Transgender ‘mother’ announces he took hormones to create milk-like substance from his nipples that he plans to feed to his baby

Just wait until this bimbo actually has to live thru it. Which I doubt any drug or surgery can accomplish the full effect

Like when the baby decides to sleep thru feeding time and the breasts are so engorged it's painful......then starts leaking

Or when you hear someone else's baby cry and you start leaking.

Take a shower and you start leaking.

When the baby is teething and bites you

The list goes on..
It's bad enough we let derranged fucking mental patients walk around free. It's worse still people like him are actually encouraged by the public.

But the worst part is that child is going to be a nutcase. That kid is going to be ruined by him.

Im ashamed of a society that would allow this.
There is historic evidence.
When mothers can not feed infants for some reason, males have done it instead.
It just requires repetitive friction.
Takes a little time, that is all.
Where does the milk come from?

When mothers cannot feed infants it goes to the wet nurse.
Men do not have the alveoli to produce the milk. Hormones can not make what isn't there. Put this in the same category as transgender men spontaneously menstruating.

Wrong. Male breasts have all the same glands, nipples, etc., as female breasts.
All mammals lactate for this purpose and it’s possible to induce lactation in men and in non-pregnant women using the right hormone medications.
Wrong. Male breasts have all the same glands, nipples, etc., as female breasts.
All mammals lactate for this purpose and it’s possible to induce lactation in men and in non-pregnant women using the right hormone medications.

omg :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
A newborn requires about 20-24 ounces of breast milk in a 24 hour period. There's not a man alive that can produce that

A man can eventually produce as much milk as any woman.
The breasts themselves are just decorative fat and their size is irrelevant.
The internal glands are the same.
Wrong. Male breasts have all the same glands, nipples, etc., as female breasts.
All mammals lactate for this purpose and it’s possible to induce lactation in men and in non-pregnant women using the right hormone medications.
No they don't. Where does the milk come from? How is it produced?
Where does the milk come from?

When mothers cannot feed infants it goes to the wet nurse.

Again, the male breasts are identical to the female breasts as far as milk production capability.
The only difference it decorative fat.
Why do you think males have nipples?
Obviously males used to breast feed a whole lot more.
Males just stopped the convention as they started traveling to hunt more, while the women breast fed more since they were the home bound gatherers.
They produce nothing.

Happens all the time.
Male lactation can even be caused by the friction of long distance running.
Its well documented.


Can a person who is male produce breast milk?​

The short answer is, yes, anyone can lactate. All children and teenagers have a small amount of breast tissue. If that tissue is exposed to hormones like estrogen and progesterone during puberty, it develops into a breast capable of making milk. But milk is normally only made in late pregnancy and while nursing.

Even for people who don’t develop full breasts in puberty, lactation is possible, if unusual. Galactorrhea is the medical term for breast milk production that is not due to pregnancy or nursing.

What makes a man lactate?​

Most cases of male galactorrhea are caused by high levels of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is the human hormone that stimulates milk production. Everyone has a small amount of prolactin in their blood, but it is not usually enough to lead to milk production.

Hyperprolactinemia is the medical term for a person who has abnormally high levels of prolactin but isn’t pregnant or nursing. When prolactin levels are high, the mammary glands in the breast produce milk.

Let’s run through some common causes of hyperprolactinemia.

What should I do if I’m male and I start lactating?​

Below are some things to keep in mind if you’re male and start lactating.

First steps​

For anyone who isn’t pregnant or nursing, lactating is a sign that something is probably out of balance. A good first step is to see your healthcare provider. They will ask you about any other symptoms you have and the names of all of the medications and supplements in your daily routine.

Your healthcare provider will then order blood tests to see if you have high levels of prolactin. These tests will also check levels of other hormones, including thyroid hormones.

It’s possible you may need a brain scan, like a CT scan or an MRI, to check for a growth in the pituitary gland. Or you may need a mammogram or chest ultrasound.
Happens all the time.
Male lactation can even be caused by the friction of long distance running.
Its well documented.


Can a person who is male produce breast milk?​

The short answer is, yes, anyone can lactate. All children and teenagers have a small amount of breast tissue. If that tissue is exposed to hormones like estrogen and progesterone during puberty, it develops into a breast capable of making milk. But milk is normally only made in late pregnancy and while nursing.

Even for people who don’t develop full breasts in puberty, lactation is possible, if unusual. Galactorrhea is the medical term for breast milk production that is not due to pregnancy or nursing.

What makes a man lactate?​

Most cases of male galactorrhea are caused by high levels of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is the human hormone that stimulates milk production. Everyone has a small amount of prolactin in their blood, but it is not usually enough to lead to milk production.

Hyperprolactinemia is the medical term for a person who has abnormally high levels of prolactin but isn’t pregnant or nursing. When prolactin levels are high, the mammary glands in the breast produce milk.

Let’s run through some common causes of hyperprolactinemia.

What should I do if I’m male and I start lactating?​

Below are some things to keep in mind if you’re male and start lactating.

First steps​

For anyone who isn’t pregnant or nursing, lactating is a sign that something is probably out of balance. A good first step is to see your healthcare provider. They will ask you about any other symptoms you have and the names of all of the medications and supplements in your daily routine.

Your healthcare provider will then order blood tests to see if you have high levels of prolactin. These tests will also check levels of other hormones, including thyroid hormones.

It’s possible you may need a brain scan, like a CT scan or an MRI, to check for a growth in the pituitary gland. Or you may need a mammogram or chest ultrasound.
No. Milk is produced in clumps of cells called the alveoli. Men do not have any alveoli. Men sometimes do have discharge from their nipples. It is a symptom of other disease.

How seriously do I consider these medical claims of male lactation? About as seriously as I take the British midwifery instructions on how to assist men in giving birth through their penis.
Happens all the time.
Male lactation can even be caused by the friction of long distance running.
Its well documented.


Can a person who is male produce breast milk?​

The short answer is, yes, anyone can lactate. All children and teenagers have a small amount of breast tissue. If that tissue is exposed to hormones like estrogen and progesterone during puberty, it develops into a breast capable of making milk. But milk is normally only made in late pregnancy and while nursing.

Even for people who don’t develop full breasts in puberty, lactation is possible, if unusual. Galactorrhea is the medical term for breast milk production that is not due to pregnancy or nursing.

What makes a man lactate?​

Most cases of male galactorrhea are caused by high levels of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is the human hormone that stimulates milk production. Everyone has a small amount of prolactin in their blood, but it is not usually enough to lead to milk production.

Hyperprolactinemia is the medical term for a person who has abnormally high levels of prolactin but isn’t pregnant or nursing. When prolactin levels are high, the mammary glands in the breast produce milk.

Let’s run through some common causes of hyperprolactinemia.

What should I do if I’m male and I start lactating?​

Below are some things to keep in mind if you’re male and start lactating.

First steps​

For anyone who isn’t pregnant or nursing, lactating is a sign that something is probably out of balance. A good first step is to see your healthcare provider. They will ask you about any other symptoms you have and the names of all of the medications and supplements in your daily routine.

Your healthcare provider will then order blood tests to see if you have high levels of prolactin. These tests will also check levels of other hormones, including thyroid hormones.

It’s possible you may need a brain scan, like a CT scan or an MRI, to check for a growth in the pituitary gland. Or you may need a mammogram or chest ultrasound.

Sure, yes. But to me this is like saying we shouldn't mind about anything gender-related or trans because some people are born with birth defects like hermaphrodism.

Yes, in extreme circumstances, or because they have something wrong with them, men can produce milk. Now, compare with a woman whose body has been primed for this for months. We are not talking about how to produce it, but how to contain it. That's because it's natural after pregnancy and childbirth. It does not need to be extremely "stimulated" and is not produced through a disease process.

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