Transgender, Non-Binary, and all the Ridiculousness in Between...

it's not what I am made to do, it's what others are forced to do against their will. Unlike you idiots, I'm for rights in general, not just the ones I like.

So after saying you were on a ride now we find out you arent at all but you complained about being affected?

Uhh, ok....What are others forced to do against their will?

"bake that damn cake, peasant"
Who was forced to bake a cake that didnt serve the public?

That wasn't the question that was asked. stop moving the goal posts, progressive house servant.
Of course thats the question i asked. Its ok if you cant answer it. I just wanted to see if you could give it a try.

Then ask it yourself, dippy.

The question isn't about things being "public". Public is not government.
So after saying you were on a ride now we find out you arent at all but you complained about being affected?

Uhh, ok....What are others forced to do against their will?

"bake that damn cake, peasant"
Who was forced to bake a cake that didnt serve the public?

That wasn't the question that was asked. stop moving the goal posts, progressive house servant.
Of course thats the question i asked. Its ok if you cant answer it. I just wanted to see if you could give it a try.

Then ask it yourself, dippy.

The question isn't about things being "public". Public is not government.
I did ask it myself dummy. Youre still deflecting.

Yes my question is about the public. If you want to discriminate in your private life I could give less than a flying fuck. The public is governed by the government.
"bake that damn cake, peasant"
Who was forced to bake a cake that didnt serve the public?

That wasn't the question that was asked. stop moving the goal posts, progressive house servant.
Of course thats the question i asked. Its ok if you cant answer it. I just wanted to see if you could give it a try.

Then ask it yourself, dippy.

The question isn't about things being "public". Public is not government.
I did ask it myself dummy. Youre still deflecting.

Yes my question is about the public. If you want to discriminate in your private life I could give less than a flying fuck. The public is governed by the government.

And I answered. People don't have to hide their views and their morality behind the closed and locked doors of their house. The whole concept that government can control all things "public" is made up crap by your side. Two parties entering a contract to provide a cake for an event is not "public". You would have far more of a case if it was a denial of service at a counter, but that isn't was was being punished in these cases.
I dont think progressives care about your acceptance. They just want to make it difficult for you to affect people with your intolerance.

Bullshit. its all about forced acceptance. Tolerance is live and let live, which is the furthest thing from progressive's minds.

"You will be made to bend a knee, and its not about the bend or the knee, but the fact they can make you do it"

What are you being made to do that affects you in any way?

it's not what I am made to do, it's what others are forced to do against their will. Unlike you idiots, I'm for rights in general, not just the ones I like.

So after saying you were on a ride now we find out you arent at all but you complained about being affected?

Uhh, ok....What are others forced to do against their will?

"bake that damn cake, peasant"

You mean follow anti discrimination laws? So breaking the laws would be best then. Got it
Bullshit. its all about forced acceptance. Tolerance is live and let live, which is the furthest thing from progressive's minds.

"You will be made to bend a knee, and its not about the bend or the knee, but the fact they can make you do it"

What are you being made to do that affects you in any way?

it's not what I am made to do, it's what others are forced to do against their will. Unlike you idiots, I'm for rights in general, not just the ones I like.

So after saying you were on a ride now we find out you arent at all but you complained about being affected?

Uhh, ok....What are others forced to do against their will?

"bake that damn cake, peasant"

You mean follow anti discrimination laws? So breaking the laws would be best then. Got it

Bad laws are bad laws. Its amazing how dogmatic you idiots become when the law is on your side, even when it is wrong.
What are you being made to do that affects you in any way?

it's not what I am made to do, it's what others are forced to do against their will. Unlike you idiots, I'm for rights in general, not just the ones I like.

So after saying you were on a ride now we find out you arent at all but you complained about being affected?

Uhh, ok....What are others forced to do against their will?

"bake that damn cake, peasant"

You mean follow anti discrimination laws? So breaking the laws would be best then. Got it

Bad laws are bad laws. Its amazing how dogmatic you idiots become when the law is on your side, even when it is wrong.

But its the law, soo? Hell, Speed Limits force me against my will but its still the law.
And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?


No one is born a pedophile | Fox News

The American Psychiatric Association doesn't agree.

Look at the suicide rates of LGBT individuals... It's not like they are sliding off of rainbows with the intent of spreading their disease. They live and struggle with a difference that they possess that is not yet very socially acceptable, and most suffer greatly. It is a very difficult issue as I understand the "Rights" want to keep it traditional and simple but lets also not confuse the intent of the Left. They aren't trying to confuse or encourage children one way or the other, they are trying to create a more accepting and less intimidating environment for those who are in the LGBT community. I'd hope whether we are right or left we would all be in line with this goal and work together to find the best and most practical solutions.

They kill themselves because they have mental problems. You are not helping them by letting them believe what they want. Bulimics "believe" they are fat, should our help be to support them in their efforts to lose weight?

They kill themselves because they have mental issues?? Really??? So you don't think the feelings of being different, a freak, a disappointment to their family, or the laughing stock of their peers has anything to do with it. Chalk it up to a perfect system with a bunch of gay crazies so don't bother to do anything? Is that what your preaching?

Like I said, every "off balance" person could be "accepted" for what they are. And bulimics are fat, obviously.

Changing language doesn't change feelings. Just ask the black doesn't matter whether we have called them African American, black, negro, colored, or any other term...language change doesn't dictate feeling change, racism has been in America and still is. I think that most people (not all) can get behind being more accepting to the LGBT community. I, for one, certainly am. However, doing that means going out there and changing what people think and feel, not what people say. Fighting the wrong battle is to set yourself up for nothing but failure.
I think it is a combo of both... Many still refer to LGBT with very nasty and degrading labels... Just as the "N" word was widely used for Blacks by the haters during and before the civil rights movement. So language does have an effect. But I do agree it needs to be much more than just language to make a difference.
My argument is that language is a reflection / expression of a person's feelings. Changing what language they use isn't going to change how they feel. Taking the "n" word, that used to be a commonplace word for referring to blacks, not a derogatory term. However, feelings back then were very racially charged against the black community. So, people imagined that if they changed what they called them it would change the feelings towards them. This has proved to be false. The feelings remain, they have just altered the language they use. The "n" word is now a derogatory term...for one group of people, but seemingly commonplace by another group. Again, language doesn't mean much...fight the right battle not the misguided one.
I understand your point... It reminds me of the "Islamic Extremist" argument where the "Right" loved the fact the the "Left" refused to say those words and they exploited the shit out of it. It amused me that they were so angered by the fact that the Administration decided to not use language that offended Muslims. I understand that the facts do support the phrase... the terrorist follow an extreme sect of the Islam religion, but WE decide what to call and label it. We don't call the KKK Christian Extremists because that would be offensive to Christians so why can't we call the terrorist something more specific like Extreme Jihadists, so we aren't offending the 100's of millions that identify themselves with Islam?

Apologies for the tangent but it goes to my point that language is important and plays a factor. In this case, creating a more inclusive environment is very tricky as it can't simply be done with laws, it has to be done with education and exposure. Changing the language, is a step towards increasing awareness, changing an old way of thinking, and redefining a group in a way to cultivate a more accepting environment.

If the KKk used Christianity to kill blacks, you'd have a point. when one says Jesus Christ" as he cuts off a black persons head, let me know.

You miss the point... It isn't about how we label the loonies.. it's about how our language effects to the innocents that have nothing to do with the actions of the extremists... The ones we need to be working with... There are a ton of alternative phrases that can be used for the terrorist besides Islamic extremist... It is a very intentional point that the right is trying to make in degrading the Islamic religion by associating their ideology with that of the extremist.

Bullshit. If a person is a Christian extremist, he should be called what he is. Denying reality is not ever an answer.



  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:
This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
he, she , him, her, guy, girl are all social concepts. Male and Female, which is a person sex, are biological.

Read and learn.

Brain development: Is the difference between boys and girls all in their heads? | BabyCenter

whats your point with that link?

That gender is as much a part of a person as the physical parts. Studies on babies show that there are major differences between how the sexes view life from their earliest days of existence.

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?


No one is born a pedophile | Fox News

The American Psychiatric Association doesn't agree.

Being sexual molested as child I have done much research on the subject.. and pedo's are made more than they are born.. Another item you are refusing to acknowledge is the history of the development of humans....
Humans had a shorter life span than they do now, it was 32 years old during the era of the Roman empire and was lower a thousand years earlier, so humans were doing the procreation dance at the moment of puberty..You know what that means? Dey was doing da nasty around the age of 9-10 for females.....Up to the age in the USA of the women's right movement in the later 1800's and early 1900's, the legal age for marriage and consent in many US states was 9-10...for females..Are you saying our founders of this nation were pedo's? Well day was, duh! And there was not a social moral against it..Females were not considered as valuable to an agrarian society and were thusly married off as soon as possible...
Now here we are today. millenia of human activity now considered illegal, and morally reprehensible...Yet the Bible does not agree...Thousands of years in human evolution does not agree....I have no interest in young females, and would die protecting them from harm, as I have vowed to do from my experience from abuse..But you just think humans can change in a few years what went on for a long time....
Now, stop being a dick and accusing people that debate you and take the con position as being pedo's......
(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). :dunno:
This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
he, she , him, her, guy, girl are all social concepts. Male and Female, which is a person sex, are biological.

Read and learn.

Brain development: Is the difference between boys and girls all in their heads? | BabyCenter

whats your point with that link?

That gender is as much a part of a person as the physical parts. Studies on babies show that there are major differences between how the sexes view life from their earliest days of existence.

Even hermaphrodites?
I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?


No one is born a pedophile | Fox News

The American Psychiatric Association doesn't agree.

Being sexual molested as child I have done much research on the subject.. and pedo's are made more than they are born.. Another item you are refusing to acknowledge is the history of the development of humans....
Humans had a shorter life span than they do now, it was 32 years old during the era of the Roman empire and was lower a thousand years earlier, so humans were doing the procreation dance at the moment of puberty..You know what that means? Dey was doing da nasty around the age of 9-10 for females.....Up to the age in the USA of the women's right movement in the later 1800's and early 1900's, the legal age for marriage and consent in many US states was 9-10...for females..Are you saying our founders of this nation were pedo's? Well day was, duh! And there was not a social moral against it..Females were not considered as valuable to an agrarian society and were thusly married off as soon as possible...
Now here we are today. millenia of human activity now considered illegal, and morally reprehensible...Yet the Bible does not agree...Thousands of years in human evolution does not agree....I have no interest in young females, and would die protecting them from harm, as I have vowed to do from my experience from abuse..But you just think humans can change in a few years what went on for a long time....
Now, stop being a dick and accusing people that debate you and take the con position as being pedo's......

You are wrong. They are now pushing the idea that pedos are born that way, just like the gays and the lesbians.

This is provably false. Did they ever ask you in school what American gender culture you identified with when teaching these concepts? When you were in 2nd grade (or whenever we learn pronoun usage) did they have everybody fill out a questionnaire related to how our society typically classifies masculine and feminine traits and then assign you your correct pronoun based off of your answers? Did they then have you memorize which pronoun to use with which of you classmates? Did they ever teach you to ask each person what they identified with before you used a pronoun to identify with them? The answer is no.

They told you men / boys are "he" and women / girls are "she" when replacing a proper noun with a pronoun. it is simple. It is effective. It works. I never learned in school (and neither did you by the way) that we use these pronouns based off of what a person feels, but rather what the ARE. This implies a biological rather than cultural basis.

Here is another example. Think of a newborn baby. Now your baby is a boy or a girl and there is no way that it has the faculties or knowledge to identify with a certain gender culture. we never use masculine or feminine pronouns when referring to the baby until it grows up enough to understand what it identifies with? Nope. We use the pronoun representing what the baby is biologically. If you have a baby boy and your son takes his first steps you don't go around and tell people "It just took its first step today!" You say, "He just took his first step today!"
he, she , him, her, guy, girl are all social concepts. Male and Female, which is a person sex, are biological.

Read and learn.

Brain development: Is the difference between boys and girls all in their heads? | BabyCenter

whats your point with that link?

That gender is as much a part of a person as the physical parts. Studies on babies show that there are major differences between how the sexes view life from their earliest days of existence.

Even hermaphrodites?

What is it with the left? They will find some tiny little anomaly and try to use it as "proof" that denies the bulk of logical, rational, sane human existence.

The question was, is gender ingrained or taught. It is most certainly ingrained.

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?


No one is born a pedophile | Fox News

The American Psychiatric Association doesn't agree.


You did not follow though

APA, Liberty Counsel noted, now states “sexual orientation” is an error and should read instead, “sexual interest.”

On Thursday, APA released a statement regarding what it referred to as a “text error” in DSM-5:

In the case of pedophilic disorder, the diagnostic criteria essentially remained the same as in DSM-IV-TR. Only the disorder name was changed from “pedophilia” to “pedophilic disorder” to maintain consistency with the chapter’s other disorder listings.

“Sexual orientation” is not a term used in the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder and its use in the DSM-5 text discussion is an error and should read “sexual interest.” In fact, APA considers pedophilic disorder a “paraphilia,” not a “sexual orientation.” This error will be corrected in the electronic version of DSM-5 and the next printing of the manual.

APA stands firmly behind efforts to criminally prosecute those who sexually abuse and exploit children and adolescents. We also support continued efforts to develop treatments for those with pedophilic disorder with the goal of preventing future acts of abuse.<<

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