Transgender Advocates Wary of Jenner


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

I've been wondering about this:

Bruce Jenner Transgender advocates wary of spectacle taking shape - LA Times

Anyone associated with the Kardashian clan's shallow circus has been stained somewhat by it, and it will be interesting to see if Jenner turns a serious issue into a public spectacle.

He's the only one of them who has actually accomplished anything of substance, but if he follows through on some kind of "reality show", things could go downhill pretty quickly.

People don't put their private lives in a reality show if they're entirely okay in the head. Combination of exhibitionism, feelings of inadequacy, fame addiction, and general worthlessness - if people aren't talking about you you don't exist. But if people weren't watching they wouldn't be making them.
People don't put their private lives in a reality show if they're entirely okay in the head. Combination of exhibitionism, feelings of inadequacy, fame addiction, and general worthlessness - if people aren't talking about you you don't exist. But if people weren't watching they wouldn't be making them.
Yep. It's the "selfie" generation, and this is how it manifests.

The transgender advocates will be smart to keep an eye on this and to be ready to distance themselves at any moment.

good grief. why do we need to know about this? they want to change sex then do it IN PRIVATE. they need it up in blaring HEADLINES
"The spectacle has transgender advocates alarmed. The speculation and jokes about Jenner’s body and gender identity, they say, are profoundly disrespectful and have dragged a serious, deeply personal decision back to an era when it was characterized as a carnival sideshow."

I disagree. Its the usual haters who have hounded and made fun of him (her?). They have bullied and mobbed and piled on and behaved like nasty little children on a play ground. And a lot of them will tell you they're "christians".

If you believe they are mentally ill, you're wrong but what does it say about the people who attack those they think are mentally ill. What's wrong with people who attack and jeer at those, who through no fault of their own, are different from the majority?

I believe transgenders to be courageous people, fighting a battle most of us can never truly understand or appreciate. Leave them alone. MYOB
good grief. why do we need to know about this? they want to change sex then do it IN PRIVATE. they need it up in blaring HEADLINES

Good Grief Stoopid Stuff ...

"Jenner has not publicly spoken about his plans."

Speculation fuels the tabloids.

No one forced you to open the thread.

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