Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach

Only to those who assume that just because someone has a penis, they MUST be a male.

Ummm....That would be a factual statement in most cases, outside of one being an hermaphrodite

You can legally change your gender.

Dopey lawmakers cannot alter reality. They could pass a declaring all crocodiles to be cows but that wouldn't increase milk production by one pint.

Btw , what is a 'Homecoming Queen'? There's a queen called Elizabeth where I come from and one called Silvia where I live now but neither is a tranny.
Not quite sure why they keep referring to this person as a "she" when he's a male.... Crazy world we live in...

That’s because you’re an authoritarian conservative, fearful of and hostile to diversity, dissent, and individual liberty.

Fortunately the hate and ignorance exhibited you and others on the right is being rejected by Americans who celebrate diversity and understand the importance of allowing each citizen to conduct his life as he sees fit.
When I was in college, in the early seventies, there was a Professor of Architecture that was on staff. He was married to a gorgeous woman. Going into third year there was the chance I would be able to have him as my design instructor..... I was pleased with that because out of all the other instructors, he was easily the most knowledgeable in design. I went to preregister that winter for the Spring semester, I had to speak with the head of the department. He asked me if I had heard about Joseph Chance, what he had done that summer.....I had no idea. He told me that Joseph had gone to a Scandinavian country over the summer and had a "special" surgery and was now Josie Chance. .....he needed to know if I had a problem with that and if I did he could keep me out of "her" class. I didn't care, I told him I didn't want to be in the other guy's class that was instructing 3rd year so of course that's where they put me. Back then there were very few women in Architecture school so it was quite a shock to see this overly endowed redhead come into the building that next semester.......then we got a closer look. Wow.....the makeup was troweled on and the ridiculous chest was way over the top. I went through the semester with the other guy who was a huge jerk, the epitome of the old line that those who can't do....teach. At one point during a critique in front of the class, I had had enough of his petty crap and told him he was a loser and should go Fuck himself......he failed me for the semester......had to go to summer school to make it up.
Next semester they put me In "her" class, gone was the bright guy that knew so much about architecture, he was replaced with a "woman" that couldn't remember 10 minutes ago. She was always pretty screwed up on Quaaludes, told me it was for the pain.Josie hung out next door to my girlfriend...... her next door neighbors were 2 couples of gay guys. I would see "her" out at clubs dancing with was pretty strange by any standard. I left school eventually and heard "she" was dating lesbians....... but I'm sure to some that is all perfectly normal. I wouldn't be surprised to know that she committed suicide......then again, maybe "she" settled down with a guy and had kids, who knows.
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The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

So? If I dress, act, feel, and believe as a dog for three years, it doesn't make me a dog. Woof!

If he had all his boys bits snipped and girls bits put in, I'd view this differently. He didn't. He is a guy dressing as a girl and regardless of how he feels, he isn't a girl.

Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Someone with xy chromosomes can be no more a female than they can be a dog, don't be stupid
I feel sorry for the "real" (born with a vagina) girls at the high school who lost the crown to the transgendered pervert.

They are the ones who were cheated and I wish their parents would take legal action to stop this nonsense. .. :cool:
I feel sorry for the "real" (born with a vagina) girls at the high school who lost the crown to the transgendered pervert.

They are the ones who were cheated and I wish their parents would take legal action to stop this nonsense. .. :cool:

And, lost that crown to be politically correct. There was no way this boy wasn't going to be elected queen. The children have already been psychologically battered down.
Not quite sure why they keep referring to this person as a "she" when he's a male.... Crazy world we live in...

That’s because you’re an authoritarian conservative, fearful of and hostile to diversity, dissent, and individual liberty.

Fortunately the hate and ignorance exhibited you and others on the right is being rejected by Americans who celebrate diversity and understand the importance of allowing each citizen to conduct his life as he sees fit.

What about the citizen who wants to conduct his life regretting diversity? Does he not have the right to mock those who heap praise on a boy pretending to be a girl? You are totally in favour of freedom for everyone - providing they think in ways of which you approve.
How lovely, our schools are becoming a national joke..

when this make headlines instead of how many graduated with honors, etc etc
So what's next with all of this crazy, "I am what I feel that I am....and you must accept my delusion"??

So if some guy crawls around on all 4's and eats out of a dog's bowl while wearing a flea collar. And claims he is a dog trapped in a humans body.

Should he be allowed to enter the Westminster Kennel Club dog show and compete against other canines for the 'Best of Show' trophy? .. :cool:
So what's next with all of this crazy, "I am what I feel that I am....and you must accept my delusion"??

So if some guy crawls around on all 4's and eats out of a dog's bowl while wearing a flea collar. And claims he is a dog trapped in a humans body.

Should he be allowed to enter the Westminster Kennel Club dog show and compete against other canines for the 'Best of Show' trophy? .. :cool:

Also him humping women's legs isn't assault becaus he is a dog
That queen had to have balls to accomplish what "she" did! lol

Libs are a riot!

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