Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach

Not quite sure why they keep referring to this person as a "she" when he's a male.... Crazy world we live in :cuckoo:

Cassidy Lynn Campbell was born, Lance Campbell, but has been living as a woman for the past three years.

At first Campbell said running for homecoming queen was all about her.

A transgender teen made history at Marina High School in Huntington Beach Friday night when she was named homecoming queen

Cassidy Lynn Campbell was born, Lance Campbell, but has been living as a woman for the past three years.

At first Campbell said running for homecoming queen was all about her

“And then I realized it wasn’t for me anymore and I was doing this for so many people all around the county and the state and possibly the world and I am so proud to win this not just for me, but everyone out there,” Campbell said.

The 16-year-old did face some negativity over her nomination from fellow students, but she and Principal Paul Morrow are proud of the way the majority voted.

“Were proud of the message from home of the Vikings has been one of equity, acceptance, tolerance and respect,” Principal Morrow said.

Campbell says her next step is to become more active in the LBGT community and fight for equality.

Transgender Teen, Cassidy Campbell, Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach | KTLA 5

2036 Cassidy Lynn Campell (Dem) wins her party's nomination as presidential candidate.
Or to win the title of mayor in a town of wealthy people, in Oregon. [2008]

Nov. 8, 2008

The first time Stu Rasmussen was elected mayor of Silverton, Ore., he wore shirts and pants. This time around, after a landslide victory, he will be stepping into office donning a dress and makeup.

Rasmussen was recently elected as America's first transgender mayor.[/B]

1st Trangendered Mayor Elected - Forums

I love your avatar! Hopefully, that's a REAL she! :lol:

Most DOM (Dirty Old Men) on the site do...

No, just normal, honest males. Not heshits that envy their mommies' hairstyles and panties.
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The bottom line is that no one voted for him as homecoming queen. They voted to have themselves be thought all tolerant and accepting. If Lance had not won, the school would have been full of bigots. Who knows which girl they really wanted. With a boy running for homecoming queen few students would vote for a normal girl if she was the most beautiful, talented and smartest girl in the world, much less the school.
If his bits don't fits
Then the crown cannot sits.

The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

The majority of its school friends are also products of the public indoctrination/brainwashing system. What do you expect from them? They are not trained to dissent, and if they do, they will be bullied to the extent the law allows.

Of course 'brain washing' is hyperbole. But the fact is that both sides of this argument are human beings who have been exposed to cultural conditioning, essentially the same cultural conditioning. However, those who tend to be narrow minded and refuse to accept others who are different or to accept any way of being, of living, of perceiving the world except their own are people who are most easily conditioned. They have been 'taught' by their parents and/or influenced by religious values to believe there is only one way of seeing and experiencing the world, to believe in absolute truths, in definitive rights and wrongs when, in fact, there are few if any of those to people who have developed a broader perspective on the world and who use more highly developed critical thinking skills.

The fact is that one religion's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. The fact is that any one culture's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. That as the human race evolves, our perspective on life changes as do our values. Those who make such an issue and express such hatred toward this transgender child are the same types who always make such an issue of and express such hatred toward any change: they would have been against suffrage, they would have been against divorce, they would have been against the colonies rebelling against the king, etc. Conservative values always mean no change; they always mean sticking with the status quo because it is what they have been taught is right and the only way to think and live. That is why progressives are called progresssives: because they think about and welcome change, change in how we do things, in how we live, in what is right and wrong, in what we value: their minds are not stuck in a cement graveyard of ideas.

One of the most foolish, stupid, annoying statements I have ever heard is when someone says, "This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." How can anyone say such a thing, anyone with a brain. Is this person a robot? Does not this person have a mind of his or her own and the ability to develop his/her own perspective on and understanding of life? You may think you are choosing to think the way you do when you refuse to embrace new ideas, but you are really just standing in wet cement that is quickly hardening. You are unable to think critically about the possibilities of more than one way of seeing the world. You don't have to be transgender, but allow others to be and allow others to accept it as a valid way of being as others accept you for what you are.
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So? If I dress, act, feel, and believe as a dog for three years, it doesn't make me a dog. Woof!

If he had all his boys bits snipped and girls bits put in, I'd view this differently. He didn't. He is a guy dressing as a girl and regardless of how he feels, he isn't a girl.

Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?
Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?

and no one is saying that they cant live their lives any way they choose.

it still does not change what they ARE.

They portray what they WANT to be, live the way they WANT to live...... it still does not change WHAT they ARE.
No, its preventing quack doctors from thinking they can 'change' a person. Its to prevent child abuse.

I suppose you consider allowing a pre-pubescent child to have puberty blocking hormone treatments a kinder and gentler type of parenting?

If the child has seen doctors and the doctors have diagnosed the child with a gender disorder, and if going through puberty would be detrimental to the mental health of the child, then yes.
Those hormones can be stopped if the child changes his/her mind. It allows them to have a body like that of their chosen gender until they are old/mature enough to decide whether to go through with surgery.
Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?

and no one is saying that they cant live their lives any way they choose.

it still does not change what they ARE.

They portray what they WANT to be, live the way they WANT to live...... it still does not change WHAT they are.

At the same time, if a man has a sex change, and is now legally a female, he is to be referred to as a female. You don't have to like it, just accept that that is who they are.

Most of you wouldn't even have any experience at all with transgendered people. I do. I used to have the same opinions as you guys, until I met a transgendered man when I was about ten years old. I avoided him for weeks - he was a friend of my best friends parents - and one day I couldn't avoid him. He walked into the kitchen where my friend and I were sitting.
He was the most polite and respectful human being I have encountered, and I walked away with a changed opinion.
Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?
How about a man who identifies with being a woman and chooses to compete in sports against women? Would that be ok?
People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?

and no one is saying that they cant live their lives any way they choose.

it still does not change what they ARE.

They portray what they WANT to be, live the way they WANT to live...... it still does not change WHAT they are.

At the same time, if a man has a sex change, and is now legally a female, he is to be referred to as a female. You don't have to like it, just accept that that is who they are.

Most of you wouldn't even have any experience at all with transgendered people. I do. I used to have the same opinions as you guys, until I met a transgendered man when I was about ten years old. I avoided him for weeks - he was a friend of my best friends parents - and one day I couldn't avoid him. He walked into the kitchen where my friend and I were sitting.
He was the most polite and respectful human being I have encountered, and I walked away with a changed opinion.

no he wants to be refereed to as female. The world can refer to him any way they choose.

I do assume you know where i live....... so no, trannies are an everyday thing. What makes you think i don't think these people are not good people? What makes you think i dont like them?
Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?
How about a man who identifies with being a woman and chooses to compete in sports against women? Would that be ok?

Depends. I understand that the genetic makeup of men and women is different - men tend to be stronger than women, faster than women, etc, so this may provide an unfair advantage.
I think it would depend on the circumstances.
I don't like when these transgender people start dating someone without telling them what they really are

no he wants to be refereed to as female. The world can refer to him any way they choose.

I do assume you know where i live....... so no, trannies are an everyday thing. What makes you think i don't think these people are not good people? What makes you think i dont like them?

Its not about 'want', its about how a person feels. The brain gender doesn't match the physical gender. Its not that hard to understand.

I never said you didn't like transgendered people, but seeing a transgendered man and calling them a female is offensive.
I don't like when these transgender people start dating someone without telling them what they really are

they dont.... its very rare that they do not fess up in normal situations.

as ive said before...its not the "dating" trannies that do this..... its the hooker tranies that dont tell what they are.

no he wants to be refereed to as female. The world can refer to him any way they choose.

I do assume you know where i live....... so no, trannies are an everyday thing. What makes you think i don't think these people are not good people? What makes you think i dont like them?

Its not about 'want', its about how a person feels. The brain gender doesn't match the physical gender. Its not that hard to understand.

I never said you didn't like transgendered people, but seeing a transgendered man and calling them a female is offensive.

To the bolded...

that IS a want. They want to be something other then what they are. They want the world to recognize them as something they are that they feel better about themselves.

again, wanting to be something other then what they are does not change WHAT they are.

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