Transgender boy attempts to join Girl Scouts

Maybe they should start the transgender scouts

I would only support this desire of the boy, and his family, to have their son join the Girl Scouts, IF he had undergone a sex-change operation and become a female. Then I would be strongly in favor of accepting transgender children or adults into society as it is here and growing fast, and heterosexual children and adults need to start the acceptance process sooner rather than later. I do realize the boy is too young for these kind of multiple operations, but it isn't going to hurt him to wait. He needs to have this explained to him by a competent psychotherapist if his mother or father can't make him understand.
Make him act like a little boy that's what parents do.
Children have a hard enough time adjusting to changes with friends and family and their own body's. I think it is irresponsible on the part of the adults in this child's life to let him make decisions about his gender when he is a boy. He must learn to accept what he is and deal with growing up as a boy. When he is older and able to make adult choices , of course he can do it.
I see this as a parenting issue, he is far to young to have these ideas on his own.
Make him act like a little boy that's what parents do.
Children have a hard enough time adjusting to changes with friends and family and their own body's. I think it is irresponsible on the part of the adults in this child's life to let him make decisions about his gender when he is a boy. He must learn to accept what he is and deal with growing up as a boy. When he is older and able to make adult choices , of course he can do it.
I see this as a parenting issue, he is far to young to have these ideas on his own.

Interesting that the father didn't appear.

Its obvious the mother has let this behaviour go way out of control:

1. Get the boy a fucking haircut
2. Burn all the girl wardrobe
3. Add those fucking dolls to the bonfire

For Christssake.
Didn't we learn our lession with the East German ladies hockey team? Hormone shots don't make the man...or girl. If we have to do a DNA test to keep sissies from taking advantage of real girls let's do it.
Girl Scout Warns Of Transgender Boys Joining Troops...
Teen Girl Scout calls for cookie boycott
Thursday, January 12, 2012 | Warns of transgender boys making their way into troops
A reportedly 14-year-old Girl Scout has joined with parents and Scout alumni to call for a boycott of the widely popular Girl Scout cookies, claiming the organization is using cookie proceeds to push a radical homosexual agenda at the expense of the Scouts’ safety. The girl, identified as Taylor from Ventura County, Calif. – but whose parents have asked her last name and troop number be withheld – made a YouTube video calling for the boycott after she was shocked to discover Girl Scouts USA, or GSUSA, has been admitting transgender boys who claim to be girls into scout troops.

After controversy arose over the potential admission of Colorado 7-year-old Bobby Montoya last month, The Girl Scouts of Colorado released a statement explaining, “We accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” Rachelle Trujillo, vice president for communications of the Colorado Girl Scouts, added, “If a child is living as a girl, that’s good enough for us. We don’t require any proof of gender.” According to a report in the Baptist Press, Trujillo also affirmed transgendered children are currently serving in Girl Scout troops across the U.S., though she declined to give details.

Taylor, however, cites in the video GSUSA materials that outline the importance of the Scouts’ all-girl format and expresses concern about 12th-grade boys passing themselves off as girls. “The real question is, why is GSUSA willing to break their own safety rules and go against its own research institute findings to accommodate transgender boys?” Taylor asks. “Unfortunately, I think it is because GSUSA cares more about promoting the desires of a small handful of people than it does for my safety and the safety of my friends and sister Girl Scouts, and they are doing it with money we earned for them from Girl Scout cookies.”

“Right now, GSUSA and councils are focusing on adult agendas that have nothing to do with helping girls,” she continues. “I ask all fellow Girl Scouts who want a true, all-girl experience not to sell any cookies until GSUSA addresses our concerns. I ask all parents of Girl Scouts who want their girls to be in a safe environment to tell their leaders why you will not allow your girls to make any more money for GSUSA.” “There are better ways to support Girl Scout girls,” she concludes. “You can still support your favorite Girl Scout without giving GSUSA more pocket money.”

Teen Girl Scout calls for cookie boycott
Make him act like a little boy that's what parents do.
Children have a hard enough time adjusting to changes with friends and family and their own body's. I think it is irresponsible on the part of the adults in this child's life to let him make decisions about his gender when he is a boy. He must learn to accept what he is and deal with growing up as a boy. When he is older and able to make adult choices , of course he can do it.
I see this as a parenting issue, he is far to young to have these ideas on his own.

i agree.....all kids go thru have to guide them
Transgender boy's attempt to join Girl Scouts initially rejected because 'he has boy parts'

Do they do a genital examination prior to entering Girl Scouts to determine if the kids have boy parts or girl parts?

Someone needs to look into that.
Who does it hurt if you let him join?

He's different, don't you see? Much like those gay people. We don't have much use for those kind of people - if we had our way, they would be totally eliminated from our society. For now, the best we can do is deny them as many things as we can.

You understand, I'm sure. :talktothehand:
Make him act like a little boy that's what parents do.
Children have a hard enough time adjusting to changes with friends and family and their own body's. I think it is irresponsible on the part of the adults in this child's life to let him make decisions about his gender when he is a boy. He must learn to accept what he is and deal with growing up as a boy. When he is older and able to make adult choices , of course he can do it.
I see this as a parenting issue, he is far to young to have these ideas on his own.

Interesting that the father didn't appear.

Its obvious the mother has let this behaviour go way out of control:

1. Get the boy a fucking haircut
2. Burn all the girl wardrobe
3. Add those fucking dolls to the bonfire

For Christssake.

YEAH, for Chrissake - you'd think he was BORN that way or something!
Real girls have XX chromosomes. Real boys have an XY chromosome. Gender confusion is another set of issues. Some states might like to go with mother nature and check the chromosomal facts if push comes to shove.

1 in every 100 live births has an anomaly of gender expression at present. Some blame marijuana, the sex confusion drug that can emasculate a young male user. Since people lie about sex, it is not and may never be known what influence cannabis has on both ova and sperm, besides delaying and occasionally dismantling sexual maturity, but I have a hunch it isn't good. Up to 10 years ago, when babies were born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which carries moderate to severe mental retardation in fetuses born to females who drink so little as 1 dose of alcohol in her first trimester, doctors didn't always tell the mother the diagnosis, since her mental health could be at stake if she knew her drinking caused her baby's deformity of face and mind. It is not known what alcohol effects are on the male half of reproduction. I have a hunch that isn't good either.

There really isn't any way you can go into people's bedrooms and tell them what kind of life their offspring is going to have if they can't stay out of their supplier's closet.

I think the matter should be left to the states to determine what the decisions will be for children in their state.

We see things from the limited perspective ignorance shapes. We are hugely unaware of gender issues unless the issue arrives on our own doorstep.

Mercy and staying out of the other 49 states' decisions with re to their citizens' sexual determinations could be the best rule of thumb.

Do you want states entering people's bedrooms? If you support sex education, you may have already been doing that indirectly one way or another.

If this really causes too much garbage being thrown over state lines, maybe the Congress should have a little pow-wow about education of other states' children and whether we want to continue tax-funded educations or private funding to turn out our own state's children the way we want them to be.

There's nothing in it for the parent who wants children and grandchildren when teachers convince all the children that masturbation is better than baby-making sex and that sex with a same-sex partner relieves you of all the headaches of being behind the 8-ball in parental obligations.

If you're sending off your child to public school, right now, it's like Forest Gump's box of chocolates. You don't know what the hell you're gonna get when they grow up. Oh and I would like to add, you might realize it is not going to be in your own family expectation's good.
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