Transgender Process Started With Suicidal Thoughts, Disconnecting From Friends

The really sad part is, for the ones who are mentally ill and think they are a different sex, surgery is not the answer. The underlying pathology isn't dealt with. As soon as the suffering figures out that they are still the same person, now surgically mutilated, they commit suicide anyway.

Do you actually have any empirical evidence of this, or are you just making it up as you go along? My understanding is that the process of surgically transforming from one sex to another includes a lot of psychological therapy to make sure it is what the person needs and wants.
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I knew a person who had the surgery, had to a of supportive friends, employers, still killed himself. This was in Seattle. It's what let me know that that science only enables them and doesn't help them
The really sad part is, for the ones who are mentally ill and think they are a different sex, surgery is not the answer. The underlying pathology isn't dealt with. As soon as the suffering figures out that they are still the same person, now surgically mutilated, they commit suicide anyway.

Do you actually have any empirical evidence of this, or are you just making it up as you go along? My understanding is that the process of surgically transforming from one sex to another includes a lot of psychological therapy to make sure it is what the person needs and wants.

Psychological counseling is needed in order to completely convince the mentally defective patient that surgical mutilation is the proper treatment?
The really sad part is, for the ones who are mentally ill and think they are a different sex, surgery is not the answer. The underlying pathology isn't dealt with. As soon as the suffering figures out that they are still the same person, now surgically mutilated, they commit suicide anyway.

Do you actually have any empirical evidence of this, or are you just making it up as you go along? My understanding is that the process of surgically transforming from one sex to another includes a lot of psychological therapy to make sure it is what the person needs and wants.

Psychological counseling is needed in order to completely convince the mentally defective patient that surgical mutilation is the proper treatment?

Do you know anything about psychology? It isn't meant to convince anyone of anything, at any time or or any reason. It is meant to help a patient understand him/herself.

In this case, as far as I understand, it is part of the process in order to make sure the operation is what the patient wants and needs, definitely not to convince them they need it. Are you that dumb, or are you being purposely obtuse?
Do you actually have any empirical evidence of this, or are you just making it up as you go along? My understanding is that the process of surgically transforming from one sex to another includes a lot of psychological therapy to make sure it is what the person needs and wants.

Psychological counseling is needed in order to completely convince the mentally defective patient that surgical mutilation is the proper treatment?

Do you know anything about psychology? It isn't meant to convince anyone of anything, at any time or or any reason. It is meant to help a patient understand him/herself.

In this case, as far as I understand, it is part of the process in order to make sure the operation is what the patient wants and needs, definitely not to convince them they need it. Are you that dumb, or are you being purposely obtuse?

Here're some facts to ponder: he (or she) is biologically male (or female); he (or she) is genetically (with few exceptions, i.e. Kleinfelter's Syndrome) male (or female). He (or she) may have delusions that they are something other than Nature intended.
Here's a really unique concept for the social engineers out there, instead of psychological counseling to reinforce these delusions, why not counsel them about biological reality and help them understand that?
The really sad part is, for the ones who are mentally ill and think they are a different sex, surgery is not the answer. The underlying pathology isn't dealt with. As soon as the suffering figures out that they are still the same person, now surgically mutilated, they commit suicide anyway.

Do you actually have any empirical evidence of this, or are you just making it up as you go along? My understanding is that the process of surgically transforming from one sex to another includes a lot of psychological therapy to make sure it is what the person needs and wants.

It is supposed to, but it really seldom happens. It needn't happen at all to force the general public to accept a change in gender. That happens on announcement. Surely the poor children that are shoehorned into a new gender aren't adequately counseled or receive therapy. Certainly Robert Kosilek never got a lot of psychological therapy before HE badgered the tax payers into paying for sex change surgery. He killed his wife, now he imagines himself to be a woman. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he's crazy.

) Candidates for SRS may believe that
they are trapped in the bodies ofthewrong sex and therefore desire or,more
accurately, demand SRS; however, this belief is generated by a disordered
perception of self. Such a fixed, irrational belief is appropriately described
as a delusion. SRS, therefore, is a “category mistake”—it offers a surgical
solution for psychological problems such as a failure to accept the goodness
of one’s masculinity orf emininity,lack of secure attachment relationshipsin
childhood with same-sex peers or a parent,self-rejection, untreated gender
identity disorder, addiction to masturbation and fantasy, poor body image,
excessive anger, and severe psychopathology in a parent. (3) SRS does not
accomplish what it claims to accomplish. It does not change a person’s sex;
therefore, it provides no true benefit. (4) SRS is a “permanent,” effectively
unchangeable, and often unsatisfying surgical attempt to change what may
be only a temporary (i.e., psychotherapeutically changeable) psychological/psychiatric condition.

There are true transsexuals but it is very rare. I've known both kinds. Those who want to be another gender because, for some reason, they cannot face what they are, don't change by becoming another gender. That baggage goes right along with them.
Gender it up all you want but I still reserve my 1st Amendment right to laugh at the hairy fake boob idiots. All I ask is that society keeps fake babes from scaring real women in the ladies room.
There was a requirement that a person live successfully as the chosen gender for at least two years. If a man chooses to live as a woman, but has to force others to accept him as a woman, by either social or legal pressure he is NOT living successfully as a woman. Women do not go around saying "I'm transgendered, like my dick or else." Instead of living, undetectably as a female, they live in a transgendered status. They adapt to being able to force others into a certain behavior. Likely having learned this behavior they will never live successfully as a woman. They won't give up that kind of power over others.
Kristin Beck, Transgender Navy SEAL, Comes Out In New Book

The United States military's ban on transgender service members faces a challenge, and her name is Kristin Beck.

Beck is an author and activist who served 20 years as a Navy SEAL on 13 deployments and was once a member of the elite SEAL Team 6. She is also transgender.

Beck comes out publicly as transgender in her new memoir, Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender, which hit stores June 1. The book describes Beck's life as Chris, a Christian boy who grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere and became a Navy SEAL. It describes someone who everyone viewed as "a hero, a warrior, a man" but who knew deep down she was transgender.

"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," Anne Speckhard, a research psychologist who co-authored the biography with Beck, told ABC News. Beck suppressed her transgender identity for decades while training as a SEAL and fighting in Afghanistan, "turning off" her sexuality and consuming herself with battle.

Beck chose to stay silent in respect of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" guidelines. Speckhard describes the inner turmoil she faced throughout her years of active duty.

"Chris describes his despair throughout this book and his desire to die honorably by serving our country and fighting terrorism -- to keep us safe and so that he wouldn't have to wrestle anymore with the emotional pain that stemmed from the lack of congruency between his gender identity and body," she writes in the book. "After multiple combat deployments -- more than many SEALs ever encounter, Chris returned back alive to fight this deeper battle in his soul and grappled with the moral and social decisions of living in secret or to transition into her true self."

After her retirement in 2011 a weight was lifted. Beck's book is dedicated to those who identify as transgender but who might have difficulty revealing their true selves. Her hope is to bring about change.
Psychological counseling is needed in order to completely convince the mentally defective patient that surgical mutilation is the proper treatment?

Do you know anything about psychology? It isn't meant to convince anyone of anything, at any time or or any reason. It is meant to help a patient understand him/herself.

In this case, as far as I understand, it is part of the process in order to make sure the operation is what the patient wants and needs, definitely not to convince them they need it. Are you that dumb, or are you being purposely obtuse?

Here're some facts to ponder: he (or she) is biologically male (or female); he (or she) is genetically (with few exceptions, i.e. Kleinfelter's Syndrome) male (or female). He (or she) may have delusions that they are something other than Nature intended.
Here's a really unique concept for the social engineers out there, instead of psychological counseling to reinforce these delusions, why not counsel them about biological reality and help them understand that?

What makes you think the counseling reinforces anything? Have you been through sexual reorientation counseling? Do you know what it is like, what it entails? If you do, please share with us. I don't assume that it encourages people to do anything either way. Counseling is not generally meant to do that, other than to help someone gain insight into themselves. If your assumption about it is correct, that would mean the counselor has an agenda, that the counselor believes the person needs the operation and the counselor is working toward convincing the patient that's what he/she needs. Such a situation would, however, be counter to what counseling is all about or what it is meant to do.
This sounds like a classic mental disturbance. A warrior who cannot live with his actions as a warrior. He is not that person, he is someone else. Someone who never did those things. Having decided that he wasn't that person, it is a small step to never being that person in the first place. He will remember feelings that he had as a child. Feeling are easier to remember than actions. He has emotional pain, where did it come from? From what he was doing, or by transference into what he didn't want to be.

This is exactly what my friend Bill did. He put in a number of tours in Viet Nam during his 10 years in the Marines. He saw a lot of combat. He was unable to live with that and decided that he wasn't that person, he was a woman who had never done those things. He remembered feelings that he had as a child. According to his sister, there was never any manifestation of those feelings. He was in all respects a normal little boy. He just didn't remember it that way. He remembered going to the toy store wanting a doll. He cried for a truck. He just remembers it differently.

This is a mental escape from a painful reality. Changing sex won't fix Beck's underlying pathology. When he figures out that it didn't work, he will have no alternative but suicide.
This sounds like a classic mental disturbance. A warrior who cannot live with his actions as a warrior. He is not that person, he is someone else. Someone who never did those things. Having decided that he wasn't that person, it is a small step to never being that person in the first place. He will remember feelings that he had as a child. Feeling are easier to remember than actions. He has emotional pain, where did it come from? From what he was doing, or by transference into what he didn't want to be.

This is exactly what my friend Bill did. He put in a number of tours in Viet Nam during his 10 years in the Marines. He saw a lot of combat. He was unable to live with that and decided that he wasn't that person, he was a woman who had never done those things. He remembered feelings that he had as a child. According to his sister, there was never any manifestation of those feelings. He was in all respects a normal little boy. He just didn't remember it that way. He remembered going to the toy store wanting a doll. He cried for a truck. He just remembers it differently.

This is a mental escape from a painful reality. Changing sex won't fix Beck's underlying pathology. When he figures out that it didn't work, he will have no alternative but suicide.

And you back up all of these conclusions with your education, training, degree, certification and experience as a mental health professional dealing in this kind of mental problem?

Or, you are just a lay person with no real understanding or knowledge about this than what you want to believe you have.
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The conservatives will never understand it, though. They think that because she was born with a penis, that automatically makes her a male and she should suffer as a male.

I wish her well, though.

That brings up an interesting question: is it only conservatives who fear and/or don't understand transgender? If so, why?

Because they are so set in their ways. To them, men MUST be attracted to women, and if you have a penis, you are a man, period. Everything is black and white to them, there are no shades of grey.

Most liberals are able to see those shades of grey.

I don't think you can make those determinations. First, I don't think you know any transgendered people. Second, I don't think you know any conservatives well enough to get into their thought processes. Third, you don't know enough liberals to know what "most" are able to do or not.
The conservatives will never understand it, though. They think that because she was born with a penis, that automatically makes her a male and she should suffer as a male.
I wish her well, though.
That brings up an interesting question: is it only conservatives who fear and/or don't understand transgender? If so, why?
Because they are so set in their ways. To them, men MUST be attracted to women, and if you have a penis, you are a man, period. Everything is black and white to them, there are no shades of grey.

Most liberals are able to see those shades of grey.

That's the talking point but most conservatives don't care what you do as long as you don't tax us for it.
BFS, no one wants to control peoples sex lifes. We just dont want to have to be forced to accept as normal this tiny minority of the population. Why should we be forced to allow male or female transgendered into our bathrooms and accept it as the norm.

Fact is, it happens all the time and you never know it.

Ya wanna force people to flash you before you allow them in?

Women's lavatories have stalls with doors on them. We wouln't even know if a transgender person were in there, so what's the problem? Men's lavs also have cubicles with doors; if you are concerned about someone seeing your pee pee, use a stall instead of the urinal. Problem solved.

There are a lot worse problems in this world to worry about, lots worse.

I agree, but some women either feel threatened or are quite obstinate about sexual and gender identity. At Backstreet, a former gay bar and after-hours club in Atlanta the bathrooms had signs that said, "guys - if you stand up to pee and wear pants" on one door and "girls - if you wear a dress." Even the guys who only wore dresses at part of entertainment had to use the ladies' room if they were in drag. While at My Sister's Room, a lesbian bar in Atlanta, they were VERY clear that if you had a dick, you used the men's room.
This sounds like a classic mental disturbance. A warrior who cannot live with his actions as a warrior. He is not that person, he is someone else. Someone who never did those things. Having decided that he wasn't that person, it is a small step to never being that person in the first place. He will remember feelings that he had as a child. Feeling are easier to remember than actions. He has emotional pain, where did it come from? From what he was doing, or by transference into what he didn't want to be.

This is exactly what my friend Bill did. He put in a number of tours in Viet Nam during his 10 years in the Marines. He saw a lot of combat. He was unable to live with that and decided that he wasn't that person, he was a woman who had never done those things. He remembered feelings that he had as a child. According to his sister, there was never any manifestation of those feelings. He was in all respects a normal little boy. He just didn't remember it that way. He remembered going to the toy store wanting a doll. He cried for a truck. He just remembers it differently.

This is a mental escape from a painful reality. Changing sex won't fix Beck's underlying pathology. When he figures out that it didn't work, he will have no alternative but suicide.

And you back up all of these conclusions with your education, training, degree, certification and experience as a mental health professional dealing in this kind of mental psychosis?

Or, you are just a lay person with no real understanding or knowledge about this than what you want to believe you have.

I don't agree with his conclusion but it's bad form to ask for empirical evidence and then upon reading about his friend then asking for his credentials.

You're voicing an opinion about this, what's your education in the matter?

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