Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

Do you believe adults should know better than to assist boys wanting in girls' showers/locker rooms?

  • Yes, absolutely. If they assist, they are helping violate a young woman's mind.

  • No. This is a new age and time. It doesn't matter anymore.

  • Not sure but maybe?

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This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.
Your children are not your property. They belong to a society and society sets the rules. If you stay within the bounds you are allowed to raise them. Step out of bounds and they are no longer yours.

And the parents don't run the schools. If they did all the gay kids would be kicked out and the rest would spend a hour a day reading the Bible and praying. Ain't happen'.
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.
Please do. Keep all irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

I remember the boys I went to school with... They would have all become transgender "enough" for a peek or two.
Didn't undress for them at the drive in. Why would I have undressed for them at school?
You are a prude, and we aren't talking about all the makes suddenly deciding to put on panties and a dress for day to get a peek at the girls. I swear you people think everyone who runs a school is as fucking stupid as you are. These kids might have been saying they the opposite sex since they were still in diapers but you think some teenage boy can just hit the girls' locker room, video phone in hand, at will? You people are utter morons.
prude, is that the opposite of disease infested slut?
No, it's the opposite of a teenager with a healthy normal sexuality and sex life.

She lived in a chastity belt for Jesus undoubtedly. She probably stills feels guilty if she masturbates.
so you think all teenage girls are pretty much whores
No, but there are the normal ones, with a sex life, there are prudes, like her, and there are sluts with too much sex life, usually needing any kind of love they can get.
She is as irrational as you are. What's her plan, to stand around and stare at all the other girls in their cute cotton panties trying to figure out which one might have a tiny penis inside? She needs to grow the fuck up, but she's a kid. You need to grow the fuck, and never will.

So you admit she isn't grown up; and that letting boys use her shower facilities will make her paranoid and tense. Good. Even your cult ostensibly agrees schools should resist this type of sexual harassment of girls.
"Boys" aren't even in there, she doesn't know of a one, she was just born paranoid. She's probably paranoid about anyone, male or female, right down to her mommy seeing her naked...

Go ahead and make that argument to the jury/judge and see how far it will get you in a case of sexual harassment. :popcorn:

You'd have to:
1. Demonstrate that people with a penis and testicles are not male and

2. That a minor girl is "paranoid" for feeling anxious about adults telling her "the new rule is you'll have to get used to undressing in front of males".

Good luck! :lmao:
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.

Reason #976 for sending your child to private school or homeschool them
Please do. Keep all irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

Perhaps your looks would have kept you from any unwanted attention/advances from the boys in your school. For me that wasn't the case........ :eusa_dance:
Apparently you wanted the attention, you were just a fucking tease about it.

And you are the whore that gave it up in an effort to get noticed. As for me, to this day, I have the respect and love of the guys I dated.
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.

Reason #976 for sending your child to private school or homeschool them
Please do. Keep all irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

Perhaps your looks would have kept you from any unwanted attention/advances from the boys in your school. For me that wasn't the case........ :eusa_dance:
Apparently you wanted the attention, you were just a fucking tease about it.

And you are the whore that gave it up in an effort to get noticed. As for me, to this day, I have their respect and love.
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.

Reason #976 for sending your child to private school or homeschool them
Please do. Keep all irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

Perhaps your looks would have kept you from any unwanted attention/advances from the boys in your school. For me that wasn't the case........ :eusa_dance:
Apparently you wanted the attention, you were just a fucking tease about it.

And you are the whore that gave it up in an effort to get noticed. As for me, to this day, I have the respect and love of the guys I dated.

Whores are the ones the guys went to and got some, proper girls are the ones they married
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.
Reason #976 for sending your child to private school or homeschool them
Please do. Keep all irrational paranoid little shits away from my society. Put them into a convent behind high walls, where they belong and can fear eternal damnation for touching themselves or seeing others naked.

Perhaps your looks would have kept you from any unwanted attention/advances from the boys in your school. For me that wasn't the case........ :eusa_dance:
Apparently you wanted the attention, you were just a fucking tease about it.

And you are the whore that gave it up in an effort to get noticed. As for me, to this day, I have the respect and love of the guys I dated.

Whores are the ones the guys went to and got some, proper girls are the ones they married
Typical prude. That mentality was dead by 1955.

And, that makes the guys also whores. Seems you forgot that part?
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.
Your children are not your property. They belong to a society and society sets the rules. If you stay within the bounds you are allowed to raise them. Step out of bounds and they are no longer yours.

And the parents don't run the schools. If they did all the gay kids would be kicked out and the rest would spend a hour a day reading the Bible and praying. Ain't happen'.
Fascism runs through your democrat veins
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they exhibit moral fortitude.
Schools teache them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
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Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because of they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.

Those values you teach them will take them further than the math the school teaches them
This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.
Your children are not your property. They belong to a society and society sets the rules. If you stay within the bounds you are allowed to raise them. Step out of bounds and they are no longer yours.

And the parents don't run the schools. If they did all the gay kids would be kicked out and the rest would spend a hour a day reading the Bible and praying. Ain't happen'.
Fascism runs through your democrat veins
That has nothing to do with fascism. Society has been setting the rules and stepping in for a very long time now. I guess you want to live in a society where you can beat and rape your kids, dad gets the first go at the girls because he put food on the table? That world existed once but no longer.
Just another prude for Jesus. Plenty of those around. Tell us, when you masturbate do you still feel guilty?

Strawman!! Quick!!

Is this going to be the Obama Administration's defense in court? :lmao: This case is a slam-dunk. Hence the reason you're needing that strawman sooooo badly....
Slam dunk? She doesn't even have standing. I know you are insane but you should at least be able to understand what that is?

Hey judge, I don't have a child but I might some day, and it might be a girl, and it might go to a public school and have to change clothes with a transgender student so I want to sue the Federal Government just in case that would bother my kid, which I don't and might never have? Yeah, it doesn't work that way, homo-hater.

Sure, a female being sexually harassed by directives from school officials and other officials doesn't have standing for a sexual harassment case. The girl is already born, already female and already enrolled in the school where the adults there are telling her "the new rule is you have to undress in front of boys". Unless you're saying she and her mother cannot sue or are somehow otherwise barred from due process? Yeah, you'd like it that way. Give you enough time and enough judicial activism..

I'm going to revise the causes of action she has "the new rule little girl is that you have to undress in front of boys when we tell you!"


"There's NOTHING you can do about it :muahaha: "

I'm pretty sure there's a case for sexual harassment & purposeful intimidation & invasion of privacy. Three causes of action so far. Possibly even threats of repercussion for failure to submit (the threats of punishing her school/her level of education by leveling fines for failure to submit).
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This is not the child's responsibility. The parents of the children in that school need to stand up at the next school board meeting and tell them that they don't permit it.
We have always had boys and girls showering separately for a reason. Political correctness has not removed that reasoning. It merely overlooks common sense.
The parents have no fucking say in the matter, nor should they. If they had their way there would be no gay kids in the school let alone the locker rooms. Just STFU and grow up.

And here's the funny thing you goddamn morons, the gay kids might very well enjoy looking at others of the same sex. That won't do shit for the transgender kids, they are almost always heterosexual.

Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.
Your children are not your property. They belong to a society and society sets the rules. If you stay within the bounds you are allowed to raise them. Step out of bounds and they are no longer yours.

And the parents don't run the schools. If they did all the gay kids would be kicked out and the rest would spend a hour a day reading the Bible and praying. Ain't happen'.
Fascism runs through your democrat veins
That has nothing to do with fascism. Society has been setting the rules and stepping in for a very long time now. I guess you want to live in a society where you can beat and rape your kids, dad gets the first go at the girls because he put food on the table? That world existed once but no longer.
No, I do not want to live in a democrat village...
Having two children that went to school, what is done with them in school, is indeed my matter. They are my children, not school property to push a pc agenda. My children are none of your business. Stick you homosexual bullshit up your ass and leave the raising of my children to me.

Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.
Bbbbut leftists believe children belong to society...leftists couldn't be more wrong
They do belong to society, ultimately. They haven't been property for some time now. We dropped that about the time we dropped women being property and men being unable to rape their wives because they were married to them.

This is September, someone like you attempts to get your grimy paws on ours and you'll find yourself in October before you know it. Bank it and stay the fuck away from them.
As long as you obey the rules society has set, you stay within the bounds, parents are allowed to raise their children but we have a whole lot of parents who no longer are because they didn't and we terminated their parental rights. As a society we are allowed to do so. Children are not property. You may think they belong to you but legally, they belong to society. You are just tasked with raising them, and there are many rules about that so don't step out of line or they are gone, gone, gone.

I establish the line for my children, because they are mine and I am the one raising them. Don't know where you live but in America, children are removed from the home if they are in physical danger, not because they possess moral fortitude.
Schools teaches them math, I teach them values. They went went went nowhere. I am their moral standard.
As I said, if you step out of line they are gone, gone, gone like your parental rights. In the end, legally, they belong to us not you.
Like our guns.....come and take them.....

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