Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach

Not quite sure why they keep referring to this person as a "she" when he's a male.... Crazy world we live in :cuckoo:

Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach [COMPLETE VIDEO] - YouTube

Cassidy Lynn Campbell was born, Lance Campbell, but has been living as a woman for the past three years.

At first Campbell said running for homecoming queen was all about her.

A transgender teen made history at Marina High School in Huntington Beach Friday night when she was named homecoming queen

Cassidy Lynn Campbell was born, Lance Campbell, but has been living as a woman for the past three years.

At first Campbell said running for homecoming queen was all about her

“And then I realized it wasn’t for me anymore and I was doing this for so many people all around the county and the state and possibly the world and I am so proud to win this not just for me, but everyone out there,” Campbell said.

The 16-year-old did face some negativity over her nomination from fellow students, but she and Principal Paul Morrow are proud of the way the majority voted.

“Were proud of the message from home of the Vikings has been one of equity, acceptance, tolerance and respect,” Principal Morrow said.

Campbell says her next step is to become more active in the LBGT community and fight for equality.

Transgender Teen, Cassidy Campbell, Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach | KTLA 5

These attention seeking type stunts have been going on forever. I remember my first year at college a man won the homecoming queen title. I thought it was stupid then. Still do.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

Sorry, sweetie...the plumbing tells a different truth. If I have been living as a horse and wearing a bridle and saddle for the past umpteenth years, it still doesn't make me a horse. This does add a whole new meaning to homecoming "queen", though.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

:lol: That was a joke right?

Your physical gender doesn't always match your brain gender.

Your physical gender is all that matters. Your "brain" (?) gender is a matter of choice. It chose to be a freak. If it insists that it's choice is a matter of "Nature", it is a freak of Nature.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

it doesn't make it a female....

get over it.

Only to those who assume that just because someone has a penis, they MUST be a male.

Are you for f**kin' real? If it has a penis, it is MALE! Seriously, what the hell do they teach you people in biology class?
Only to those who assume that just because someone has a penis, they MUST be a male.

Ummm....That would be a factual statement in most cases, outside of one being an hermaphrodite

You can legally change your gender.

You cannot factually, biologically change your gender. Legally labeling yourself something you are not does not make it so. As a matter-of-fact, if someone labeled your food as something other than what is was born as, you'd probably flip out. Would you care whether your tuna sandwich was actually dolphin?
If his bits don't fits
Then the crown cannot sits.

The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

The majority of its school friends are also products of the public indoctrination/brainwashing system. What do you expect from them? They are not trained to dissent, and if they do, they will be bullied to the extent the law allows.
If his bits don't fits
Then the crown cannot sits.

The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

So? If I dress, act, feel, and believe as a dog for three years, it doesn't make me a dog. Woof!

If he had all his boys bits snipped and girls bits put in, I'd view this differently. He didn't. He is a guy dressing as a girl and regardless of how he feels, he isn't a girl.

Excellent way to get into the girls' showers, though.
The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

His friends

You, of course, would be insulting by referring to her as a male. Go right ahead and see how far that gets you. I, at least, have respect for people's chosen gender.

OK. IT is NOT a female. IT does not want to be referred to as a MALE. IT must be an 'IT'. I am familiar with enough non-English languages to know that there are three genders accounted for: he, she, and IT. I'm perfectly OK with calling IT, 'IT'.
The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

So? If I dress, act, feel, and believe as a dog for three years, it doesn't make me a dog. Woof!

If he had all his boys bits snipped and girls bits put in, I'd view this differently. He didn't. He is a guy dressing as a girl and regardless of how he feels, he isn't a girl.

Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.
I'm sorry, what exactly is the issue here?
Chicks with dicks

And this is a problem because...?

I mean, how is this important to anyone but those in the sphere of influence of this young lady? Or man or whatever?

Color me tolerant, but I just don't see what's the big deal.

Aren't there bigger issues facing this country that we could be worried about?

Ah Christ, I'm starting to sound like a liberal...

EXCUSE ME! Which way back to the middle?
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

it doesn't make it a female....

get over it.

Only to those who assume that just because someone has a penis, they MUST be a male.

your chromosome say it all. I really don't care what dangly bits you have cut off or put on... or what you think you are or what you want to be....
So? If I dress, act, feel, and believe as a dog for three years, it doesn't make me a dog. Woof!

If he had all his boys bits snipped and girls bits put in, I'd view this differently. He didn't. He is a guy dressing as a girl and regardless of how he feels, he isn't a girl.

Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

and he wants special classifications too....

Norrie May-Welby, 48, was born a man but had a sex change operation in 1990, at the age of 28.

After becoming unhappy as a woman, May-Welby decided to become a “neuter”. The 48-year-old is now officially recognised as a person of no specific gender.

Briton is recognised as world's first officially genderless person - Telegraph
Ummm....That would be a factual statement in most cases, outside of one being an hermaphrodite

You can legally change your gender.

Dopey lawmakers cannot alter reality. They could pass a declaring all crocodiles to be cows but that wouldn't increase milk production by one pint.

Btw , what is a 'Homecoming Queen'? There's a queen called Elizabeth where I come from and one called Silvia where I live now but neither is a tranny.

Neither is a self-proclaimed freak, either.
How many of these people hide what they really are and try to trick people in the dating world?
Counseling likely wouldn't work anyway.

Shouldn't be illegal though

If the child is a minor, parents shouldn't be allowed to drag the kid to a quack doctor just because they don't understand what is wrong.

This kid is a minor. Parents shouldn't be allowed to drag it around in public to make bank, either. The parents don't care what's wrong, as long as the kid brings home some bacon.
How many of these people hide what they really are and try to trick people in the dating world?

dating world hell...

a good deal of hookers are trannies...... and it just cracks me the hell up.

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