Transgender Process Started With Suicidal Thoughts, Disconnecting From Friends

This sounds like a classic mental disturbance. A warrior who cannot live with his actions as a warrior. He is not that person, he is someone else. Someone who never did those things. Having decided that he wasn't that person, it is a small step to never being that person in the first place. He will remember feelings that he had as a child. Feeling are easier to remember than actions. He has emotional pain, where did it come from? From what he was doing, or by transference into what he didn't want to be.

This is exactly what my friend Bill did. He put in a number of tours in Viet Nam during his 10 years in the Marines. He saw a lot of combat. He was unable to live with that and decided that he wasn't that person, he was a woman who had never done those things. He remembered feelings that he had as a child. According to his sister, there was never any manifestation of those feelings. He was in all respects a normal little boy. He just didn't remember it that way. He remembered going to the toy store wanting a doll. He cried for a truck. He just remembers it differently.

This is a mental escape from a painful reality. Changing sex won't fix Beck's underlying pathology. When he figures out that it didn't work, he will have no alternative but suicide.

And you back up all of these conclusions with your education, training, degree, certification and experience as a mental health professional dealing in this kind of mental problem?

Or, you are just a lay person with no real understanding or knowledge about this than what you want to believe you have.

You don't have anything to support your opinion.
Do you know anything about psychology? It isn't meant to convince anyone of anything, at any time or or any reason. It is meant to help a patient understand him/herself.

In this case, as far as I understand, it is part of the process in order to make sure the operation is what the patient wants and needs, definitely not to convince them they need it. Are you that dumb, or are you being purposely obtuse?

Here're some facts to ponder: he (or she) is biologically male (or female); he (or she) is genetically (with few exceptions, i.e. Kleinfelter's Syndrome) male (or female). He (or she) may have delusions that they are something other than Nature intended.
Here's a really unique concept for the social engineers out there, instead of psychological counseling to reinforce these delusions, why not counsel them about biological reality and help them understand that?

What makes you think the counseling reinforces anything? Have you been through sexual reorientation counseling? Do you know what it is like, what it entails? If you do, please share with us. I don't assume that it encourages people to do anything either way. Counseling is not generally meant to do that, other than to help someone gain insight into themselves. If your assumption about it is correct, that would mean the counselor has an agenda, that the counselor believes the person needs the operation and the counselor is working toward convincing the patient that's what he/she needs. Such a situation would, however, be counter to what counseling is all about or what it is meant to do.

What do you think counseling is intended to accomplish? (Have you undergone such counseling?) Perhaps if you could elucidate on the specifics of "gender reassignment" counseling, I might be develop a clearer idea of what the goal of such counseling is.
This sounds like a classic mental disturbance. A warrior who cannot live with his actions as a warrior. He is not that person, he is someone else. Someone who never did those things. Having decided that he wasn't that person, it is a small step to never being that person in the first place. He will remember feelings that he had as a child. Feeling are easier to remember than actions. He has emotional pain, where did it come from? From what he was doing, or by transference into what he didn't want to be.

This is exactly what my friend Bill did. He put in a number of tours in Viet Nam during his 10 years in the Marines. He saw a lot of combat. He was unable to live with that and decided that he wasn't that person, he was a woman who had never done those things. He remembered feelings that he had as a child. According to his sister, there was never any manifestation of those feelings. He was in all respects a normal little boy. He just didn't remember it that way. He remembered going to the toy store wanting a doll. He cried for a truck. He just remembers it differently.

This is a mental escape from a painful reality. Changing sex won't fix Beck's underlying pathology. When he figures out that it didn't work, he will have no alternative but suicide.

And you back up all of these conclusions with your education, training, degree, certification and experience as a mental health professional dealing in this kind of mental problem?

Or, you are just a lay person with no real understanding or knowledge about this than what you want to believe you have.

I am curious, you denigrate those of us who express skepticism about the origin of transgender identification. What are your bona fides that qualify you to make statements concerning this issue? Have you undergone this process personally? Are you perhaps a therapist who deals with individuals undergoing this process? What is the basis of your conclusions about transgender identification and transformation?
Why not allow people to use delusions to change their age?

Hey, I'd vote for that! Can I be 30 again? Can I demand Obamacare to pay for the cosmetic surgery required to make me 30 again?

Social Security Administration updates transgender policy | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

Social security admin lets you deny relaity, so see if they will let you claim you are 65 to collect. If they ever raise retirement age, I'm sure plenty of people can just say they are that new age, and they will be bigots if they don't comply
It only stands to reason. The mental disturbance starts with transitory destructive thoughts. These thoughts become obsessive leading to suicidal thoughts. The person that is afflicted starts withdrawing from friends and family.

The first thing the person thinks of is "What is happening to me?" In looking for solutions, they fixate on the one that seems to be the most reasonable and explains the most pathological symptoms. Maybe they were kidnapped by aliens. The CIA implanted an electrode in their brain. They are possessed by evil spirits. They are really a different gender. The busy brain starts justifying the delusion. They remember being taken up in the flying saucer. They got an anal probe. They know that one moment they were walking down the street and four men put a bag over their head and dragged them into a black SUV. They participated in a séance. They remember wanting to play with dolls and wear dresses. These are all memories, but not real ones. They are memories their subconscious cooked up to protect them from dealing with losing control.

Anyone who has even read about psychology knows this. It doesn't take an in depth education. Ordinary curiosity should be sufficient. The end result is, living the delusion doesn't resolve the underlying pathology. They are as sick as they ever were. When they mutilate their bodies, there is no going back. It explains the high suicide rate among transsexuals. Only there is yet another explanation "the world would not accept him/her as the other gender" they couldn't live with such rejection. It's the fault of the whole world.

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