transforming America


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
So Obama wants to cut tax breaks for oil companies. Sounds good on the surface. Why should they make all that money? However, the congressional enegry commitee, (a non-partisan group) says that the move would immediatley increases gas prices and make us more dependent on forgein oil. (more of Obamas' plan ??? )
So Obama wants to cut tax breaks for oil companies. Sounds good on the surface. Why should they make all that money? However, the congressional enegry commitee, (a non-partisan group) says that the move would immediatley increases gas prices and make us more dependent on forgein oil. (more of Obamas' plan ??? )

Yea barry had a bad week, obummercare on the rocks and even the dumbocrat s in the senate slapped his oil companies attack back in his face. :clap2:
THere are various subsidies and breaks that oil recieves. Not all of them good.

Big Oil opponents even want oil companies to NOT be able to deduct foreign Royalties paid to other govts. Something that would virtually end their competiveness abroad. And the Dems count GENERAL tax deductions for ALL American Manufacturers that they just don't want evil oil to recieve..

But various tax breaks that were passed to stimulate Continental Shelf production cheat taxpayers out of a fair price for the leases. And some of the recovery for capital expenditures for exploration are just TOO generous.

So there isn't a clean yes/no on this issue -- unless you're a partisian hack..

Bring on the hacks.. LOL
So Obama wants to cut tax breaks for oil companies. Sounds good on the surface. Why should they make all that money? However, the congressional enegry commitee, (a non-partisan group) says that the move would immediatley increases gas prices and make us more dependent on forgein oil. (more of Obamas' plan ??? )

Yea barry had a bad week, obummercare on the rocks and even the dumbocrat s in the senate slapped his oil companies attack back in his face. :clap2:

Well if you consider this a bad week..I hope he has many more of them.

Obama's way up in the polls.
So Obama wants to cut tax breaks for oil companies. Sounds good on the surface. Why should they make all that money? However, the congressional enegry commitee, (a non-partisan group) says that the move would immediatley increases gas prices and make us more dependent on forgein oil. (more of Obamas' plan ??? )

What? Knocking over an entire country ain't enough?

They have to keep the Clinton era tax breaks? I mean..there's sort of an oil glut now..there really isn't much of a need to fund their exploration.

Making more money then all commercial interests ever invented by mankind, combined, puts them in the "to big to fail",

Thanks to the unrelenting left wing propaganda machine, a generation or two of union educated kids might still believe Harry Reid's rant that "oil is bad for you" and Barry Hussein's claim that a substitute for oil is right around the corner but the truth is that the world runs on oil. Why do you think the Saudi degenerate royal family has so much power in the world? Windmills? They produce the stuff we need in order to function as a free Nation. Why do you think a couple of decades of democrat politicians have prevented the US from being independent of foreign oil? Use your imagination.
So Obama wants to cut tax breaks for oil companies. Sounds good on the surface. Why should they make all that money? However, the congressional enegry commitee, (a non-partisan group) says that the move would immediatley increases gas prices and make us more dependent on forgein oil. (more of Obamas' plan ??? )

What? Knocking over an entire country ain't enough?

They have to keep the Clinton era tax breaks? I mean..there's sort of an oil glut now..there really isn't much of a need to fund their exploration.

Making more money then all commercial interests ever invented by mankind, combined, puts them in the "to big to fail",


Why don't we also go after the pharmaceutical companies or software companies or telecommunications or any of the other industries making much higher profit margins than the gas and oil industry?
What is it about them, aside from the fact that the industry of earth relies on them therefore their overall profits are substantially higher than most other industries despite the modest margins, that makes the left so set on raping the oil companies, (keystone, the gulf moratorium, backing Brazilian production while appointing "Roman Shock Troop" Al Armendiaz EPA manager of one of our biggest oil producing regions in the nation, "under my plan of a cap and trade system, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket...", etc)?

I get the whole green thing as well. But until we start investing in real possibilities as opposed to paying back donation bundlers posing as "alternative energy producers", liberals are willing to punish those they always claim they're looking out for with "skyrocketing" prices to get to work and keep warm?
More loans to Brazil to develop THEIR oil supplies Obama.. :clap2:

That's a LOT worse than MOST of the hand-outs to develop OUR supplies..

Anyone disagree??
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Big oil companies and the American public have gotten to used to these tactics used by big oil. Do you realize that we have hands down the cheapest oil/gas out side of the mid-east and argentina etal? Go try to buy a gal of gas anywhere in Europe and it will be twice or more than what it is here!
Big oil companies and the American public have gotten to used to these tactics used by big oil. Do you realize that we have hands down the cheapest oil/gas out side of the mid-east and argentina etal? Go try to buy a gal of gas anywhere in Europe and it will be twice or more than what it is here!

And having less taxes on gas/oil here is problem WHY???
Why don't we also go after the pharmaceutical companies or software companies or telecommunications or any of the other industries making much higher profit margins than the gas and oil industry?
What is it about them, aside from the fact that the industry of earth relies on them therefore their overall profits are substantially higher than most other industries despite the modest margins, that makes the left so set on raping the oil companies, (keystone, the gulf moratorium, backing Brazilian production while appointing "Roman Shock Troop" Al Armendiaz EPA manager of one of our biggest oil producing regions in the nation, "under my plan of a cap and trade system, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket...", etc)?

I get the whole green thing as well. But until we start investing in real possibilities as opposed to paying back donation bundlers posing as "alternative energy producers", liberals are willing to punish those they always claim they're looking out for with "skyrocketing" prices to get to work and keep warm?
The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is simple.
Like the founders, conservatives understand that man has a propensity to do evil. We accept this fact of human nature and thank God and the founders for the tools with which to deal with human nature's ugly side.

Liberals on the other hand believe that under the right restrictions and regulations and with the right incentives, all evil can somehow be "bred" out of humanity.

I love your signature lines. It really helps in explaining mine.

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