Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

Kids. Why do we have kids who are confused about their gender? Most of the time it is because some adult has no idea what kind of damage their crappy decisions will cause.

The actual real number of cases where kids are actually genetically different are so low, they wouldnt [sic] move the bar in the national discourse.

A “transgender child” is like a “vegetarian cat”. We all know who's really making that call.
Kids. Why do we have kids who are confused about their gender? Most of the time it is because some adult has no idea what kind of damage their crappy decisions will cause.

The actual real number of cases where kids are actually genetically different are so low, they wouldnt move the bar in the national discourse.
It appears that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about . What are adults doing to damange kids? The adults who are doing damange are the ones who reject and riddicule kids who are experiencing gender dyphoria and who fail to offer the support and guidence that they need to find their way/
Haha. So you are one of those who think its ok to put a hormone blocker implant in the arm of an 8 year old second grader because that kid really believes that she is a he? Shocker...
So a 10 or 12 year old wants to be a guy or gal, they get the treatment, then they snap, want to change back, then they become suicidal. Face it an adolescent is not capable of making the decision nor willing to accept the consequences, now you (society) have to pay the price. Hell an 18 year old isn’t willing to accept the consequences of their actions either! but what the F let the LBGT minority dictate to the majority what’s right or wrong. This country is sick and rotting from within.
The field will never be leveled. Males will always have certain biological advantages that can't be
nullified with testosterone blockers, etc. Rapinoe is a clown.
It is not about sports. It is not about bathrooms. Those issues are just excuses for bigotry.

Well, we're so very glad that you've come declare that the things we say we care about aren't ACTUALLY what we care about, because you know what we're thinking better than we do, based on your talking points and agenda.

Let's do this the other way. It is not about bigotry. That's just an excuse for not having an argument.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

I have to congratulate you, because generally speaking PROGS on this board are unable to write beyond one sentence that represents projection, parroting &/or out of context.

You're still full of shit though, ILMAO @ but but but some women are strong than men.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
Wow such incoherent babble.....take off that goofy facediaper and breathe in some fresh air looneybin.
I vote transgenders complete against "liberals" only. This way you have the mentally confused & gender swap competing with the mentally confused & weak. Seems fair to me.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

She really isn't thinking this out very well. There are a lot of talented pro male soccer players in the world that are a lot better than she is even if they aren't as good as the top dudes.

I hope she doesn't have a conniption if one of them decides to identify as a broad and takes her job.

Do I remember correctly that the US Women's National team was beaten by a team of 14-year-old boys?

I already said that this dumb twat is advocating for something that would put HER out of a job. Of course, she probably doesn't care, because she'll be retired and it'll be some other woman's problem by that time.
Do I remember correctly that the US Women's National team was beaten by a team of 14-year-old boys?

I already said that this dumb twat is advocating for something that would put HER out of a job. Of course, she probably doesn't care, because she'll be retired and it'll be some other woman's problem by that time.
She's probably hoping some men will join the league so they can create more interest in women's sports and be paid more. :dunno: :cuckoo:

Women's National Team has lost millions over last decade ...

Women's College Basketball Loses $14 Million a Year, Says ...

Women's NCAA Tournament Lost MILLIONS | Female Athletes ...
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
I don't know this person looks nuts to me

By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

I have to congratulate you, because generally speaking PROGS on this board are unable to write beyond one sentence that represents projection, parroting &/or out of context.

You're still full of shit though, ILMAO @ but but but some women are strong than men.
I will conggratulae you on some othes here when you show some interest in actually finding a working solution to the issue instead of talking the easy way out and banning all trans kids from all sports. I understand that it;s a difficult issue that there are no easy answers to,. but unlike you, I also understand that these are real human beings andwe have a duty to try to accomodate them and allow them to have the same opportunities as others
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
Wow such incoherent babble.....take off that goofy facediaper and breathe in some fresh air looneybin.
Thank you for admitting that you are to illiterate and stupid to understand whaty I wrote, or to formulate a reasonable response to it.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
I don't know this person looks nuts to me

View attachment 474237
Thank you for that brilliant analysis of a complicated issue. Just fucking brilliant!
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
I don't know this person looks nuts to me

View attachment 474237
Thank you for that brilliant analysis of a complicated issue. Just fucking brilliant!
Hey sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
Wow such incoherent babble.....take off that goofy facediaper and breathe in some fresh air looneybin.
Thank you for admitting that you are to illiterate and stupid to understand whaty I wrote, or to formulate a reasonable response to it.
Yes we conservatives pale in comparison to you ubereducated uberelitist uberarrogant sheeple who spout nothing but ignorant babble. See, I understood your rantings perfectly.
I just don't know why it's so difficult to acknowledge that boys and girls are different physically.
no one is saying that they are not different. I am saying that there might be ways to accomodate trans kids rather than simply bann them from sports See post 17 and try to comprehend the concept

You don't have to ban them just make them play with kids if the same biological sex.

Or start a trans only team

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