Transgender Teen Named Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach

Well it seems alot of these transgender people get beat up or killed for their lying, and I think it is well deserved:

man kills transgender - Google Search

That's because you're a horrible person.

No one should get beat up or killed, period. For whatever reason... except maybe in self defense.

Your sheer terror of unknowingly sleeping with a transgender person is duly noted (and being laughed at).
Same as if a man who wants to be a woman....and still wants to fuck with a dick. That is not a transgendered.... [/COLOR]

It could be that someone told him to go fuck himself and he's trying real hard to comply.
Well it seems alot of these transgender people get beat up or killed for their lying, and I think it is well deserved:

man kills transgender - Google Search

That's because you're a horrible person.

No one should get beat up or killed, period. For whatever reason... except maybe in self defense.

Your sheer terror of unknowingly sleeping with a transgender person is duly noted (and being laughed at).

Not to worry, no one of any gender or 'complicated' orientation would willingly come within a mile of the idiotic coward matthew.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

And they say liberals are all about science.

The homo sapien species does not have the capability of changing sex just by thinking it.

Scientific fact, get over it.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

And they say liberals are all about science.

The homo sapien species does not have the capability of changing sex just by thinking it.

Scientific fact, get over it.

Science is also starting to realise that the body and brain do not always develop as the same sex.
I don't like when these transgender people start dating someone without telling them what they really are
Lots of people, it's very common in fact, start dating someone and don't tell the truth about themselves. This is not a transgender issue but an issue of character, of honesty and openness.
When I was in college, in the early seventies, there was a Professor of Architecture that was on staff. He was married to a gorgeous woman. Going into third year there was the chance I would be able to have him as my design instructor..... I was pleased with that because out of all the other instructors, he was easily the most knowledgeable in design. I went to preregister that winter for the Spring semester, I had to speak with the head of the department. He asked me if I had heard about Joseph Chance, what he had done that summer.....I had no idea. He told me that Joseph had gone to a Scandinavian country over the summer and had a "special" surgery and was now Josie Chance. .....he needed to know if I had a problem with that and if I did he could keep me out of "her" class. I didn't care, I told him I didn't want to be in the other guy's class that was instructing 3rd year so of course that's where they put me. Back then there were very few women in Architecture school so it was quite a shock to see this overly endowed redhead come into the building that next semester.......then we got a closer look. Wow.....the makeup was troweled on and the ridiculous chest was way over the top. I went through the semester with the other guy who was a huge jerk, the epitome of the old line that those who can't do....teach. At one point during a critique in front of the class, I had had enough of his petty crap and told him he was a loser and should go Fuck himself......he failed me for the semester......had to go to summer school to make it up.
Next semester they put me In "her" class, gone was the bright guy that knew so much about architecture, he was replaced with a "woman" that couldn't remember 10 minutes ago. She was always pretty screwed up on Quaaludes, told me it was for the pain.Josie hung out next door to my girlfriend...... her next door neighbors were 2 couples of gay guys. I would see "her" out at clubs dancing with was pretty strange by any standard. I left school eventually and heard "she" was dating lesbians....... but I'm sure to some that is all perfectly normal. I wouldn't be surprised to know that she committed suicide......then again, maybe "she" settled down with a guy and had kids, who knows.

But it isn't your life and not your place to judge her. She isn't alive for the sake of being the teacher you want her to be; she is alive to live her life the way she wants to live it, to succeed or fail based on her own hopes and aspirations. So, she let you down. You would have taken her class and moved on. You didn't see her as a whole, complex human being but as what you wanted her to be and expected her to be. We just can't do that with other human beings.
Been living as a female for three years, identifies as female and is accepted as a female. She's a female. Get over it.

And they say liberals are all about science.

The homo sapien species does not have the capability of changing sex just by thinking it.

Scientific fact, get over it.

Science is also starting to realise that the body and brain do not always develop as the same sex.

So now you're telling us that brains have their own sex apart from the body.

You can't make this stuff up.....unless of course you're a liberal.
I don't like when these transgender people start dating someone without telling them what they really are
Lots of people, it's very common in fact, start dating someone and don't tell the truth about themselves. This is not a transgender issue but an issue of character, of honesty and openness.

Wow, now you people are making excuses for cross-dressing queers that lie about what sex they are.

Libs always seem to find a way to stoop even lower....
This person is only dressed as a women "She?":cuckoo:
And ugly as hell to boot.

She only won the vote over guilt of the PC crowd

Guilt, no. There is none among high school students.

Pity? :lol: Maybe, some.

Contempt? Oh, Yes!

Students will elect the Class Freak to taunt school administration.

True enough.
Hell, I was "class clown" and only missed 'class president' by 7 votes!
The majority of her school friends are fine with it.

The majority of its school friends are also products of the public indoctrination/brainwashing system. What do you expect from them? They are not trained to dissent, and if they do, they will be bullied to the extent the law allows.

Of course 'brain washing' is hyperbole. But the fact is that both sides of this argument are human beings who have been exposed to cultural conditioning, essentially the same cultural conditioning. However, those who tend to be narrow minded and refuse to accept others who are different or to accept any way of being, of living, of perceiving the world except their own are people who are most easily conditioned. They have been 'taught' by their parents and/or influenced by religious values to believe there is only one way of seeing and experiencing the world, to believe in absolute truths, in definitive rights and wrongs when, in fact, there are few if any of those to people who have developed a broader perspective on the world and who use more highly developed critical thinking skills.

The fact is that one religion's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. The fact is that any one culture's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. That as the human race evolves, our perspective on life changes as do our values. Those who make such an issue and express such hatred toward this transgender child are the same types who always make such an issue of and express such hatred toward any change: they would have been against suffrage, they would have been against divorce, they would have been against the colonies rebelling against the king, etc. Conservative values always mean no change; they always mean sticking with the status quo because it is what they have been taught is right and the only way to think and live. That is why progressives are called progresssives: because they think about and welcome change, change in how we do things, in how we live, in what is right and wrong, in what we value: their minds are not stuck in a cement graveyard of ideas.

One of the most foolish, stupid, annoying statements I have ever heard is when someone says, "This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." How can anyone say such a thing, anyone with a brain. Is this person a robot? Does not this person have a mind of his or her own and the ability to develop his/her own perspective on and understanding of life? You may think you are choosing to think the way you do when you refuse to embrace new ideas, but you are really just standing in wet cement that is quickly hardening. You are unable to think critically about the possibilities of more than one way of seeing the world. You don't have to be transgender, but allow others to be and allow others to accept it as a valid way of being as others accept you for what you are.

Let's tackle a few comments you've made here:
"as the human race evolves": has it occurred to all those 'specially enlightened, broad-minded, accepting individuals that if the human race, as a whole, accepted these "transgendered" peoples' lifestyle choices, they human race would never have evolved in the first place? 'It' (in this instance) is male. No amount of make-believe, self-mutilation, drugs or hormones will ever change that fact. 'It' can never fulfill the primary purpose of being female in the first place, pregnancy and birth of additional human beings...thus 'evolving' the species.

"This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." Or how about "born this way"? This is how I feel I am? Or, as this (absolutely confused, demented) boy claims, this is the way he is? Why is it that certain people are forbidden from being "the way they are", while others are permitted to cram their choices down everybody's throats? And woe to anyone who disagrees.
Humans can be male or female. They cannot be dogs. What a stupid comparison.

Apparently, some 'humans' can choose to be 'IT'. Not male, not female...'IT'.

People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?

I really don't disagree on your point, Noomi. But you no more have a "right" to push your choices onto others than they have to push theirs onto you. If you were approached by someone "pushing" a specific religion, insisting that you accept that religion, regardless of whether you agreed with it, or not, how would you respond?
My big problem with this whole LGBT thing is when they insist, absolutely demand, that I accept them because they are "natural". They are not. Of course, they use that argument in an attempt to persuade people to accept them. Personally, I don't care what they want to dress like, what they want to pretend to be, who they choose to love, or fuck. I do object when they use their choice as a brickbat to beat others into submission, i.e. suing businesses who refuse to cater their nuptials.
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People can choose to live their lives in whatever manner they choose. If they are not hurting anyone, and their actions and lifestyle doesn't affect me, why the hell should I care?

and no one is saying that they cant live their lives any way they choose.

it still does not change what they ARE.

They portray what they WANT to be, live the way they WANT to live...... it still does not change WHAT they are.

At the same time, if a man has a sex change, and is now legally a female, he is to be referred to as a female. You don't have to like it, just accept that that is who they are.

Most of you wouldn't even have any experience at all with transgendered people. I do. I used to have the same opinions as you guys, until I met a transgendered man when I was about ten years old. I avoided him for weeks - he was a friend of my best friends parents - and one day I couldn't avoid him. He walked into the kitchen where my friend and I were sitting.
He was the most polite and respectful human being I have encountered, and I walked away with a changed opinion.

All the surgery in the world will not change the fact that the "transgendered" person is male, or female. If their body were to be found dumped in a ditch and badly deteriorated, a forensics investigation (DNA) would reveal them to be what they were born as biologically. They are incapable of normal reproduction.
P.S. Serial killers, mass murderers, unpleasant criminals of all sorts can come across as "the most polite and respectful human being". Maybe we should take that into account when condemning them for their crimes?
The majority of its school friends are also products of the public indoctrination/brainwashing system. What do you expect from them? They are not trained to dissent, and if they do, they will be bullied to the extent the law allows.

Of course 'brain washing' is hyperbole. But the fact is that both sides of this argument are human beings who have been exposed to cultural conditioning, essentially the same cultural conditioning. However, those who tend to be narrow minded and refuse to accept others who are different or to accept any way of being, of living, of perceiving the world except their own are people who are most easily conditioned. They have been 'taught' by their parents and/or influenced by religious values to believe there is only one way of seeing and experiencing the world, to believe in absolute truths, in definitive rights and wrongs when, in fact, there are few if any of those to people who have developed a broader perspective on the world and who use more highly developed critical thinking skills.

The fact is that one religion's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. The fact is that any one culture's belief system is not the absolute truth about anything. That as the human race evolves, our perspective on life changes as do our values. Those who make such an issue and express such hatred toward this transgender child are the same types who always make such an issue of and express such hatred toward any change: they would have been against suffrage, they would have been against divorce, they would have been against the colonies rebelling against the king, etc. Conservative values always mean no change; they always mean sticking with the status quo because it is what they have been taught is right and the only way to think and live. That is why progressives are called progresssives: because they think about and welcome change, change in how we do things, in how we live, in what is right and wrong, in what we value: their minds are not stuck in a cement graveyard of ideas.

One of the most foolish, stupid, annoying statements I have ever heard is when someone says, "This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." How can anyone say such a thing, anyone with a brain. Is this person a robot? Does not this person have a mind of his or her own and the ability to develop his/her own perspective on and understanding of life? You may think you are choosing to think the way you do when you refuse to embrace new ideas, but you are really just standing in wet cement that is quickly hardening. You are unable to think critically about the possibilities of more than one way of seeing the world. You don't have to be transgender, but allow others to be and allow others to accept it as a valid way of being as others accept you for what you are.

Let's tackle a few comments you've made here:
"as the human race evolves": has it occurred to all those 'specially enlightened, broad-minded, accepting individuals that if the human race, as a whole, accepted these "transgendered" peoples' lifestyle choices, they human race would never have evolved in the first place? 'It' (in this instance) is male. No amount of make-believe, self-mutilation, drugs or hormones will ever change that fact. 'It' can never fulfill the primary purpose of being female in the first place, pregnancy and birth of additional human beings...thus 'evolving' the species.

"This is the way I am (or how I believe) because I was brought up this way." Or how about "born this way"? This is how I feel I am? Or, as this (absolutely confused, demented) boy claims, this is the way he is? Why is it that certain people are forbidden from being "the way they are", while others are permitted to cram their choices down everybody's throats? And woe to anyone who disagrees.

Whatever your animosity toward transgender persons, they still enjoy the right to freely express themselves as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where their ability to ‘procreate’ or not is irrelevant, and your perception of being ‘discriminated against’ as a consequence of their civil liberties is unsubstantiated and unwarranted.
Its not about 'want', its about how a person feels. The brain gender doesn't match the physical gender. Its not that hard to understand.

I never said you didn't like transgendered people, but seeing a transgendered man and calling them a female is offensive.

To the bolded...

that IS a want. They want to be something other then what they are. They want the world to recognize them as something they are that they feel better about themselves.

again, wanting to be something other then what they are does not change WHAT they are.

You believe that just because a person is born with a penis, that makes them automatically a male. It doesn't necessarily work that way.

Shades of grey...

OK, if they are born with a penis, what the f**k are they, if not male?

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