Transgender ‘mother’ announces he took hormones to create milk-like substance from his nipples that he plans to feed to his baby

Do men's nipples have milk ducts?

Nipple discharge in a man should always be evaluated by a doctor. When he is born, a man's breasts contain the same tissue and milk ducts as a woman's, but because they are exposed to male hormones instead of female hormones during puberty, they become mostly fat instead of growing bigger.Mar 26, 2018

Nipple Discharge in Males: Puberty, Causes, Bloody, and More​

Do men's nipples have milk ducts?

Nipple discharge in a man should always be evaluated by a doctor. When he is born, a man's breasts contain the same tissue and milk ducts as a woman's, but because they are exposed to male hormones instead of female hormones during puberty, they become mostly fat instead of growing bigger.Mar 26, 2018

Nipple Discharge in Males: Puberty, Causes, Bloody, and More

Men don't breastfeed.... good grief
Why do my male nipples lactate?

What makes a man lactate? Most cases of male galactorrhea are caused by high levels of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is the human hormone that stimulates milk production. Everyone has a small amount of prolactin in their blood, but it is not usually enough to lead to milk production.Jul 11, 2022

Is It True Men Can Lactate? 3 Common Causes to Know About​


Transgender ‘mother’ announces he took hormones to create milk-like substance from his nipples that he plans to feed to his baby​

Your jealousy is revealed by your obsession.
Men don't breastfeed.... good grief

Ah, yes they can.
And it does not even necessarily require hormones.
Historically marooned people have just used friction to slowly induce a breast reaction, so that infants can survive off it.

Male lactation was of some interest to Alexander von Humboldt, who reports in Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent about a citizen of the Venezuelan village of Arenas (close to Cumana) who allegedly nurtured his son for three months when his wife was ill,[1] as well as Charles Darwin, who commented on it in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871):

It is well known that in the males of all mammals, including man, rudimentary mammae exist. These in several instances have become well developed, and have yielded a copious supply of milk. Their essential identity in the two sexes is likewise shown by their occasional sympathetic enlargement in both during an attack of the measles.[2]
Darwin later considered the nearly perfect function of male nipples in contrast to greatly reduced structures such as the vesicula prostatica, speculating that both sexes may have nursed young in early mammalian ancestors, and subsequently mammals evolved to inactivate them in males at an early age.
Ah, yes they can.
And it does not even necessarily require hormones.
Historically marooned people have just used friction to slowly induce a breast reaction, so that infants can survive off it.

Male lactation was of some interest to Alexander von Humboldt, who reports in Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent about a citizen of the Venezuelan village of Arenas (close to Cumana) who allegedly nurtured his son for three months when his wife was ill,[1] as well as Charles Darwin, who commented on it in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871):

Darwin later considered the nearly perfect function of male nipples in contrast to greatly reduced structures such as the vesicula prostatica, speculating that both sexes may have nursed young in early mammalian ancestors, and subsequently mammals evolved to inactivate them in males at an early age.

Men do not have the alveoli to produce the milk. Hormones can not make what isn't there. Put this in the same category as transgender men spontaneously menstruating.
Men do not have the alveoli to produce the milk. Hormones can not make what isn't there. Put this in the same category as transgender men spontaneously menstruating.

A newborn requires about 20-24 ounces of breast milk in a 24 hour period. There's not a man alive that can produce that

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