Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

Do you believe adults should know better than to assist boys wanting in girls' showers/locker rooms?

  • Yes, absolutely. If they assist, they are helping violate a young woman's mind.

  • No. This is a new age and time. It doesn't matter anymore.

  • Not sure but maybe?

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She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.

the o/p has an unhealthy and bizarre obsession with this issue and all other things LGBT. it doesn't matter what the law is. it doesn't matter how the high court rules. nothing matters but the continued (and boring) redundant whining.
Funny thing is, that it was those on the left—back when that side of the political spectrum still had some vestige of a grasp on reality that it has since completely lost—that first brought up the issue of “sexual harassment”, and pushed for laws to protect against it; and now, a generation later, it is the left wrong that is calling for policies that effectively mandate sexual harassment and abuse against girls and women.

And don't forget Obergefell which mandates as a contractual and legal bind, the permanent divorce of a child from either a mother or father for life. So the group frequently screaming (using this as their drumbeat to influence Kennedy) "think of the children!!" with respect to marriage, successfully hoodwinked him into a PC fog where his decision on the surface was "to help children" actually wound up hurting them; and institutionalizing that hurt.

You're right; only the insane could engage in such pretzel logic and still be able to function on a rudimentary level.

you have no understanding of what obergefell means.
the o/p has an unhealthy and bizarre obsession with this issue and all other things LGBT. it doesn't matter what the law is. it doesn't matter how the high court rules. nothing matters but the continued (and boring) redundant whining.

So boring and redundant that 1.2 million people signed up to boycott Target Stores for pulling a similar stunt. For that matter, any woman traumatized in a Target Store could own their company for institutionalize sexual harassment in their bathrooms, "you will submit, woman!" Wow, why didn't I think of that before? Thanks for the inspiration.
It looks like 100% of the voters in the poll think this is a sexual harassment issue. Don't worry, by the time the US Supreme Court hears it, Ginsburg will have given several public interviews recanting her position in the 1970s and telling us "A majority of Americans now support males using girls bathrooms and showers in school. I think America is ready for this change"..
East Penn student doesn't want to share gym locker room with transgender students

And it's a case for sexual harassment. She should file against the adults in the school district responsible. Also those at the state level and the Obama Administration.

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Note: the words "transgender students" means the same thing as male students. vv
EMMAUS — An East Penn School District student who is starting high school next week says she should not have to change clothes in the girls locker room with transgender students....Ninth-grader Sigourney Coyle told the East Penn School Board on Monday that she feels her rights to "bodily privacy" would be violated if she is required to get undressed in a locker room with students who were born male but identify as female... East Penn student doesn't want to share gym locker room with transgender students

The LGBT cult claims it isn't an issue because "currently there's no boys trying to use the girls locker room" with Coyle. However, that's not the point. It's like having your boss come up to you and say "I can expose my genitals to you anytime you know.." and then walk off. And having him say that every day. "Any time now, you could be in an exposed situation and I know...just drop my pants right in front of you".

With such a statement and reality looming over a shy and embarrassed teen girl every day, this is no different than sexual harassment in the work place.

What she said was the anxiety that a male could waltz into her shower/locker room at any time was disturbing enough to her that she can't disrobe in the gym. So, you know, she's experiencing a real mental distress at the idea that the authorities at her school (state and fed) would subject her to such an uncertain situation, such intimate exposure. It sounds like she's experiencing a form of sexual harassment at the hands of school officials: "hey little girl, any time now we could let a boy in with you in the showers!" That's damned creepy. And I don't blame her.

She has a case for sexual harassment. And so does any girl in any school placed in the identical situation by adults who should know better. No adult can claim innocence here. It is fully expected and assumed that girls would experience a sense of being violated by adults helping boys come in and undress next to them in the showers.

School districts ignoring common sense and/or fearing repercussions financially in the form of withdrawn funds (the threat promised by the Obama Administration) who are complying with Obama's illegal demands, have their asses hanging out on this one. They should consult with attorneys schooled in sexual harassment cases before they allow one single boy in any girls' bathroom, shower or locker room. Wow!

Attorneys? :disbelief:

They continue to cling to their bibles, guns, and homophobia.
They continue to cling to their bibles, guns, and homophobia.
If the girl was a satanist who loves gays and hates guns, adults telling her "you will have to now undress in front of boys when we say" is still sexual harassment. Nice try at trying to introduce three strawmen in one post. I think that's a record for you.
School board asks Supreme Court to review transgender bathroom case
School board asks Supreme Court to review transgender bathroom case
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) August 29, 2016..The Gloucester County School Board wants the justices to review a decision from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said the board's policy barring 17-year-old Gavin Grimm from using the restroom that matches his gender identity violates Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination in schools...The school board said in its filing Monday that Grimm's case provides an excellent vehicle for "resolving once and for all the current nationwide controversy" over transgender bathroom access. It argues the 4th Circuit was wrong to defer to education department's interpretation of the law, which for years has allowed schools to provide "separate toilet, locker rooms and shower facilities on the basis of sex.". seems that the pending creepy adult mandate as sexual harassment of girls in their shower areas has reached the shores of Virginia. You don't even need a degree in law to know that adults ordering minor girls to undress in front of boys is A BIG FAT LAWSUIT. Der...

I still think instead of the USSC weighing in, a private citizen should sue the Obama Administration for not only this but the gay education czar's "fisting" curriculum a couple years back. This is sexual harassment of children folks. Writ large. Courtesy of Obama.

And it gets weird in politics because as yet, Hillary Clinton has not weighed in with her thoughts on trannys getting access to girls. But Trump has. He has an official policiy that deranged men can walk in the women's rooms at Trump Tower anytime their mind tells them "they were born in the wrong body".. I'd like to see both candidates asked about this issue at length in the upcoming debates. It's YUGE. Parents with school-aged kids want to know..
OK so does this make the number of states suing Obama Admin. on the tranny bathroom issue up to 23 states now?

11 states in the May lawsuit. + 10 more states more recently + North Carolina + Virginia = 23
Grimm’s is just one of several fights over transgender access to public facilities that is brewing around the country. A North Carolina law, House Bill 2, that places broad restrictions on public restroom and locker room access, not just in schools, is being challenged by the federal government, several students and teachers in the state’s public school and university system. North Carolina has slapped the federal government with a countersuit......On Friday, 10 states filed suit against the Obama administration’s requirement that public schools allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. That lawsuit followed a similar challenge that 11 other states launched in May. Virginia school board takes transgender bathroom case to supreme court

The federal judge in Texas ruled that there will be no boys in the girls' showers while those 11 states' suit is pending against the Obama Administration. So does that mean the status quo for all 23 remains "no adults may force girls to undress in front of boys" until the US Supreme Court says they have to (or not)? seems that the pending creepy adult mandate as sexual harassment of girls in their shower areas has reached the shores of Virginia. You don't even need a degree in law to know that adults ordering minor girls to undress in front of boys is A BIG FAT LAWSUIT.

It should not just be merely lawsuit material. That Playboy bimbo who photographed and “body-shamed” another woman in a locker room is now, I'm given to understand, facing possible criminal charges. She could go to jail, and possibly be legally designated for life as a convicted sex-offender.

That's essentially the same crime that liberals are trying to commit against women and girls, by compelling them to share intimate facilities with mentally-deranged male perverts; and it would be appropriate for these liberal scumbags to face similar criminal charges with similar potential consequences—not just civil penalties, but prison and sex-offender status.
^^ Well...I mean...the Obama Administration essentially said to school districts' adult supervisors "instruct your girls they have to undress in front of boys. And if you don't, we are going to hamper those girls' education by stripping funding from your school".

I'm going to call it "Obama's strip or be stripped" Royal Decree.

It is akin to saying "look bitch, get naked and spread your legs right now or I'm going to drain your bank account and ruin your future".

Obama fucked up on this one BIG TIME. He went one step too far twice now. 1. With his gay education czar who he backed teaching anal fisting to kids in school and 2. Where he is ordering girls to undress naked in front of boys in school.

That sonofabitch needs to be taken to the cleaners on these offenses.
She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.
How sad that you consider it "paranoid" for a young girl to not want boys watching her shower, pee, or change her clothes. You are disgusting. Shame on you.
She's isn't changing in front of males. There isn't even a transgender student in her entire school that she knows of. Just another kid whose parents are trying to make a splash like the little girl who wanted gay marriage banned for her birthday. Total fuckin' crap.
Well there is some fine liberal "logic" for you. Because there isn't a transgender in her school now, it means there won't be one tomorrow, right Betty? :bang3:
She's isn't changing in front of males. There isn't even a transgender student in her entire school that she knows of. Just another kid whose parents are trying to make a splash like the little girl who wanted gay marriage banned for her birthday. Total fuckin' crap.
Well there is some fine liberal "logic" for you. Because there isn't a transgender in her school now, it means there won't be one tomorrow, right Betty? :bang3:
Just as if a woman's boss hasn't actually thrown her up against a wall and raped her, it doesn't mean that his daily promises that he could do that at any time he chose, with no way for her to fight back or protest, "isn't sexual harassment"...

The adults at her school, at the state level and in the Obama Administration have "told" her "you will be required to undress in front of boys at our word; or your education will suffer". If that ain't sexual harassment, nothing is.

Cat's already out of the bag on this one. It's primed and ready to go.
Here's Sigourney Coyle herself at a podium describing the legal and sexual exposure dilemma to her school's board that the BO Administration put her in:

Here's Sigourney Coyle herself at a podium describing the legal and sexual exposure dilemma to her school's board that the BO Administration put her in:

Damn did she knock that out of the park. I'm so fucking sick of progressives putting their own sexual deviance above society, above reason and logic, and above safety.
She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing.
Right, because girls being told "we're helping boys to expose themselves to you where you are undressing" doesn't even have a wisp of sexual harassment lingering around it?

And in related news, up is down! :lmao:
No one is exposing themselves. Your ideas about this are as total nonsense as your ideas about gay people.
But you are saying here that exposing ones self in a school needs to be legal...........................
A blistering take down of the ignorant progressive transgender issue. The bottom line - the rights of the mentally disturbed does not supersede my rights. Period. End of story.

When Liberty Forces 18 Girls Into a Single-Stall Shower Room

Taken from your link:

As the situations in Minnesota, North Carolina, and elsewhere demonstrate, the latest test sites for this theory of “social progress” are locker rooms, showers, and other private changing facilities.....In what would have been an unthinkable battleground just a few short years ago, these tile-floored, plastic-stalled, chrome-fixtured, and (formerly) sex-specific sanctuaries are now ground zero for experiments in the subjective theory of gender.....And the wisdom of the New Regime 2.0 goes like this:....The march toward true liberty requires 18 girls to squeeze into a prison cell-sized changing space or abandon their bodily privacy, and their right to safety and comfort in the most intimate and vulnerable of settings.....Why? So that a “bearded individual” can fully disrobe in the girls’ locker room at a parks department swimming pool on New York City’s Upper West Side. Empowered by the mere proclamation that he is a woman, he appropriates the entire space for himself.

This guy clearly recognizes as I do, and as anyone with half a wit does, that "LGBT" is a cult that is forcing its sexually-depraved dogma onto society so, let's face it, it can enlarge the peepholes it used to have to resort to in order to watch children undressing:

Use whatever analogy you want....The New Regime has flushed common sense down the toilet....The New Regime has pulled back the curtain and washed away any remaining vestiges of bodily privacy.....The New Regime has transformed locker-room peepholes into doorways.....The point is, the New Regime embraces the idea that individuals can stride with impunity into any private space they choose, regardless of biology. This dismissal of biological fact in bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers reeks of irony, in what may be the best example to date of the lengths to which the New Regime will go to impose its orthodoxy.

It also reeks of pedophilia. And I'd like to see Barack Obama cornered on precisely that point; just after he's questioned about his gay education Czar Kevin Jennings' "anal fisting" program he was trying to teach in schools a couple years back.

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