Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

Do you believe adults should know better than to assist boys wanting in girls' showers/locker rooms?

  • Yes, absolutely. If they assist, they are helping violate a young woman's mind.

  • No. This is a new age and time. It doesn't matter anymore.

  • Not sure but maybe?

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^^ The Admiral tries a strawman... o_O

She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.

...or the transgender person could use the single user restroom and make it more convenient, safe, less confusing and a nod to common sense.
Except that this issue is in no way shape or form about eliminating waste from the human body and the locations to do that. It is about a COMMON SHOWER/LOCKER ROOM where this girl has been told "you will now be exposed naked to boys at any time we say so" by adults in charge of her well being.
Sorry! Most parents I have encountered forget how to add, subtract, multiply and divide the day they left school.

Wow how catchy and completely inaccurate! Care to make another nearly total lie?

Most parents leave their math skills on the floor of the school. I have parents that cannot answer simple middle school math geometry problems. Their excuse is. "I have always been bad at math". No shit, Sherlock!

Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are not geometry now are they? You apparently get confused easily amongst differing mathematics disciplines. Typically geometry is not introduced until ninth grade, which is not middle school in most systems. Do parents that are accountants forget math when they leave school? How about Engineers? Pharmacists? Contractors? Salespersons? Therefore, I conclude you are a liar.
^^ The Admiral tries a strawman... o_O

She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.

...or the transgender person could use the single user restroom and make it more convenient, safe, less confusing and a nod to common sense.
Except that this issue is in no way shape or form about eliminating waste from the human body and the locations to do that. It is about a COMMON SHOWER/LOCKER ROOM where this girl has been told "you will now be exposed naked to boys at any time we say so" by adults in charge of her well being.

He has to use strawmen, clearly he forgot common sense the moment he left school.
*waits for the inevitable appearance of Skylar, mdk, Montrovant and Syriusly* Or what? Do they have the holiday weekend off? Hurricane take out the internet where the LGBT professional-propaganda blog station is located?

Thanks for always thinking of me, but my internet is fine. I was busy spending my holiday at different barbecues with family and friends while you spent yours here talking about trannies. lol. Get a life, Sil.
East Penn student doesn't want to share gym locker room with transgender students

I think the real tragedy is the notion that it's so terrible for opposite genders to see each other in a state of undress. Nudists don't have this kind of a problem. In our society, though, we've got separate lockers for boys and girls and this makes things fairly hard for transgender people, not to mention hermaphrodites, who actually have physical tissue of both genders. Why? Because in today's society, they are in a grey zone that many people on both sides of the gender divide are not comfortable with. Since it's unlikely that society is going to go the nudist route anytime soon, we're left with either putting them in with the gender they don't identify with, or putting them in with the gender they -do- identify with. I've read stories of people who are transgender. It's pretty rough. Some contemplated suicide. The U.S. military still considers it to be a mental illness and bars them from the military. The -least- we can do is let them decide what locker room they choose to be in. I imagine many would prefer to have a locker room of their own, so they wouldn't have to deal with the condemnation of many for just being who they are, but I doubt this is something that most schools want to budget for. Ideally, we would try to be integrating them into their gender of choice, instead of simply excluding them from either gender. I know that in a region in my province of Ontario, Canada, they are making gender neutral bathrooms in all their schools, something which I think is definitely a good first step.

For those who are truly interested in what it's like being a transgender person, here's some articles from people who identify as such:
The Dark Side of Being Transgender: Having Little Choice

5 Shocking Realities of Being Transgender the Media Ignores
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.

Reason #976 for sending your child to private school or homeschool them
Please do. Keep your irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

Commenting on my children is against the rules...make this the last time you ever do so
I think the real tragedy is the notion that it's so terrible for opposite genders to see each other in a state of undress.

Well then you never took biology or studied about teen pregnancy rates. We try to preserve our young women's virginity and shyness in general about sex because young women pay the heaviest price from STDs, pregnancy and death in childbirth. This isn't about being prude. It's about being sane. As it turns out, many things you would call religious mandates or prudishness are in fact just straight up common sense and protective of women's health.

Let me guess. You're a guy and you think it's fine for boys and girls to strip naked in the showers together at school. Am I right? :lmao: So we should leave it up to hypersexuals and other sexual deviants to make the rules for undressing in kids locker rooms.

I think the real tragedy is the notion that it's so terrible for opposite genders to see each other in a state of undress.

Well then you never took biology

Actually, I did.

...or studied about teen pregnancy rates.

Actually, I have. I wonder how much you know about the issue. Here's 2 articles that I think are quite elucidating:
Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S

What Is Behind the Declines in Teen Pregnancy Rates?

We try to preserve our young women's virginity and shyness in general about sex because young women pay the heaviest price from STDs, pregnancy and death in childbirth. This isn't about being prude. It's about being sane. As it turns out, many things you would call religious mandates or prudishness are in fact just straight up common sense and protective of women's health.

You're free to believe what you want on the issue. Meanwhile, the naturist/nudist movement will continue to try to persuade people that the best thing to do to resolve a whole bunch of problems is to normalize nudity...
Promote Naturism | 6 Practical Ways To Promote Nudism by YNA

Let me guess. You're a guy and you think it's fine for boys and girls to strip naked in the showers together at school. Am I right? :lmao:

At present, that scenario is pretty much impossible. These decisions are communal and right now, those who are naturists are decidedly in the minority. Given time though, I believe this will change.
You're free to believe what you want on the issue. Meanwhile, the naturist/nudist movement will continue to try to persuade people that the best thing to do to resolve a whole bunch of problems is to normalize nudity...

OK. Do you think that argument will win the day in court for the school officials, state officials and the Obama Administration if this girl decides to file sexual harassment suit?
You're free to believe what you want on the issue. Meanwhile, the naturist/nudist movement will continue to try to persuade people that the best thing to do to resolve a whole bunch of problems is to normalize nudity...

OK. Do you think that argument will win the day in court for the school officials, state officials and the Obama Administration if this girl decides to file sexual harassment suit?

Not at the moment, no- I've already explained why. That being said, in many places, gender neutral washrooms are already being used. I think that, if separate stalls were installed in locker rooms, or atleast one made specifically for people who are transgender or hermaphrodite, gender neutral locker rooms could be made as well.
She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.
There are no such things as single stalls in shower rooms or locker rooms idiot.
Dont be so hard.
In order to know this information, one would first have to be prone to taking showers and cleaning themselves.
Being a liberal, its safe to say that this might not be the case with her.
You're free to believe what you want on the issue. Meanwhile, the naturist/nudist movement will continue to try to persuade people that the best thing to do to resolve a whole bunch of problems is to normalize nudity...

OK. Do you think that argument will win the day in court for the school officials, state officials and the Obama Administration if this girl decides to file sexual harassment suit?

Not at the moment, no- I've already explained why. That being said, in many places, gender neutral washrooms are already being used. I think that, if separate stalls were installed in locker rooms, or atleast one made specifically for people who are transgender or hermaphrodite, gender neutral locker rooms could be made as well.

What moment do you think then? When we've allowed girls and boys to shower together long enough? Maybe when polygamy uses Obergefell to get it's "rights"? I get it. You have to normalize it first for awhile; then everyone will be on board?

And they wonder what happened to the republican party...
She has absolutely no standing at all. Not even the beginnings of standing. And she change in a single-user bathroom if she is that paranoid.
There are no such things as single stalls in shower rooms or locker rooms idiot.
Dont be so hard.
In order to know this information, one would first have to be prone to taking showers and cleaning themselves.
Being a liberal, its safe to say that this might not be the case with her.

The truth is, a lot of liberals are not in favor of this crap either. They're just much more mute about it than their cousins just to the right of center. That 1.2 million signing up on the Target Stores boycott didn't all come from the right of the aisle.
...or the transgender person could use the single user restroom and make it more convenient, safe, less confusing and a nod to common sense.

"Transgender person"? You mean the person who has lost their grip on reality to the point where they believe they aren't the gender they see between their legs? Will the single use restroom also have padded walls for their protection? Imagine the angst these patients are going through every time reality confronts them when they have to take a pee? Why do we tell the rest of the students in school via such forced accommodations "this is normal"??!

That also is a form of sexual harassment: "consider THIS normal OR ELSE!"
And the collision course between laws preventing sexual harassment and the mandate from the Obama Administration forcing sexual harassment...continues...


Whether or not the federal government acted unlawfully, it has now set in motion a potential Title IX collision course between its directives on sexual violence and on bathrooms. Schools attempting to comply with the federal bathroom policy have at least two possible ways of doing so: allow students to use sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity, or move away from sex segregation of such facilities. The latter, gender-inclusive arrangement, which was in place in my college dormitory more than twenty years ago, is not uncommon on campuses, and a social movement to desegregate at least some portion of bathrooms is growing. Some colleges have made every bathroom on campus open to any gender, and this solution could well become a practical choice at K-12 public schools.

But there is also a growing sense that some females will not feel safe sharing bathrooms, shower rooms, or locker rooms with males. And if a female student claimed that a bathroom or locker room that her school had her share with male students caused her to feel sexually vulnerable and created a hostile environment, the complaint would be difficult to dismiss, particularly since the federal government has interpreted Title IX broadly and said that schools must try to prevent a hostile environment.
The Transgender Bathroom Debate and the Looming Title IX Crisis - The New Yorker

Yes, a 14 year old telling school officials that it feels sexually creepy that they're telling her they could have her undress in front of boys, would be a case that would be difficult to dismiss....
And the collision course between laws preventing sexual harassment and the mandate from the Obama Administration forcing sexual harassment...continues...
Yes, a 14 year old telling school officials that it feels sexually creepy that they're telling her they could have her undress in front of boys, would be a case that would be difficult to dismiss....

Funny thing is, that it was those on the left—back when that side of the political spectrum still had some vestige of a grasp on reality that it has since completely lost—that first brought up the issue of “sexual harassment”, and pushed for laws to protect against it; and now, a generation later, it is the left wrong that is calling for policies that effectively mandate sexual harassment and abuse against girls and women.
Funny thing is, that it was those on the left—back when that side of the political spectrum still had some vestige of a grasp on reality that it has since completely lost—that first brought up the issue of “sexual harassment”, and pushed for laws to protect against it; and now, a generation later, it is the left wrong that is calling for policies that effectively mandate sexual harassment and abuse against girls and women.

And don't forget Obergefell which mandates as a contractual and legal bind, the permanent divorce of a child from either a mother or father for life. So the group frequently screaming (using this as their drumbeat to influence Kennedy) "think of the children!!" with respect to marriage, successfully hoodwinked him into a PC fog where his decision on the surface was "to help children" actually wound up hurting them; and institutionalizing that hurt.

You're right; only the insane could engage in such pretzel logic and still be able to function on a rudimentary level.
Funny thing is, that it was those on the left—back when that side of the political spectrum still had some vestige of a grasp on reality that it has since completely lost—that first brought up the issue of “sexual harassment”, and pushed for laws to protect against it; and now, a generation later, it is the left wrong that is calling for policies that effectively mandate sexual harassment and abuse against girls and women.

And don't forget Obergefell which mandates as a contractual and legal bind, the permanent divorce of a child from either a mother or father for life. So the group frequently screaming (using this as their drumbeat to influence Kennedy) "think of the children!!" with respect to marriage, successfully hoodwinked him into a PC fog where his decision on the surface was "to help children" actually wound up hurting them; and institutionalizing that hurt.

You're right; only the insane could engage in such pretzel logic and still be able to function on a rudimentary level.


What more proof does anyone need, that the ideology that in America is called “liberalism”, has devolved from what might once have been a legitimate political viewpoint, into now what can only honestly be described as a mental and moral disease?

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