Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

Do you believe adults should know better than to assist boys wanting in girls' showers/locker rooms?

  • Yes, absolutely. If they assist, they are helping violate a young woman's mind.

  • No. This is a new age and time. It doesn't matter anymore.

  • Not sure but maybe?

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They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.
Like our guns.....come and take them.....

It would be the worst mistake they ever make
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.

Sure, a female being sexually harassed by directives from school officials and other officials doesn't have standing for a sexual harassment case. The girl is already born, already female and already enrolled in the school where the adults there are telling her "the new rule is you have to undress in front of boys". Unless you're saying she and her mother cannot sue or are somehow otherwise barred from due process? Yeah, you'd like it that way. Give you enough time and enough judicial activism..
She is suffering nothing like "harassment". She doesn't even know if there is a trans male to female in her entire school. She's just paranoid, like you.

Se does not have standing. She has no case. No one has forced her to anything at all so far, and likely never will. She can change clothes alone if she's that paranoid.
She can also use the toilet alone. Problem solved.
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.

Sure, a female being sexually harassed by directives from school officials and other officials doesn't have standing for a sexual harassment case. The girl is already born, already female and already enrolled in the school where the adults there are telling her "the new rule is you have to undress in front of boys". Unless you're saying she and her mother cannot sue or are somehow otherwise barred from due process? Yeah, you'd like it that way. Give you enough time and enough judicial activism..
She is suffering nothing like "harassment". She doesn't even know if there is a trans male to female in her entire school. She's just paranoid, like you.

Se does not have standing. She has no case. No one has forced her to anything at all so far, and likely never will. She can change clothes alone if she's that paranoid.
She can also use the toilet alone. Problem solved.
Is there a shower and locker in that?
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.
Like our guns.....come and take them.....
When the time is right. And kids are taken from their parents day in and day out. There are a lot of bad people out there.
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.

Sure, a female being sexually harassed by directives from school officials and other officials doesn't have standing for a sexual harassment case. The girl is already born, already female and already enrolled in the school where the adults there are telling her "the new rule is you have to undress in front of boys". Unless you're saying she and her mother cannot sue or are somehow otherwise barred from due process? Yeah, you'd like it that way. Give you enough time and enough judicial activism..
She is suffering nothing like "harassment". She doesn't even know if there is a trans male to female in her entire school. She's just paranoid, like you.

Se does not have standing. She has no case. No one has forced her to anything at all so far, and likely never will. She can change clothes alone if she's that paranoid.
She can also use the toilet alone. Problem solved.
Is there a shower and locker in that?
There doesn't need to be, and there easily could be.
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.
Your children are not your property. They belong to a society and society sets the rules. If you stay within the bounds you are allowed to raise them. Step out of bounds and they are no longer yours.

And the parents don't run the schools. If they did all the gay kids would be kicked out and the rest would spend a hour a day reading the Bible and praying. Ain't happen'.
Fascism runs through your democrat veins
That has nothing to do with fascism. Society has been setting the rules and stepping in for a very long time now. I guess you want to live in a society where you can beat and rape your kids, dad gets the first go at the girls because he put food on the table? That world existed once but no longer.

Society sets social norms, because children don't always make the best decisions . Dad's raping their children is not the norm in this country. You need to move.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.

So, legally these minor girls will be bound and gagged by the cult of LGBT if their parents sue the schools on their behalf for sexual harassment; adults requiring minor girls to undress in front of boys?

The rule of thumb when you're stuck in quicksand is to quit struggling. You'll only make it worse for yourself in the end. I think it's best you quit posting until help arrives *waits for the inevitable appearance of Skylar, mdk, Montrovant and Syriusly* Or what? Do they have the holiday weekend off? Hurricane take out the internet where the LGBT professional-propaganda blog station is located?
This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.
Like our guns.....come and take them.....
When the time is right. And kids are taken from their parents day in and day out. There are a lot of bad people out there.
Like I said, come and take them.....
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.

Sure, a female being sexually harassed by directives from school officials and other officials doesn't have standing for a sexual harassment case. The girl is already born, already female and already enrolled in the school where the adults there are telling her "the new rule is you have to undress in front of boys". Unless you're saying she and her mother cannot sue or are somehow otherwise barred from due process? Yeah, you'd like it that way. Give you enough time and enough judicial activism..
She is suffering nothing like "harassment". She doesn't even know if there is a trans male to female in her entire school. She's just paranoid, like you.

Se does not have standing. She has no case. No one has forced her to anything at all so far, and likely never will. She can change clothes alone if she's that paranoid.
She can also use the toilet alone. Problem solved.
Is there a shower and locker in that?
There doesn't need to be, and there easily could be.
Link to those accommodations at the school for her.....
She can also use the toilet alone. Problem solved.

Link to those accommodations at the school for her.....


1. This isn't about single stall toilets, it's about a communal shower and locker room area dressing and undressing.

2. There would need to be single stall units through the entire gym for each girl since each minor girl is the victim of sexual harassment by being told "you have to undress now in front of boys" by adults charged with their physical and mental well being while at school.
A girl should not be expected to endure this. Sue away and I hope she wins
She has no standing. She has never been forced to do anything therefore - no case.

And give her a couple of years. She will not only be down to her underwear in front of boys she will be taking theirs down so she can blow them.

Ahhh shaddup ya daffy troll

How about this one?

Priest charged with violation of privacy-nudity
The priest is accused of watching five students use the bathroom in April.

Father Paul Monahan, 83, was suspended as the chaplain of St. Albert's Catholic School after being arrested Thursday for five counts of invasion of privacy nudity.
Quick Quick!!! STAT!! Strawman!! ^^


Nothing can save the sinking ship now Luddly. I hope the hurricane stops soon so the LGBT blogging-factory can get back up and online soon. You and BettiYeti are having trouble treading water here..
That has nothing to do with fascism. Society has been setting the rules and stepping in for a very long time now. I guess you want to live in a society where you can beat and rape your kids, dad gets the first go at the girls because he put food on the table? That world existed once but no longer.

Yeah, no longer does that world you just have to tell your daughter "honey, the adults at school and at the state & federal level say you have to get undressed in front of boys now." You've come a long way baby..
She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.

...or the transgender person could use the single user restroom and make it more convenient, safe, less confusing and a nod to common sense.
Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because of they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.

Those values you teach them will take them further than the math the school teaches them

Sorry! Most parents I have encountered forget how to add, subtract, multiply and divide the day they left school.
Sorry! Most parents I have encountered forget how to add, subtract, multiply and divide the day they left school.

Wow how catchy and completely inaccurate! Care to make another nearly total lie?

Most parents leave their math skills on the floor of the school. I have parents that cannot answer simple middle school math geometry problems. Their excuse is. "I have always been bad at math". No shit, Sherlock!

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