pelosi and railroad impeachment through the house. Even if they lost in the Senate, they could live with themselves knowing they did what was right.

Putin must own Pelosi as well as trump. Why is she protecting him?

Trump could come out tomorrow and announce in the Rose Garden on every single major network that he is indeed a Russian plant, and he'd still have at least a 35% approval rating.

Obummer is pootins putz and look at all the scumbag sycophants who still fawn over him
Trump could come out tomorrow and announce in the Rose Garden on every single major network that he is indeed a Russian plant, and he'd still have at least a 35% approval rating.
Nice FANTASY...but the exact opposite has happened -

Donna brazile admitted the DNC rigged the 2016 primary to give the nomination to Hillary...

The FBI publicly declared they recovered THOUSANDS of OFFICIAL subpoenaed govt documents Hillary tried to destroy, documents that exposed THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL COUNTS of violations of the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, & Obstruction...

FBI Director Comey publicly declared Hillary broke law...He testified on TV under oAth before Congress and declared she had lied and broken laws...

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that there was sufficient e evidence to indict Hillary for crimes but that Rosenstein & his DOJ made it clear they would not accept / open up a criminal case against Hillary...

Comey publicly admitted - BRAGGED - how he leaked classified information to the news through a friend with the treasonous intent of getfing the President removed from office - to affect a political coup.

Comey and McCabe were both crucified by the US IG for their criminal activity that violated rules, regulations, & US law

Piece after piece, document after document, revelation after revelation, more and more details of the In an administration's & DNC'saltering of the 2016 election and their failed attempted political coup....

...and snowflakes continue to bury their heads up their own respective asses, or those of the criminal conspirators they 'worship' and defend....

At this point they can not claim to have been 'conned', tricked, misled. Existing evidence exposed their crimes and treason for what they are, leaving snowflakes with 2 choices:

Accept the reality of Obama's & the Democrats' attempt to alter an election and affect a political coup ... Or continue to deny reality each time more and more evidence comes out...

It's scheduled for December as shown in the link I provided and that you just responded to, dope.
It has been PROVEN the conspiracy perpetrated by Obama, his criminal administration, and the Socialist Democrat Crime Organization was / is no THEORY. The evidence is insurmountable and continues to leak out over time.

Based on the undeniable FACTS that have been revealed and that continue to come out it is a travesty and in its own way a liberal cover-up by the mods / this board to place this thread in the 'Conspiracy' Forum.

It's not a "conspiracy theory" it's a defense claim. Defense is allowed to make a claim.

Liberals say Trump colluded with Russia without evidence and it's in current events. A lawyer makes a claim that their republican client was set up with overwhelming evidence to support it and it's a "conspiracy theory."

Yea, there is no bias on these boards. LOL
It has been PROVEN the conspiracy perpetrated by Obama, his criminal administration, and the Socialist Democrat Crime Organization was / is no THEORY. The evidence is insurmountable and continues to leak out over time.

Based on the undeniable FACTS that have been revealed and that continue to come out it is a travesty and in its own way a liberal cover-up by the mods / this board to place this thread in the 'Conspiracy' Forum.

Nothing of the sort has been "proven", dope.

It's not a "conspiracy theory" it's a defense claim. Defense is allowed to make a claim.

Liberals say Trump colluded with Russia without evidence and it's in current events. A lawyer makes a claim that their republican client was set up with overwhelming evidence to support it and it's a "conspiracy theory."

Yea, there is no bias on these boards. LOL

It's not a "conspiracy theory" it's a defense claim. Defense is allowed to make a claim.

It was a statement made by the defense during the proceeding. (No doubt to give dopes like yourself something to crow over).Nothing more. There are no new filings from the defense that have been made addressing any changes to Flynn's case.
And then there is abject retardation.

View attachment 278636

I am sorry, can you either pull your head out of your ass before you respond again or speak louder - you're coming in really muffled /inaudible and stupid....?!



Stupid is asserting a reality that doesn't exist.

When is Flynn withdawing his guilty plea?

Why did the FBI even ask him about talking to Russians if they knew he did already? What was the motive?
And then there is abject retardation.

View attachment 278636

I am sorry, can you either pull your head out of your ass before you respond again or speak louder - you're coming in really muffled /inaudible and stupid....?!



Stupid is asserting a reality that doesn't exist.

When is Flynn withdawing his guilty plea?

Why did the FBI even ask him about talking to Russians if they knew he did already? What was the motive?

To get his side of the story, of course. He chose to lie multiple times instead.

When is he withdrawing his plea?
And then there is abject retardation.

View attachment 278636

I am sorry, can you either pull your head out of your ass before you respond again or speak louder - you're coming in really muffled /inaudible and stupid....?!



Stupid is asserting a reality that doesn't exist.

When is Flynn withdawing his guilty plea?

Why did the FBI even ask him about talking to Russians if they knew he did already? What was the motive?

To get his side of the story, of course. He chose to lie multiple times instead.

When is he withdrawing his plea?

To get his side of the story? What story? The question was "Did you have a conversation with a Russian agent?" When the FBI had recordings of him talking to a Russian agent, totally legal I might add. So what "story" are they trying to get information on by asking a question they very well knew the answer to?

In legal terms, that's known as a perjury trap. That is NOT fishing for any information.
And then there is abject retardation.

View attachment 278636

I am sorry, can you either pull your head out of your ass before you respond again or speak louder - you're coming in really muffled /inaudible and stupid....?!



Stupid is asserting a reality that doesn't exist.

When is Flynn withdawing his guilty plea?

Why did the FBI even ask him about talking to Russians if they knew he did already? What was the motive?

You'd have to read the court filings. Maybe they wanted to know why Flynn was promising to lift sanctions for the country that had hacked the American election. Why would anyone want to do that?
And then there is abject retardation.

View attachment 278636

I am sorry, can you either pull your head out of your ass before you respond again or speak louder - you're coming in really muffled /inaudible and stupid....?!



Stupid is asserting a reality that doesn't exist.

When is Flynn withdawing his guilty plea?

Why did the FBI even ask him about talking to Russians if they knew he did already? What was the motive?

To get his side of the story, of course. He chose to lie multiple times instead.

When is he withdrawing his plea?

To get his side of the story? What story? The question was "Did you have a conversation with a Russian agent?" When the FBI had recordings of him talking to a Russian agent, totally legal I might add. So what "story" are they trying to get information on by asking a question they very well knew the answer to?

In legal terms, that's known as a perjury trap. That is NOT fishing for any information.

There is no legal term of "perjury trap".

No one forced Flynn to lie multiple times.
When is he withdrawing his guilty plea?

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