Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach

Hey, let's have some compassion. There are only two "jobs" available, King and Queen. I think we all know who the 'queen' is. The fact that this selfish freak has cheated a real, bonafide girl out of being Homecoming Queen seems to be irrelevant.
She/he is hurting itself

There’s no evidence of that.

In fact, all the evidence indicates she’s happy and well-adjusted, perhaps for the first time now that she’s in her appropriate gender role.

You can stop with the hate, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
She/he is hurting itself

There’s no evidence of that.

In fact, all the evidence indicates she’s happy and well-adjusted, perhaps for the first time now that she’s in her appropriate gender role.

You can stop with the hate, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Saying a person is now in their appropriate gender role after they have had it changed, to me, is like calling the Lord a screw up. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Not only are they hurting themselves, but they drag into it anyone that they choose to go out with/get married to.
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Of course 'brain washing' is hyperbole. But the fact is that both sides of this argument are human beings who have been exposed to cultural conditioning, essentially the same cultural conditioning. However, those who tend to be narrow minded and refuse to accept others who are different or to accept any way of being, of living, of perceiving the world except their own are people who are most easily conditioned. They have been 'taught' by their parents and/or influenced by religious values to believe there is only one way of seeing and experiencing the world, to believe in absolute truths, in definitive rights and wrongs when, in fact, there are few if any of those to people who have developed a broader perspective on the world and who use more highly developed critical thinking skills.

The fact is that one religion's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. The fact is that any one culture's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. That as the human race evolves, our perspective on life changes as do our values. Those who make such an issue and express such hatred toward this transgender child are the same types who always make such an issue of and express such hatred toward any change: they would have been against suffrage, they would have been against divorce, they would have been against the colonies rebelling against the king, etc. Conservative values always mean no change; they always mean sticking with the status quo because it is what they have been taught is right and the only way to think and live. That is why progressives are called progresssives: because they think about and welcome change, change in how we do things, in how we live, in what is right and wrong, in what we value: their minds are not stuck in a cement graveyard of ideas.

One of the most foolish, stupid, annoying statements I have ever heard is when someone says, "This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." How can anyone say such a thing, anyone with a brain. Is this person a robot? Does not this person have a mind of his or her own and the ability to develop his/her own perspective on and understanding of life? You may think you are choosing to think the way you do when you refuse to embrace new ideas, but you are really just standing in wet cement that is quickly hardening. You are unable to think critically about the possibilities of more than one way of seeing the world. You don't have to be transgender, but allow others to be and allow others to accept it as a valid way of being as others accept you for what you are.

Let's tackle a few comments you've made here:
"as the human race evolves": has it occurred to all those 'specially enlightened, broad-minded, accepting individuals that if the human race, as a whole, accepted these "transgendered" peoples' lifestyle choices, they human race would never have evolved in the first place? 'It' (in this instance) is male. No amount of make-believe, self-mutilation, drugs or hormones will ever change that fact. 'It' can never fulfill the primary purpose of being female in the first place, pregnancy and birth of additional human beings...thus 'evolving' the species.

"This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." Or how about "born this way"? This is how I feel I am? Or, as this (absolutely confused, demented) boy claims, this is the way he is? Why is it that certain people are forbidden from being "the way they are", while others are permitted to cram their choices down everybody's throats? And woe to anyone who disagrees.

Whatever your animosity toward transgender persons, they still enjoy the right to freely express themselves as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where their ability to ‘procreate’ or not is irrelevant, and your perception of being ‘discriminated against’ as a consequence of their civil liberties is unsubstantiated and unwarranted.

We all have the right to pretend to be whatever we want to, doesn't mean someone's unreal fantasy has to be accepted has reality. This person is a male not a female that's the reality
She/he is hurting itself

There’s no evidence of that.

In fact, all the evidence indicates she’s happy and well-adjusted, perhaps for the first time now that she’s in her appropriate gender role.

You can stop with the hate, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

This girl is very courageous. She knows there are people who would harm her. If this board is any indication, they're mostly "christian".

I don't know if this has been addressed but this speaks well of most or all of the kids in that class/school. The Homecoming Queen is elected. That means that class and/or school are not nearly as threatened by this girl as the so-called "adults" here. Good for them.
The school doesn't care, the parents don't care, and her peers don't care. It seems the only people who care are so-called "conservatives", who oppose individual liberties that they find "icky".
So what?
It is what the student body wanted.... The students are the ones that voted for her.
Of course they voted for him. No one wanted to say their school was full of bigots. He would have won no matter which girl he was running against. No matter how popular that girl really was.

Unfortunately, it didn't really change any minds. Everyone knows he is still a boy and the aftermath isn't so happy.

Transgender Homecoming Queen Breaks Down in YouTube Video - ABC News

Sobbing uncontrollably, she said she was no different from the other girls in her school.

Of course he is different from girls at the school. He takes a shower. He has to know he has a penis and the real girls don't.
The parents are within their rights to oppose an abnormal person being a role model for their kids who are not mature enough to make the best decision.

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