Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

Do you believe adults should know better than to assist boys wanting in girls' showers/locker rooms?

  • Yes, absolutely. If they assist, they are helping violate a young woman's mind.

  • No. This is a new age and time. It doesn't matter anymore.

  • Not sure but maybe?

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She's isn't changing in front of males. There isn't even a transgender student in her entire school that she knows of. Just another kid whose parents are trying to make a splash like the little girl who wanted gay marriage banned for her birthday. Total fuckin' crap.
Well there is some fine liberal "logic" for you. Because there isn't a transgender in her school now, it means there won't be one tomorrow, right Betty? :bang3:
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.

Unfortunately, the law here in California is now otherwise. It's common decency, though, that it is entirely up to a women which males she will allow to see her in just her panties, or out of them; and by any rational standards, to deny her that element of consent amounts to sexual abuse.

Perhaps JumpingPete sides, as he does, because that's the only way he has any hope of getting to see a woman undressed; surely no women would ever give him her consent willingly. Any precedent which denies a woman that right to withhold her consent is to his perceived favor. His implication that “… she will take off [her panties] for him willingly given another year or so.” is also rather telling, indicating a general contempt for young women, and an assumption that they are mere sluts who, in time, will gladly take off their panties for any male pervert, no matter how creepy.
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.

Unfortunately, the law here in California is now otherwise. It's common decency, though, that it is entirely up to a women which males she will allow to see her in just her panties, or out of them; and by any rational standards, to deny her that element of consent amounts to sexual abuse.

Perhaps JumpingPete sides, as he does, because that's the only way he has any hope of getting to see a woman undressed; surely no women would ever give him her consent willingly. Any precedent which denies a woman that right to withhold her consent is to his perceived favor. His implication that “… she will take off [her panties] for him willingly given another year or so.” is also rather telling, indicating a general contempt for young women, and an assumption that they are mere sluts who, in time, will gladly take off their panties for any male pervert, no matter how creepy.
Her fear of a boy seeing her in her panties will soon turn to them not trying to get her out of them. She will one day grow up, unlike many here. And she has no standing. There just might be a transgender male to female who just might one day be in the same locker room with me? Yeah, call us when you have a real case not the unnecessary panic mommy and daddy told you play up out their own right-wing paranoia.
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.
Your posts are simply too insane to even bother with. They amount to someday aliens might land and want to anally probe me so I want an act of Congress banning Alien Anal Probing. GAL.
^^ translation> "your logic is too hard to unravel so I'll paint you out as insane in my desperate hope that you'll just go away". :lmao:

Her fear of a boy seeing her in her panties will soon turn to them not trying to get her out of them. She will one day grow up, unlike many here. And she has no standing. There just might be a transgender male to female who just might one day be in the same locker room with me? Yeah, call us when you have a real case not the unnecessary panic mommy and daddy told you play up out their own right-wing paranoia.

If she has no standing, then any woman being told at work by a male coworker "I can expose myself to you when you are in the showers or bathrooms whenever I want" has no standing for sexual harassment either. Sorry gals, your rights to privacy of your own naked body are gone now. Unless you sue. Which you should.
Her fear of a boy seeing her in her panties will soon turn to them not trying to get her out of them.
Vintage misogynistic, immature, progressives @sshole here folks. Like all progressives, he sees this poor girl as nothing but a sexual object to be mocked, belittled, and ultimately used for sexual gratification.

Hey stupid - did it ever occur to your very immature ass that she's not interested in someone (and I quote) "trying to get her out of her panties"? Did it ever occur to you that she is a 1,000x's more mature than you? That she's focused on life while you're focused on internet pornography?
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.
Your posts are simply too insane to even bother with. They amount to someday aliens might land and want to anally probe me so I want an act of Congress banning Alien Anal Probing. GAL.
In other words - you just got your ass handed to you in a major way and you couldn't come up with a response to defend your immature and irrational belief that girls should be forced against their will to shower and pee with boys?
In order to have standing there has to be an actual real-life situation, not I'm afraid a boy might see me in my panties someday long into the future, which she will take off for him willingly given another year or so.

If a woman's boss came by their desk every day & said, or posted in the lunch room "at any time in the restroom or company showers I can expose myself to you or other male employees can too", that would be standing for the woman to sue for sexual harassment. But you're saying if it's a minor girl in a locker room at school or showers, she just has to take it?

A young (or any aged) woman gets to choose when and where and with whom she takes her panties off in front of a male. That's the law.
Your posts are simply too insane to even bother with. They amount to someday aliens might land and want to anally probe me so I want an act of Congress banning Alien Anal Probing. GAL.
In other words - you just got your ass handed to you in a major way and you couldn't come up with a response to defend your immature and irrational belief that girls should be forced against their will to shower and pee with boys?
No, she's nuts.

And the girl in question doesn't even know if there is a single transgender kid in her school, let alone one she might be seen by in her underwear.
No, she's nuts.

And the girl in question doesn't even know if there is a single transgender kid in her school, let alone one she might be seen by in her underwear.

Here we have come full circle after the insane LGBT cult took over the American Psychological Association in the 1970s & 80s..removing its ruling scientific principle & turning it into a propaganda arm of the cult of LGBT: "a girl in high school who wishes to not disrobe in front of boys in her shower and locker room; or even to be told she HAS to do"nuts"...

When you let the inmates run the organization responsible for keeping them sane, this is what you get folks. Pure bullshit. Dogma. Convinced it's a cult yet?... Isn't it funny how it always ends up with kids having to get naked or discuss weird sex in schools; even if they or their parents are shocked and opposed? Convinced it's a cult yet?...
No, she's nuts.

And the girl in question doesn't even know if there is a single transgender kid in her school, let alone one she might be seen by in her underwear.

Here we have come full circle after the insane LGBT cult took over the American Psychological Association in the 1970s & 80s..removing its ruling scientific principle & turning it into a propaganda arm of the cult of LGBT: "a girl in high school who wishes to not disrobe in front of boys in her shower and locker room; or even to be told she HAS to do"nuts"...

When you let the inmates run the organization responsible for keeping them sane, this is what you get folks. Pure bullshit. Dogma. Convinced it's a cult yet?... Isn't it funny how it always ends up with kids having to get naked or discuss weird sex in schools; even if they or their parents are shocked and opposed? Convinced it's a cult yet?...
Homosexuality should never have been on the list. It's not a mental disorder, it's a sexual orientation. Only because of people like you was it even on the list in the first place. As people grew up, you never will, they realized their mistake and fixed it. There is nothing mental about being homosexual. The mental ones are those who fear homosexuals, like you.
No, she's nuts.

And the girl in question doesn't even know if there is a single transgender kid in her school, let alone one she might be seen by in her underwear.

Here we have come full circle after the insane LGBT cult took over the American Psychological Association in the 1970s & 80s..removing its ruling scientific principle & turning it into a propaganda arm of the cult of LGBT: "a girl in high school who wishes to not disrobe in front of boys in her shower and locker room; or even to be told she HAS to do"nuts"...

When you let the inmates run the organization responsible for keeping them sane, this is what you get folks. Pure bullshit. Dogma. Convinced it's a cult yet?... Isn't it funny how it always ends up with kids having to get naked or discuss weird sex in schools; even if they or their parents are shocked and opposed? Convinced it's a cult yet?...
Homosexuality should never have been on the list. It's not a mental disorder, it's a sexual orientation. Only because of people like you was it even on the list in the first place. As people grew up, you never will, they realized their mistake and fixed it. There is nothing mental about being homosexual. The mental ones are those who fear homosexuals, like you.

Then bulimia shouldn't be on the list either. It's an eating orientation, not a mental disorder. Drug addiction too. It's a substance-orientation, not a mental disorder.

I'd argue homosexuality IS mental disorder from the simple fact that denial is YUGE within the ranks. Lipstick "lesbians" attracted to mannish women using strapon dildos? Gay dudes seeking out "femme' "bottoms" to use their anus as an artificial vagina..with a hip-wiggling falsetto "man"???? HELLLOOOO closeted issues! (at the very least)...oh, and this survey of 3,000 gay men and the results it found:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

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